• Member Since 4th May, 2014
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


My Little Dashie merchant born and raised.


First New Story in Over 2 Years! · 7:14pm Jan 6th, 2021

Hey there, everybody! While I know it hasn't been too long since my last blog post, it has been an incredibly long time since my last story was published. My Little Dashie: 2020 is the title and it goes over the hardships and growth that Dashie and her Dad both experience throughout the kind of year that 2020 was. As of now, only January has been published, but I plan to upload more months soon (hopefully)! Please give it a read and upvote if you enjoy it! I also appreciate comments and

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Dashie's Birthday + Updates · 12:23am Sep 18th, 2020

Wow... It's been a long time since I've written one of these, or written anything on here for that matter. Another September 17th has rolled around, and this would be Dashie's 8th year with her Daddy. Obviously they forgot to tell us that COVID was going to happen in their story but I guess I'll forgive them. Happy Birthday to Dashie, though! Anyways, I really wanted to make a new story for today like I did in 2017 and 2018 (sorry for none in 2019 either, I was nonexistent with college), but

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Report Rdasher12 · 335 views · #My Little Dashie

Hey I Still Exist (UPDATE) · 5:26am Sep 8th, 2018

Hey there, everyone. It's been a while, hasn't it? About six months, actually. Sorry about being kind of inactive since March. Well, scratch that, I've been plenty active :rainbowlaugh: . I just haven't been doing things that are noticeable to anyone unless they pay real close attention. Which I hope none of you are actually doing, that'd be kind of weird :rainbowderp: .

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First New Story in Months! · 5:01pm Mar 30th, 2018

Hey there, everyone. I'm happy to say that after 4 1/2 months without adding a new story, it's finally been done just in time for Spring break, Easter, and before April! I do apologize for taking so long, but I hope the quality makes up for the lack of quantity.

This one is about Dashie and her "Pops" taking that trip to the 2025 Indy 500 that was never covered in the original story. Please like it if you enjoy and feel free to let me know how I could improve it if necessary!


I've been doing it all wrong · 4:36pm Feb 3rd, 2018

I apologize for doing so many blog posts, and for the lack of stories these past few months. But, before I get to that, this is kind of important. Apparently, I've been thinking that MLD started the timeline in 2011, but then I asked ROBCakeran53 just to be sure. And, it actually started in 2012...

Of course, this means that I will be going through all my related stories and making the necessary changes in order to fix this issue. Sorry about the mistake!

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Report Rdasher12 · 315 views ·

MLD 5 Published One Year Ago Today! · 1:31am Jan 22nd, 2018

I can hardly believe it myself. But, it was on this day one year ago that My Little Dashie: The Aft5rlife was published onto Fimfiction. Once again, I'm happy with how it's turned out. But, now, a question for you all. The last chapter will have its 1-year anniversary in July. I'm thinking of making a "One Year Later" short story with everyone hanging out in the afterlife. Any thoughts on this?

MLD 5 statistics after 1 year:

552 views for Chapter 1, 3,044 views in total.

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1 Year Anniversary for MLD 5! · 3:12am Jan 4th, 2018

I can't believe that this much time has passed already. But as of today, January 3rd, 2018, My Little Dashie: The Aft5rlife was created one whole year ago! I'm happy with how it turned out. Although, there has always been that nagging feeling that it could've been received so much better if I had it up to the quality that it is now back when I first published it. But oh well, lesson learned. Anyway, I can't wait until the 21st when the anniversary of this story being published will be

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New Story! + View Milestone! · 3:20am Dec 4th, 2017

(This was supposed to go out last week, but it didn't for some reason)

Hey, everyone! I've made a new short story called My Little Dashie: The Casino. As the title entails, it covers the event where Dashie's Dad gets lucky at a casino which helps them move away from the dying city.

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Latest Story on Popular List! · 7:15pm Oct 14th, 2017

I’d like to thank you all for getting my latest story (MLP Movie: Rainbow Dash Does Everything) into the popular list! Totally wasn’t expecting it as I put hardly any effort into it and only wrote it to get it off of my mind so I could focus on other ideas. It just goes to show that you never know how a story will be received!


New Short Story! · 6:07pm Sep 17th, 2017

Like I said in my bio earlier this month, I've been working on a short story. And I'm proud to say that it's finished! As you can probably tell, it's about Dashie's 11th birthday back when she and Brian were still on Earth. I hope you all enjoy!