• Member Since 15th Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen Dec 30th, 2018


I'm complete TF2 filth and frankly I'm not afraid to admit that. Don't like don't read don't complain about my stuff because no one is forcing you to read it thanks~

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Total Words: 28,696
Estimated Reading: 1 hour


It's a not so average day on the field, when suddenly an unexplainable phenomenon occurs! Legends tell of the nine warriors, who will one day approach Equestria and save it from the powers of evil.

Only, the warriors don't want to help when they arrive because they were trying to enjoy a game of cards after a rather rough battle with an army of robots. They became the richest people on earth, and decided to finally settle down, when a large blast of magic sent them flying away.

Can the Elements of Harmony help them see the brighter sides of things? Or will they have to just accept the RED team's strange ways?

Chapters (18)