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- Pinkie hangs out with each of her friends. Cue wacky guy · 6.5k words · 16 0 · 1.1k views
- Three friends go on a not-adventure. Nothing interesting happens and they don't learn guy · 2.1k words · 18 0 · 1.1k views
- Twilight tries to help Fluttershy cope with PTSD. First-person Twilight guy · 16k words · 30 1 · 1.6k views
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Thanks for the fav
I'm surprised to find that I am only the 4th person following you, you deserve more sycophantic Bronies with a great love for comedy to follow your every move.
Thanks for the lols now the question of how to get you featured...
Pointless comedy! WOO! Thanks for the great work and here's to more of the same in the future!