MLD 5 Published One Year Ago Today! · 1:31am Jan 22nd, 2018
I can hardly believe it myself. But, it was on this day one year ago that My Little Dashie: The Aft5rlife was published onto Fimfiction. Once again, I'm happy with how it's turned out. But, now, a question for you all. The last chapter will have its 1-year anniversary in July. I'm thinking of making a "One Year Later" short story with everyone hanging out in the afterlife. Any thoughts on this?
MLD 5 statistics after 1 year:
552 views for Chapter 1, 3,044 views in total.
19 likes, 12 dislikes
39,673 words (I think XD)
congrats, and yeah I think you should make it
Then you can expect it on July 10th!