A strange pony appears from nowhere, and he doesn't remember a thing. Who is he? Be careful when you ask questions, you may not like the answers and what they reveal.
A crossover with Fullmetal Alchemist, because even though there was one already, I felt that everyone's favorite vertically challenged state alchemist needed to get in on the action.
Tags, characters, and rating will be updated as needed.
I'm done with this, but I'll leave it up.
Huh. Nifty.
None too big on FMA myself.
*Unnerving silence ensues*
....Yes. It's good. Keep it up.
By the way, you are basing this to the manga and not the anime series, right?
103264 Yep. Sort of an AU thing, though. It'd have to be.
needs to be continued, i'd give it about a 3.5 so far, but it has a lot of potential so I'll wait for a few more chapters to rate it, it is at least good enough to track
Rock me like a hurricane!
Interesting, even though i'm not a fan of Alchemist.
103662 If you want a better one, go look up Friendship is Magic, Damnation is Alchemy on FF.net. It's OC-centric, but a great read.
keep going baby
Please please please please please continue this story! There aren't a lot of these crossovers out there! Thank you!