• Published 15th May 2016
  • 3,365 Views, 121 Comments

Team Friendship 2 - Carnival

It's just an average day at Teufort, when suddenly an unexplainable phenomenon occurs! Legends tell of the nine warriors, who will one day approach Equestria and save it from the powers of evil.

  • ...

Gargoyles and Gravel

"Fräulein Sparkle, zank you again, for allowing me to stay in your home. It means a lot to ze team knowing zat ve von't have to sleep under ze stars again. Not zat ve aren't used to it, but you know. A bed is nice."

Twilight nodded at the Medic and ruffled her feathers, feeling awkward about the current situation. She knew nothing about the Medic, and the fact that he would be in her home didn't exactly sit well with her. Maybe if she got to know who he was, she wouldn't mind too much...

"So... Why do they call you Medic? I know you're the team's doctor and all, but don't you have names other than Medic, Spy, and Heavy...?"

"Vell, ve do, but ve don't use zem. I forget my own name on occasion, ve have been fighting so long... So I simply go by Medic now. Ze only vone of us I am vorried about is Scout. He's just a kid, and already exposed to all of zis nonsense. For such a loud mouth, he really does not talk to us about anyzing. Zen again, our team is mostly silent about anyzing zat ve feel or vatever... but ve can all tell zat zere are zings zat our teammates are keeping wizin zem. Ve have problems, Fräulein Sparkle. Big problems. Zat is vhy ve do vhat ve do."

Twilight stared down at the ground, watching the dust that came up with each step of her hooves.

"Gosh I... I never realized... It must be horrible, bottling everything in until it explodes..."

"Zat iz vhat makes us varriors. On anozer note, please tell me, vhy are ve here?"

Twilight ears perked up on remembering that she hadn't explained to all of them what they were supposed to be doing. "Well," she began while levitating the old leather book from her saddle bag. "There's strange creatures running around Equestria, and this book said you'd know how to stop them. There's a crazy alicorn wizard pony who's been creating them and letting them loose. A long time ago, when Starswirl tried to stop him, the wizard only flooded him with a wave of rubber ducks."

"...Bonus ducks. I believe I know who ve are up against..."

"Bonus... What??? Wait, you do? You know who it is?"

Medic grimaced, already feeling rage boiling within him. "His name is Merasmus. He's Soldier's old roomate. Every Halloveen he comes by and tries to kill us. I blame him for the theft of my talking pumpin. Frankly, he's not zat hard to get rid of. Unless of course... he's gotten MORE evil zen maybe it is worse... Vell, I know how to lure him out. If he's here, zen he is planning somezing... Oh, Fräulein Sparkle, find an empty field for me please... I have an idea."



"U-Um... it's... Fluttershy..."

"Aye Fluttershy! Dunnae worreh about tha' one, he be a loud mouth. We're greatful ta be here."

"O-oh, it's no trouble, really... Uh... um... well I don't have many rooms here, I can always give you mine and I can sleep on the couch... O-Or-" Demo raised a hoof, interrupting her.

"Ach, no, dunnae trouble yerself with anythin'. Solly and I can sleep outside. Don' wante trouble a pony who's been so kind."


Miss Pauling and Scout walked next to each other awkwardly, as the ominous silence was crushing both of them. Rainbow hovered just above them, desperate to go faster, but Scout didn't allow her to on the account that while they both might be fast, Miss Pauling wasn't. Rainbow came up with the idea that they could just ditch Pauling, but it put Scout into a sour and defensive move which made Rainbow scrap the idea.

"So, Scout, how did you and the guys get INTO this mess...?"

Rainbow glanced down at them, quietly eavesdropping on their conversation.

"Oh, well, those knuckleheads and I were swimmin' in dough back at the battlefield. Then this little purple cloud showed up and sucked all of us into it. Apperently, Engie still had the two-way teleports set up and then Snipes went back to get you. From the description they gave us, I think we're fightin' Merasmus again."

"Merasmus??? But didn't you guys kill him after he showed up during our Gargoyles and Gravel game?"

"Well we did, we kill him a lot, but he's all magic and crap so he keeps comin' back."

"So... Who is this Merasmus guy you're talking about?"

Scout looked up at Rainbowdash, who had either been eavesdropping the whole time, or just heard them say 'Merasmus' multiple times.

"Oh him? He's an old lady wizard with a hatred for raccoons and apparently ostriches."


"...Lovely place you have here, Mademoiselle Rarity. It is very charming, very exquisite. Beautiful taste in color."

Rarity blushed and giggled as Sniper rolled his eyes, not happy that Spy was trying to swoon yet another lady. He nudged Spy in the shoulder and hissed into his ear, "THIS is why your wife left ya, mate."

"Oh shut it bush man, at least I HAVE been married."

"I AM married, wanka!"

"What??? What kind of person would marry YOU?"

"A very lovely lady mind y-"

"Oh boys, your rooms are up here! They're across the hall from each other. Also, I hope you don't mind me staying up late, I often work well into the morning hours. I just happen to find it more peaceful and inspiring. I have a small selection of wines in the cellar, you're more than welcome to them if you please... Also, my darling little sister Sweetie Belle lives here, and she's usually very shy around new ponies but she is also VERY curious... If you need anything, please don't hesitate to ask me!"

Spy gace her a gracious nod, and resumed questioning Sniper about his wife, if she really existed.

"O' course she exists. Haven't seen her in years though. Went missin'."

"...Oh... Je suis désolé, bushman. I didn't know."

"Ahh it's fine. I'm better now. I just hope she's alive."


"Well, here we are... the emptiest field in ponyville... What are you planning on doing?"

"Oh nothing special Fräulein Sparkle, just luring out the vizard."

"W-What?!" Twilight jumped in front of the Medic, causing him to stop. "Are you crazy?! Shouldn't we gather your whole team first?!"

"Nein. I know zis vizard." Medic leaned back on his hind legs and cupped his muzzle with his hooves.


After a moment of silence Medic added, "ZE RUSSIAN MAFIA IS NOT INVOLVED!"

Medic and Twilight were suddenly surrounded by a ring of green fire and smoke that slowly began to climb above their heads. Twilight was noticably panicking, while Medic kept his usual bored expression. The tall, thin alicorn appeared with a flash, staring down at the two ponies with glowing eyes.


"Hello zere vizard!"

"Oh god no not you!" The flames died, and Merasmus knelt down so that he was the same height as Medic and Twilight. "The others... are they around by chance...?"

"Nein, but zey are in zis village. Fräulein Sparkle and I are ze only ones in zis area though."

The flames launched into the air again, and Merasmus jumped up a few feet and hovered in the air.


"Zat is vhere you are WRONG, mein freund! Ve are also alicorns. You are out-magicked here! Now, may I ask, vhy ARE you here?"

Merasmus landed once more as the flames sunk down into the earth around them. "...Merasmus is going to level with you. I discovered this pony world and wanted to rule it because they all seemed so soft and squishy and incapable of defense... So I didn't think they could hold their own, you know? So I... attacked... But they are stronger than I thought. HOWEVER!"

Back up into the air he went with his chorus of green crackling flames.

"Merasmus has.... discovered something fantastic here! I made a deal with some strange shadow creature who has promised me unlimited power! For the price of a few Eldritch magic books... But that is alright! I plan on stealing them back, hehe... FOOLS! THAT IS NONE OF YOUR CONCERN! I will take over this world, and there's nothing you little ponies can do to stop me!"

Merasmus let out an evil cackle, which was soon interrupted by a fit of coughing.

"I need to... work on my evil laughter. But just you wait, Doctor! I have a LITTLE surprise waiting for you and your mercs in the morning when you all awake! Well, my time is running SHORT! Have fun!"

Merasmus laughed hysterically again, leaving a trail of smoke as he flew off. Medic huffed and rolled his eyes, tugging once more on the medic's coat squeezing his wings.

"Zat vizard is hiding somevhere... Do not worry, Fräulein Sparkle, my friends and I vill handle it."

Medic smiled to himself and looked up at the stars while adding quietly,

"I zink zis vorld is getting to me. I've never called zem friends before. Only teammates."

Author's Note:

Should I continue to type in their accents or not???