• Member Since 5th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Yesterday


I live for this! (Profile pic by Wrangle Wolfe)


Help out a fellow author. · 10:51pm Aug 14th, 2018

Hey Guys, wonder if you might show a bit of love for the stories of Tornado Firehooves. He's feeling a bit down right now and I think a bit of positivity might help. He writes based primarily on G1 ponies but has incorporated them and the other generations of MLP into what I think is a unique concept.

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Next Chapter of Tomb Kings. · 2:13pm Aug 11th, 2018

I really should use this more often. This is just an update to say I'm editing the next chapter of Tomb Kings of Equestria, but it might be delayed as I'm preparing to go to EGX next month and need to sort out a few things. One of which is my Cuphead cosplay.

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Tomb Kings of Equestria! · 12:41pm May 20th, 2018

It's alive! Well, undead.

But I have finally written another chapter. I wanted to take a break from Family and do something else to get my creative juices flowing. I found the plan for Tomb Kings and decided to write that for a bit. I might try to do alternate chapters of this and Family or focus on one for a bit and then another I'm not sure right now.

I hope you enjoy the new chapter none the less. As always, feedback is appreciated.


Family Finally Updated! · 10:35pm May 2nd, 2018

This one took a lot out of me, I kept going back and changing bits, altering segments and checking for continuity among other things.

I could agonise about it for much longer, but I decided that the only way forward is to post it. Let me know if I missed anything and, as always, constructive criticism is welcome.

I want to thank you all once more for your patience.

Enjoy the update!


Progress update. · 12:43pm Apr 2nd, 2018

The next chapter is coming along despite the long wait. I've got a little more to write and then its onto editing, it's looking like it's not as long as the last one though.

I've been a bit distracted from the story this month, I got the opportunity to try out for a Master builder position at LEGOLAND in Birmingham so I had to do that, I've also been building IKEA furniture and rearranging things at home.

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Checking in · 3:19pm Feb 24th, 2018

So, first off I have to say the next chapter of Family is still being written but it won't be out for a bit longer as I've been finishing an older project.

Also, I'm working on an entry for the Black Library Open submissions contest. I've written things for them in the past as part of similar events, but I've never managed to get them published. Fingers crossed I can do it this time.

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Finally, another update. · 12:40pm Jan 13th, 2018

The next chapter is published. I'm okay with this chapter, but I can't help but wonder if I've repeated myself on some points. Any feedback is always appreciated so let me know your thoughts.


Merry Christmas! · 1:50pm Dec 27th, 2017

I just want to wish everyone a belated Merry Christmas.

I'd like to say thank you to everyone who reads and comments on my stories, as well as offers feedback, criticism and advice on how I can improve either my technique or the story itself. You are all amazing people and I thank you for your continued support, despite the long delays between chapters.

On that note, the next chapter is drafter and being reviewed. I will get it to you as soon as possible

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Update! · 9:35pm Dec 1st, 2017

I know it's been a while since I posted a progress update and I apologise for that, but there is some good news.

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Finished my Zootopia Fiction! · 12:01pm Oct 17th, 2017

Just a quick update to say I've finish Zootopia: Lightning and it can now be read in it's entirety here: Chapter 1

I will be resuming work on Family next as well as looking at my Warhammer fiction so progress should hopefully be made soon.

Thank you all for your patience and support with these stories so far,