• Member Since 7th Jan, 2015
  • offline last seen Jan 2nd, 2017


A bit of harmony, a lot of mania, on a foundation of existential thought, sprinkled with logic and innuendo... Damn it, now I'm thirsty.

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Found 1 stories in 27ms

Total Words: 7,521
Estimated Reading: 30 minutes


Sometimes heroes make themselves through courage and skill. Other times, heroes are people who were merely at the right place at the right time, or born from the correct womb. Some are heroes for they are destined to be so. Rainbow Dash is a hero for all of these reasons; lineage, destiny, timing, and deed. Unfortunately, being a hero is hard, and not nearly as glamorous as one might expect. It could even be called undignified, embarrassing, or a needlessly cruel curse. Nevertheless, justice shall be done, no matter how humiliating. Just as long as no one sees it happen.

Chapters (2)