• Member Since 25th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 17th, 2018



long time no see i have some new changes · 11:33pm Oct 11th, 2012

hey there its been a while but its not in vain believe me i'm still writing chapters for AAOK(an act of...) i decided that the time period between fluttershy's arrival its to damn short so i'm adding a whole couple chapters in between chapters 3 and four to give a good enough time i also wanted to say my editor is a co-writer now so i'm looking for proof readers and on top of that i will be having new stories come out to once they are edited yeah people who are still paying attention to me

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Comments ( 7 )
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Could you please finish your act of kindness story it’s a great story and I would love to see it finished πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘πŸ» Great work by the way.

You've been tagged, You've been tagged,
You have probably been snagged,
Do reply to this guy, he is just getting a high out of- okay, okay. Tag.

Found ya! Like a sir.:moustache:

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