• Member Since 10th Oct, 2015
  • offline last seen Oct 24th, 2015


Yh this is me I'm not a great writer but I'm a beginner don't judge. I mostly write Twidash cause yah know... Twidash is life...


Say You'll Be There and My Account... · 9:55pm Oct 24th, 2015

Okay, so theres been a couple of comments on my newest and only story, which has now been cancelled, Say You'll Be There. I got the base of the story from my friends, and I was excited to start, tons of inspiration, but after the first chapter, everything i planned for the story went off track to the plot, and it just completely fell flat. But as you should hopefully know, if you dont, then you can find out now, im starting a new story- a darkfic. This is my first Darkfic, so please dont judge.

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