Hey I Still Exist (UPDATE) · 5:26am Sep 8th, 2018
Hey there, everyone. It's been a while, hasn't it? About six months, actually. Sorry about being kind of inactive since March. Well, scratch that, I've been plenty active . I just haven't been doing things that are noticeable to anyone unless they pay real close attention. Which I hope none of you are actually doing, that'd be kind of weird
But, anyway. I have a decent bit of news to share with you. Well, now that I think about it, it'd be kind of dumb to make an "update" blog post if I didn't... But that's besides the point XD.
So, first off. I am working on a new story. And, if you're good with dates, you'll be able to figure out what it might be pretty easily. Just think back to around this time last year. As crazy as it feels to say that it's been a whole year now... The new story should be published in nine days time as long as nothing crazy happens. Knowing my luck, something crazy probably will happen, but I'll push through.
Next thing, which I consider to be a pretty big deal. Recently, My Little Dashie: The Aft5rlife has been getting some special attention. It's viewership these past two months has been like nothing I've seen in the past year, and that's AMAZING. Thank you, everyone!
As a matter of fact, someone's actually enjoyed my story enough to make something as awesome as this! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWm4jFt4BeI
But it doesn't stop there! He's going all the way with this! In the coming weeks, he will be reading the story chapter by chapter and uploading them as so to his YouTube channel: Shadow Wing
Be sure to subscribe to him and turn on notifications so you can listen to the readings as soon as they drop! Give him love, he deserves it!
Lastly, please note that there is some serious funding going into this, so it will be as quality as we can make it given our abilities as people. Won't be up to par as the other four readings, but it'll be fantastic, I promise you :)
Oh wait, nearly forgot XD. Last bit of news is that My Little Dashie: 10th birthday has been changed to 5th birthday as I've realized that five years wasn't added to her age until she had been with him for 10 years. The specific words within the story have also been edited to reflect this change.
There have also been significant changes made to My Little Dashie: The Aft5rlife in order to make it as good as it can be for the reading. Nothing groundbreaking that affects the story itself, but if you're one of the people that haven't read it since I completed it, then you certainly need to read it back. It has been improved dramatically since then.
There, that's all the news I have for you guys. Sorry it took so long and I hope you all have a great day! :D
Your amazing!