• Member Since 29th Nov, 2017
  • offline last seen Dec 15th, 2017

Somber Quill

Just a depressed Bat Pony who loves to write. I'm a fan of Princess Luna and Rarity, but I'm not much of a shipper of the Mane 6. Let them love whomever they want! I also do original stories (mostly).

Blog Posts

  • 347 weeks
    Newbie Writer

    Hey everypony! My name is Somber Quill, my ponysona (in the icon shown) of the same name is a bat pony, and I love writing sadfics or fantasy original stories, if I can. I'm fairly new to this site, and to writing MLP themed stories, but I hope I can prove my worth here on FimFiction!

    If you wanna see more of my work, drawing and writing, follow me at TheDarkPhoenixQueen on DeviantArt.

    0 comments · 174 views

Newbie Writer · 5:31pm Nov 29th, 2017

Hey everypony! My name is Somber Quill, my ponysona (in the icon shown) of the same name is a bat pony, and I love writing sadfics or fantasy original stories, if I can. I'm fairly new to this site, and to writing MLP themed stories, but I hope I can prove my worth here on FimFiction!

If you wanna see more of my work, drawing and writing, follow me at TheDarkPhoenixQueen on DeviantArt.

Report Somber Quill · 174 views ·
Comments ( 1 )
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Hey there, thanks for adding Walk for Me to your shelves. :yay: I'm so glad you liked it.
And since nopony else has said it yet, welcome to fimfiction :pinkiesmile:

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