• Published 8th Apr 2013
  • 3,061 Views, 88 Comments

The Great and the Generous - Cheer

Trixie and her imaginary friend are chased out of the forest they have been living in. Can Trixie bring herself to trust another pony again? How would others deal with her hallucinations?

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Chapter 6: Good Morning

The next morning brought a loud and long groan from Trixie as last night. Immediately afterwards she remembered Pixie's words and how irritatingly correct they were and she let out another groan. As she opened her eyes, she saw Pixie sitting on her chest.

"No, you can't stay in bed all day." Pixie said with certainty. She wasn't about to let Trixie just avoid her problems and she knew the mare would try.

"Ngh...Why not? She's just going to give me the silent treatment IF she changes how she acts at all." Trixie groused as she pulled the covers over her head.

"Because." Pixie began before deciding not to continue talking to fabric instead of her friend. After pulling the covers off her difficult friend she started again. "Because not only does she not seem like the kind of pony to do that but-" she grinned as she prepared to press one of Trixie's buttons. "I would think that Trixie was always the bigger mare. But yet here you are trying to hide like a foal."

"You're a foal." Trixie pointed out in a weak attempt to derail her point.

"I'm a filly. But that still means you'd be taking my job. A filly's job." She explained, knowing it was only a matter if time before she won. Knowing Trixie inside and out gave her that advantage over her longtime friend. She could read Trixie like a book. This chapter was titled "giving up on acting like a foal and ponying up."

Trixie grumbled, trying to figure out some sort of rebuttal. She wracked her mind for a few moments before letting out a louder groan which only made Pixie grin wider. She had won. "Fine! I'll take your "advice" and get up. I was going to do it anyway." Trixie says as a last way to save at least a little face. But if Trixie were to be honest, she "was" curious as to how Rarity would act. Pixie was right when she said that the mare didn't seem like the type to just ignore her. At least not while she was supposed to be looking after her.

With a grunt, Trixie pulled herself off the bed and puts on her brace. She still despised the thing but she really had no choice and the problems putting it on by herself were mostly solved. She still hadn't decided if afterwards she would keep it or set it on fire. Maybe a nice little explosion? Those last possibilities certainly were winning so far.

"Woo! Go Trixie!" Pixie yelled, earning another grumble but also a small smile.

"Yes, yes. Everything I do is amazing. Now get up so that I don't have to give you a speech on being a hypocrite." She says as she does a little stretch. Pixie gives a giggle and jumps off the bed and onto Trixie's back. Trixie gave a a grunt and glared at the filly. "How many times do I have to tell you to warn me first." She nods to her bad hoof. "I am injured after all."

Trixie actually found herself smiling as she walked through the quiet building. No sounds of ponies outside, no rhythmic thun of the sewing machine. Nothing but the quiet noises of early morning. It reminded her of better times when she’d wake up at this hour now and then while moving between towns. The peaceful serenity of it all put her into a sort of trance. She glanced over and spied a comfortable looking red duvan

’Ah. A perfect place to pass the morning.’ She thought before she softly trot over to it. Her hooves sounded almost silent against against the soft carpeting. It was as if everything this morning was just working in her favor. Even the sunlight was perfectly entering in the window to cast it’s rays over the duvan.

The morning almost felt too perfectly peaceful. The world didn’t usually feel like it if Trixie was the only pony in the world in a good way. ’Wait. That’s it!”’ Trixie thinks before looking around for the missing link. The missing, usually talkative filly. After a few moments her leg started to lightly ache, indicating that standing too long wasn’t the best of ideas. Trixie then climbed onto the couch as she continued to search about the room for the filly. “Pixie?” She called out as her head lazily scanned the room.

”Here I am!” Pixie shouted. Now even Pixie herself was an odd thing about this morning. Since when did Pixie do anything that would result in panting and looking as though she were sweating?

“Pixie? Are you okay? You look exhausted.” Trixie asked before she pat a spot next to hewr. “Come on up here. It’s too nice a morning to be so active doing…whatever it is you’ve been doing”

Pixie gave a relieved smile at how Trixie was acting. “So, you’re all relaxed then? Great!” She said exuberantly before trying to calm down and cleard her throat. “E-heh. It’s great knowing that you’re feeling so good. Afterall you’ve been through, you deserve a day like this.” She said, only for Trixie to frown.

“All we’ve been through. That means you too. So get your hind end up here and relax with me.” Trixie commanded as she pat the spot next to her a bit harder. “Come on you silly filly.” She finished with a kind smile.
Pixie giggled and softly shook her head. “I’d love to Trix but I have to-“ Pixie’s eyes suddenly widened as she seemed to realise something unknown to Trixie and in the next moment, after Trixie blinked one time, Pixie was nowhere to be seen.

“P-Pixie?” Trixie called out shakily as she looked around the room. “Pixie?” She called out louder as her head began to whip back and forth in search of her friend. “Pixie?!” She called out yet again, alarm clear in her voice. ‘Why did she leave? Why did she look so worried all of a sudden? Did- did she finaly get tired of me and that was a look of realization?’ she thought to herself in growing hysteria. She just wanted the filly to be here. To tell her that it was alright and that she would never leave.

Trixie winced and barely hend back a small squeak of pain as she jumped off the couch and landed on her bad leg to begin her search of the house. She bit her lip and moved on. Her search couldn’t wait afterall.

Upstairs, Rarity had been having the most wonderful dream. She and the girls, along with the princess’ were meeing carious royalty while Blueblood pulled their carriage without a single peep. It was truly wonderful. However soon she started to hear mumblings and every time she asked the others about them, they would act as though they couldn’t hear anything. They didn’t even react as the road started to get more and more bumpy. Soon the carriage started shaking so badly that it sounded like a stampead. Suddenly, everything stopped as the wheel crashed into a large rock, smashing into pieces.

Author's Note:

I decided to upload the first half of chapter six which had been sitting on my desktop for too long now

I'm so sorry. Writers block is hell D: