I read. I read a lot. I also watch a cartoon about talking ponies. (I'm not usually so serious XD) On another note, I love, and am proud, to be crazy!
Hi, my name is Heroic412227, but you can call me Heroic. I'm still learning how to be the best writer I can be.
I love MLP, drawing, cats and MLP... Wait have I already said that?
derpy, luna, and sweetie belle are my fav mlp characters. am native american, irish, dutch, french, british, scottish, czech, slovakian, german, yadda yadda yadda.
"I should stuff your face in cookie dough and make cute cookies!"
Name: Jordan, Gender: Female, DoB: 03/21/2001 . . . I used to be a HUGE fan of My Little Pony, but nowadays I feel kinda meh-y about it.
I write in my free time, just for the sake of it. I also like to draw here and there, mostly the Cmc or background characters. I'm a huge fangirl, and a part time otaku. And YouTube Trash ;P
Call me Kris. I am the kind of girl who likes to watch Mlp, Steven Universe, Adventure Time, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Gravity Falls and Anime. I adore dramatical, romantic stories, and Creepypasta