• Member Since 15th Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen Jan 30th, 2018


Likes certain video games, and will not hesitate to mention them. Works hard on stories, when he has both ideas and drive. Explains things in minute detail, and enjoys it in response. Likes patterns.

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Oddities, segmentation 1 · 2:05am Sep 15th, 2016

So...I realized that over the course of this story (mostly in the early days), I did and said some stuff that was fueled in part by misconception. Keep in mind that at those points I hadn't really started watching the show, mostly just read fanfiction, so I had no idea how the characters really acted. This is meant to address my own personal concerns without forcing a reread for you guys, because I'm not just outright editing previous chapters...not at the moment, at the very least.

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Report NiGHTcapD · 349 views · Story: Rez: Eqstr[Tera] · #TTOTI:
Comments ( 4 )
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2168073 It was nothing. Thank TVtropes for sending me to you.

Thanks for the fav!

1887423 Butdoyourikeit?
At the very least, I'm thinking you read (red, not reed) it, so that's a plus.
But seriously, I would have preferred this in the comments of the fic, even as I understand this has no place there.
So I will begrudgingly accept breakfast, even as it is 11:19 PM where I am at.
Then again, if I can eat breakfast Hot Pockets for any meal (aside from dessert), then meals only really depend on the stomach.
tl;dr: I'm full.

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