• Member Since 1st Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen July 8th


Our minds bend and our fingers fold. Entwined, we dream . . . I know.


Resigning · 10:39pm Jul 31st, 2021

I feel like I've done enough here to justify the term 'resign'. I'm not sorry that I have had more pressing responsibilities, but I would be sorry to leave here...even though there's still no way to delete user pages for whatever reason. My ten-year mark as a fan of FiM is coming up in early September, but I don't really care for it at all anymore; the most I'll do is recognize some characters up to what I've seen of the series. But I love the journey it took me on, and the friends I've both

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Report Wand3r3r3 · 274 views ·

How wold you all feel if I ised *this* map for Hexagons? · 10:41pm May 29th, 2021

It's supposedly correct among all four gens of ponerdoners

..but I don't know if it's *geographically* correct, and I wouldn't agree if future readers downvoted me for something silly as a misunderstanding or a "you're not a real fan if you didn't watch gen 1-3" Like, my dudes, it's only my headcanon here that keeps my attention in the world of mlp

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Report Wand3r3r3 · 198 views ·

Happy 2021 to all · 9:22am Jan 15th, 2021

I wish you all the best! I'm just checking back in to report that I've been finding more and more time to write again, because, well, I quit my job again :'D And they're suffering without me once again :D I sacrificed my back, my mind and my sleep for them, and they only briefly appreciated my restless body and work ethic. But I'll be getting the crap out of Alabama soon enough — a couple more months' time — and going back to Kansas, where things were much, much better. But for now, time to

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Report Wand3r3r3 · 221 views ·

I can hardly find the time to write anymore...for now? · 1:08pm Oct 28th, 2020

I hope it's temporary, anyway. I've been working so many nights, so much, and I'm always so tired on the days that I am lucky enough to have off; I spend those days catching up on my sleep and hardly anything else. Our other night shift guy up and left all of a sudden, so I'm going to be working seven nights a week again. Yes, that's right, I've been doing that before for about three weeks straight, and I was just dead all the time that I was at home.

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Report Wand3r3r3 · 172 views ·

I forgot to mention... · 10:40pm Jul 26th, 2020

Ask, rather. Does anyone happen to be looking for a roommate anywhere? I'm going to need help with that myself soo, too. I don't know how much longer I have here, but any response would be appreciated, regardless

Report Wand3r3r3 · 190 views ·

I did a big bad · 6:30am Jul 24th, 2020

I don't have reason to share any details here of all places, but long story short, I'm now in debt to this city's hospital by quite an exorbitant amount, but I am finally on medication, a treatment that seems to help in any time but stress and strife — like work. I'm working again, that's right: working with the absolute trash public that live in this city probably isn't the best thing to be doing during this acclimation period, however long that may last, but I can't not work. Not with

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Report Wand3r3r3 · 151 views ·

Finally, the pilot chapter for Hexagons: Part 2 is nearly ready. · 11:55am Jun 25th, 2020

There's no short description yet, but I think that's the last thing I'm going to make before I publish it. I've had so much time to get this done and to perfect is, which I feel it has been, but I've been struggling with, you know, the virus, as everyone has been. But also more depression (yeah yeah), the guilt of being a lazy ass and more existential dread that surrounds my presence here, my stories and my audience. You know I'm hardly active here, and while popular stories do come and go, I

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Report Wand3r3r3 · 172 views ·

What's the best possible way to seek the best possible help for my severe depression? · 8:57am May 22nd, 2020

I can't make decisions, and I rely on my boyfriend to make most of them for me. I feel incredibly guilty for not knowing how to appease him and everyone around me. And while I know I don't need to include the 'everyone', I need help from anyone who will listen, be it those I hardly know and feel stressed to become friends with, those I do know but don't want to become 'clingy' too, and I'm just scared of everything. I'm scared of going anywhere in life, scared of attempting to, scared of

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Report Wand3r3r3 · 179 views ·

My-my-my-myyyyy Corona! · 5:26pm Apr 2nd, 2020

Meant to tie in with Eye's recent blog — my boyfriend, who I fear for.

I don't really need to set the stage for what's going on right now; I'm sure you're all staying as safe as you need to, or can. Hopefully. It really is a terrible thing to have to hear of so many people dying so fast, and then our hierarchies and our echelons taking often controversial actions. But yeah, I don't need to.

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Report Wand3r3r3 · 185 views ·

It's been a while since I spoke up about anything. · 2:50pm Mar 2nd, 2020

I've been working the night shift at work more often than not, so my sleep schedule has [normally] been okay, but for times like yesterday, I fell asleep many times before actually going to bed, where I really had the drive to write that night. And speaking of writing itself, I've been very slow at the least, but methodical at the most, making sure Hexagons 2 starts off strong. I can't stress enough how much this story means to me, and I'm well aware of how often I bring that fact up,

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Report Wand3r3r3 · 190 views ·