• Member Since 31st Jul, 2014
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It's not "definantly" or "defiantly" or "definately". It's "DEFINITELY". How can so many people get it wrong...


Help with a name? · 12:30am Jul 13th, 2015

As you may have noticed, nearly all of the chapters in Changing Views so far have had names referencing something, and that's something I want to keep doing until the story is finished. (If I ever get to finish it within a few years, at the rate the pacing is currently going :pinkiecrazy:)

If you've read up to the last chapter, then you know that Daring Do is writing a book.

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Extra Fan Art by Genbulein · 4:45pm Jun 12th, 2015

The best part about these drawings is that I never even asked or commissioned for them. Genbu merely decided to draw them of his own volition, and then sent them to me. It's honestly one of the biggest things that have motivated me to keep going with the story, and I wanted to make sure that others could see them too instead of keeping them between him and myself.

Therefore, here are the couple drawings that he sent me of Artemis at different stages of maturity.

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Deleted Scenes: Point insertion · 12:49am Jun 4th, 2015

You should probably read the actual chapter before reading this post.

The following cut was my very first draft of the start of the chapter:

"Are you sure you'll be fine, Spike?"

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Deleted Scenes: Maresitting 101 · 5:03pm May 31st, 2015

You should probably read the actual chapter before reading this post.

The following cut occurred when Artemis was attempting to "fall from the ceiling" on top of Cadance

Clamps released, commencing operation 'Death From Above'--

"(You could say that.)"

"(There aren't many places where she could hide, though)" she giggled, movi-- wait...







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The kind of things I have to think about for the story · 6:05pm May 26th, 2015

Since writing the next chapter is taking me a bit longer than I thought it would, I decided to make this blog post to talk about something that will inevitably happen later in the story:

The season three premiere, A.K.A. The return of the Crystal empire.

Of course it won't happen for quite some time yet, but when it does happen, how will things play out for Artemis?

First, where would she be? Would she go with Cadance, Shining Armor and the Mane six, or would she stay behind?

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Do other authors have this issue too? · 7:54pm May 2nd, 2015

Imagine being told a joke, a hilarious one. Obviously, you'll laugh for a bit.

Imagine being told the same joke again shortly afterwards. You might chuckle, but it simply isn't as funny anymore.

Now, imagine hearing the exact same joke again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again......

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Deleted Scenes: The calm after the storm · 8:10pm Apr 23rd, 2015

You should probably read the actual chapter before reading this post.

The following cut occurred when Artemis decided to 'poke' the ring out of curiosity while Daring slept.


She frowned in her sleep and once more scrunched her muzzle in the most adorable way possible, making me giggle while she remained unconscious as if nothing had happened.

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My plans have been derailed. Again. · 7:08pm Apr 9th, 2015

(Spoiler warning if you haven't read my story up until "One does not simply walk out of pyramid fortresses". If you already have, then you're K.)

(Though, there might be small spoilers anyway)

Initially, Artemis was simply going to hatch at Canterlot, at which point a bunch of stuff would happen, but since the trek from the hive to Canterlot takes "at least" a day or two, I figured that if she was to be awake for the trip then she should "DO" something along the way.

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In Regards to the future of 'Changing Views' · 8:07pm Feb 7th, 2015

Before I go ahead and work on the next chapter, I wanted to know about people's opinions on certain things.

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Fun Facts of Changing Views 1 · 6:23pm Jan 26th, 2015

The following is just a bit of...fun facts, I guess one could say, as well as ideas I either gave up on or modified while writing the latest chapter and/or the story along with me simply explaining a few decisions:

(by the time of this blog post, the first interlude is the latest chapter posted)

1: Chrysalis and her changelings not knowing much about Cadence is a sort-of reference to the fact the show just...made her "appear" out of the blue when the episode first came out.

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