• Member Since 25th Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen Nov 11th, 2021


So you dare to confront me, the Fiery Lion? Ha! May luck come to you if you ever intend on leaving this place unharmed.


Concerning Breaking Bonds, Fire and Earth, Bats and Hearth, and Time to Interview the Ponies · 6:19am Apr 16th, 2014

Allow me to explain why these aren't getting updated. Because I'm so flipping lazy. I know, terrible excuse, but I always start a story and never finish. In fact, I started two other stories that I haven't uploaded and I probably will upload them when and if I ever finish them to prevent this sort of thing. Right now, Breaking Bonds is going on Hiatus and I'm gonna focus more on the other two. I'm sorry if it annoys you that my stories take forever to update. Frankly, it annoys me too. I will

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Comments ( 9 )
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Guess what?
I brought it back!


Sweet, thats two players. We are three short of starting, unfortuntly. Anyhoo, I'm glad you are intrested! Please try to get others to play as well!

925528 Well, maybe if you had found it a few months earlier, you would've had received a more accepting answer from him.

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Well, if you scrolled down here then congratulations. You get nothing.