I'm an adult, but sometimes I watch kids shows · 12:10am Apr 20th, 2022
Do you think that's weird?
Celestia and Luna's royal bard. Nature is my God, Art is my religion, Love is the Law. Concordia Invictus
Do you think that's weird?
These are my sons now.
You will be blessed with good fortune, but just don't make a big deal about it or anything.
"Lord Twaddly Sniffinschitt came from the House of Sniffinschitt, famous for Duke Sniffinschitt who bravely slaughtered thousands of Saxon civilians when the Normans stole their land. Lord Twaddly Sniffinschitt spent most of his time writing letters to his 127 mistresses, most of whom were under the age of 14 while his serfs starved on the land they worked on as he stole-oops, taxed-the food they grew. Being mildly retarded due to inbreeding he could not handle a spade, but very industriously
Adorable bundle of adolescent anxiety meets the world's nicest high school boy. It ends well.
For my lady or gay male followers.
Me and a friend joined a writer's group. One tosser starts insulting another member, she gets upset and he tells her to have a thicker skin, my friend tells him he should be less of an arse. I love that girl. She'll say exactly what she thinks.
The most heartwarming porn you will ever watch.
"Crap, Boss-Sama wanted me to write a cute girls doing cute things anime, but I spent a month drawing loli foot fetish hentai and the deadline's coming up, what do I do? Oh, Oh I know..."