• Member Since 27th Sep, 2011
  • offline last seen Dec 22nd, 2024


she/her || we can't run from our past, so we must face it instead

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Found 2 stories in 18ms

Total Words: 7,842
Estimated Reading: 31 minutes


Events that have been long forgotten oftentimes shape the present and the future to an extent that very few can even guess at. History is, like the best of stories, a strange and wonderful thing, full of the joy of life and the sadness of partings.

Although the past fades into memory, and the memory fades into nothingness, sometimes, it is revealed that the unremembered past yet lives. Moments like these, rare as they are, are some of the most wonderful and terrifying that any can experience, and Twilight Sparkle has been (un)fortunate enough to experience three of them.

This is the third.

TL;DR - Auroth, the Winter Wyvern, meets Twilight Sparkle and Spike. She gives them a history lesson.

A crossover with Dota 2 that takes place sometime in the middle of Season 2 of Friendship is Magic, and offers an alternate take on the history and nature of Equestria.

Updates for this story will likely be sparse; I'm not very regular in my writing habits, to grossly understate things.

Dota 2 is a game by Valve Software, while My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is created by Hasbro Entertainment. Unsurprisingly, I have nothing to do with either of these entities, although I have taken the liberty of cropping the cover image for this story out of one of Valve's officially released comics. (Go read it, it's in the source link.)

Chapters (1)

A strange pony appears from nowhere, and he doesn't remember a thing. Who is he? Be careful when you ask questions, you may not like the answers and what they reveal.

A crossover with Fullmetal Alchemist, because even though there was one already, I felt that everyone's favorite vertically challenged state alchemist needed to get in on the action.

Tags, characters, and rating will be updated as needed.

I'm done with this, but I'll leave it up.

Chapters (1)