• Member Since 10th Jul, 2011
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Azure Notion

Words have been written. Some of them by me. Those are here. Probably.


It's That Time Again... · 2:39am February 27th

So, as of now with chapter 17 up, I have another two chapters complete. Chapter 19 requires a bit of editing before it’s ready, but it shan’t cause any delays. Though, on that note... I have some less-than-great news.

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An Amazing Thing · 3:14pm January 16th

Hi all you guys, gals, and enby pals, I just wanted to share this thing I was made aware of. It's amazing and I appreciate it and the person who made it deserves an award. Seriously, she's awesome and this fits so damn well with the story, it's great. It's a homestuck parody, though, so if you're opposed to that in any way, maybe watch it anyway because it’s so good.

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Doing Stuff Again! · 5:59pm Nov 13th, 2023

Well hello all you guys, gals, and non-binary pals! It's time for an update!

As many of you have known, depression has been a thing in my life for a long while. It still is and probably forever will be, but now, we might have found the right cocktail of meds, therapy, and other stuff to maybe, maybe get me really going again!

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Everfree 2023 · 7:37pm Aug 11th, 2023

Hello everyone!

It's finally here! Unfortunately, there weren't any extra large plushies this year, so I bought a little Starlight instead. So, if you happen to see me wandering around, come say hello! I'll be hanging around the vendor hall and especially the Book Nook booth. If I'm not there, Dash or Corejo at the booth might have more info.

If you're here, I hope you have a great con and maybe we'll get to say hi!

Report Azure Notion · 219 views · #Everfree!

Figuring Things Out · 3:31am Feb 16th, 2023

Hallo, everyone. I thought it might be a good idea to keep you all in the know as to where the writingses of Azure the Slow are. To get it out of the way, no, I'm not stopping or going on break again. Though, I guess I technically am on a break? Just not the same kind of break. Anyway, let me explain.

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Report Azure Notion · 599 views · #ugh

Soon · 7:32pm Sep 5th, 2022

Like, not even soon™. Just regular soon.

After a year, chapter 12 is finally ready. The only thing I'm waiting on now is the chapter art.

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Chapter 11, Post-EFNW, and Other Stuff · 1:18am Aug 30th, 2021

A short-ish one this time! (yes, I added ish after I got to the end of the blog post. I'm a terrible person and can't write short things)

Okay, so, yes, I am still alive.

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EverfreeNW! · 11:11pm Jun 21st, 2021

Hey, y'all!

In case you didn't know, EverfreeNW 2021 is officially on. I bring this up now because I shall be attending! I wanted to use this as a kind of feeler to see if anyone would be interested in doing a little meet and greet with their friendly neighborhood author, Azure Notion.

So, if any of you are interested, I'll figure out a time and place so you can drop by and say hello!


Writing Delay and Other Relatively Irrelevant Things · 3:19am May 20th, 2021

Hey everyone. I figure I should probably keep you all at least a little updated on what's going on since I somehow have several hundred people that clicked the little up vote button on my stories.

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Return from Extended Absence · 12:47am Mar 28th, 2021

It's been a while. Again.

Quick aside for those of you who don't like reading long blog posts:

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