• Member Since 26th May, 2016
  • offline last seen June 25th


Comments ( 12 )
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Uhhh... You're welcome, I guess? I was just being honest. (also, I welcome your story in my "favorites" bookshelf)

Your comment warmed me! Thanks a lot!

I can't help with the tease. :raritywink:

I'm glad to hear what you have to say. I don't mind what you say because all comments are important. Also, that was a good observation for how Ebon and Silvering's story arch. they both interesting things to say that parallel with the story. Although, the next few chapters will be centralized on a few characters but once they come out... well you'll see them soon enough.

Things will get heated in the coming chapters.


It was "Truth and Pain", I presume. Yes, I've read that one, and I track the story, so I know when a new chapter comes up.

I didn't comment on that one because I didn't know what to. Firstly the sweet moments between Hammer and Silverwing just kept me smiling. (I might've got adorabetes somewhere during those passages.) Then came the Quicksilver/Gretchen/Lupin part that was the exact opposite and I didn't know what to think of it. Whereas my eyes finished the chapter, my brain still tried to process the "I planned to kill you in your sleep" part. The way how Quicksilver was cool about it felt so alien to me, I'd be pissed more for sure.

I also don't want my all comments to be like this, basically saying "I felt this and that during the part, when..." since it really doesn't say much - everyone else feels pretty much the same way.

One thing I've just realized is the parallel between Ebon's and Silverwing's story at the current state, since both of them lead an army/a division/however-the-hierarchy-works-in-English searching for their sibling. (I feel a bit stupid for not seeing that immediately, it feels so obvious now.)

Things will be different, but it will feel the same, when eventually the plot lines will soon overlap each other.

I hate it when you tease us like that! Don't stop doing that.

That's good to know. By the way, have you checked out my latest chapter?

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