Things That Boggle My Mind · 4:51am Mar 29th, 2016
Possibly the first in a series. We'll see if other things boggle my mind later.
MLP helped me find my muse in Oct. 2014 after 6 years without it. I have a Psychology B.S. Sunset Shimmer is best pony.
Possibly the first in a series. We'll see if other things boggle my mind later.
At first I thought the title was a reference to Kubrick's The Shining. I have yet to see The Shining, so I'm unsure of the references. However, I do have several thoughts about the newest episode. Spoilers below, if you haven't seen the episode yet.
I'm stuck on chapter 13. I know what I want to happen; in fact, there's a lot I want to put into the next chapter that shows an initial compromise that leads into a continual increase of tension among the three tribes. I also know how I want chapter 13 to end: the three tribes traveling to the cave after the snowfall.
I've been stuck on this chapter for a month now. I say that's long enough.
A few days ago I submitted The Princess That Equestria Always Had to Equestria Daily, and today I got a response.
This blog will be quite long, but I ask you to read it and respond with your own thoughts on the critiques mentioned. I really would like this to appear on EQD one day. It's the fic I'm most proud of, and the one I've spent the most time cultivating.
This week was not a good week for writing. I spent a lot of time obsessing over RWBY, as well as the usual work and distraction that kept me from writing. Also minorly, I had to reboot my computer when it froze, and it didn't save what I'd written already for the chapter.
It's not often that I update a chapter on a holiday. The last time it happened, the chapter was a battle between the Mane 6 and Nightmare Moon that I uploaded on Halloween 2014 on AO3 for The Princess That Equestria Never Had. Today's chapter of Always Had was going to be about the journeys that the tribe leaders made and confessions between each leader and their adviser. Not very lovey-dovey for Valentine's Day.
Just a quick note to let my readers know that I may or may not have tomorrow's chapter ready on time. I'll try my hardest to have it done by tomorrow morning, of course, but still.
You can ignore this one if you want.
Like I said in the author's note for chapter 10, "The Summit of Pieces", I feel it's necessary to bring real life into fimfiction due to the political nature of recent and future chapters and the political situation in America. This won't be a frequent thing, in case anyone's concerned about that.
Guys, I know there's a huge discrepancy with what the book says, what's possible, and what my ideas are. Calm down.