• Published 28th Mar 2013
  • 10,454 Views, 917 Comments

Digital Harmony - Zennistrad

When Princess Twilight Sparkle creates ENEIGHAC, the world's first computer, she inadvertantly opens a gateway to the Digital World...

  • ...

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Equestria Mon

“W-what?” stammered Twilight, shocked. The Gazimon were scrambling about the village, scurrying into their huts and cottages to bring out the gems they had collected over the past two years to appease the dramon.

“It’s no good!” said one of the Gazimon, “We don’t have anywhere near enough!”

“We don’t have a choice!” replied the Chief, “Just bring out whatever we have!”

The Gazimon continued hurriedly gathering the gems from their cottages, carrying pots on their heads. Ordinarily, the pots would be filled over the top with the largest, most colorful gemstones they had found, carefully cut to create the perfect shine. As it was, however, most of the boxes weren’t even half full, and none of the gems had been cut yet. To compensate for this, the Gazimon had placed their own personal gemstones in the pots, which the dramon had let them keep because they were smaller. Even so, it wasn’t nearly as much as it had been two years before.

“Something’s fishy about this, Davis!” said Veemon, “Why would he come out of the mines eight years too early?”

“I dunno,” replied Davis, “maybe he just wanted some fresh air?”

Veemon chuckled. “I bet he hasn’t had a shower in years! Can you imagine how he must smell right now?”

Twilight looked at the two incredulously. “How can you two possibly be cracking jokes at time like this!?”

Davis shrugged. “I dunno, that’s just how we roll.”

“You can roll that way later!” she said, “right now we need to do something about this!”

“She’s right, Davis!” said Veemon, “these Gazimon need our help!”

“Right, then! Come on, Twilight, let’s go!”

With that, Davis and Veemon began running off in the direction of the mineshaft, following the many Gazimon that had carried their offerings to the massive entrance. They watched from a short distance away as the Gazimon set their offerings down in front of the mine’s entrance, kneeling onto the ground on their arms and knees. The ground began to shake as the sound of massive footsteps came from within the mine, slowly growing louder as the dramon made its way to the surface.

“Everyone brace yourself!” exclaimed the Chief.

There was a brief moment of silence as the footsteps suddenly stopped, before a deafening roar sounded from beneath the surface of the mine. Without a moment’s notice, a massive, 40-foot dragon erupted from the mineshaft, letting loose another bellowing roar.

Twilight’s jaw nearly dropped in shock. The digimon that had suddenly emerged looked exactly like Spike did during his greed-driven rampage little over a year ago, a wingless dragon with purple scales and green spines. It can’t really be him, she reminded herself, We left him behind at the library!

Digimon Analyzer: Spikedramon

Type: Dragon

Attribute: Data

Level: Champion

Special Attack: Emerald Fire

The dramon looked down at the Gazimon, eyes glowing a deep red as he surveyed the bounty of gems they had brought to appease him. He raised his right claw skyward, revealing a metal spiral encircling his arm, similar to the dark rings.

“Watch out!” cried one of the Gazimon. They dived out of the way as Spikedramon brought his claw down, shattering many of the gem-filled pots and sending the Gazimon fleeing.

“Davis, look!” said Veemon, pointing at Spikedramon’s arm, “He’s got a dark spiral!”

“W-what?” said Twilight, “Dark spiral?

“They’re more powerful versions of the dark rings!” replied Davis, “they don’t need a control spire nearby to work!”

The dramon lifted one of his massive feet out of the mineshaft, stepping onto the ground and attempting to crush one of the Gazimon, who leapt out of the way just in time to avoid being crushed. He slowly began to lift his other foot out of the mine, stepping onto the village’s soil.

“Davis!” screamed Twilight, “Do something!

“Right!” Davis, acting quickly, pulled out his digivice and pointed it at Veemon. The screen began to glow brightly, engulfing Veemon in its light as his body began to transform.

Veemon, Digivolve to: ExVeemon!

As the digivolution completed, the light faded to reveal Veemon’s new form: a seven-foot dragon with white feathered wings, a large horn, and an x-shaped symbol on its chest. He shot forth straight into the air, causing Spikedramon to turn his head as he was greeted by ExVeemon flying straight towards him.

ExVeemon dodged to the side as the dramon swiped his massive claw at him, circling around to face the dark spiral on his other arm.

Vee Laser!

The symbol on ExVeemon’s chest glowed brightly, firing an x-shaped beam of radiant energy at Spikedramon. The dramon swiftly moved his other arm in the way, causing the beam to dissipate as it struck his body. Spikedramon hissed in pain from the attack, and turned to face ExVeemon, eyes glowing with anger and malice.

“Careful, ExVeemon!” said Davis, “we don’t want to hurt him too much!”

Emerald Fire!

The dramon turned his head to face ExVeemon, breathing an intense blast of green fire towards him. The attack hit ExVeemon straight on, causing him to fall prone on the ground, his body singed with multiple burn marks.

“Come on, ExVeemon!” shouted Davis, “Don’t give up! You can do it!”

ExVeemon quickly rose to his feet, before flying up to face Spikedramon once more. He swiftly lunged at the dark spiral on Spikedramon’s arm, only to be swatted backwards, sending him flying. ExVeemon righted himself before he hit the ground, and flew back up towards Spikedramon for another attempt.

Twilight looked on fearfully as the two continued to fight each other, with Davis shouting out words of encouragement to ExVeemon. It didn’t seem to do much good, however, as ExVeemon appeared to be fighting a losing battle, getting knocked down every time he came close to attacking the dark spiral on Spikedramon’s arm. He narrowly dodged a blast of Emerald Fire, which struck another nearby hut, causing it to burst into flames.

I... I have to help them! thought Twilight, I can’t let my friends get hurt! I can’t let it end like this! If something happens to us here, I might never get to see my other friends again! I... I...

Suddenly, Twilight’s eyelids snapped open a twinkle appearing briefly in her pupils. The device on her right forelimb began to shine brightly from its screen, blinding her with its sheer intensity. Davis noticed the sudden burst of light and looked back towards Twilight, seeing her body being engulfed by an intense glow as she floated several feet off the ground, dropping the saddlebags she carried beneath her.

The light of the Element of Magic resonating throughout her entire being, Twilight heard a powerful phrase echoing in her mind, awakening the Element’s power within her.

"Execute! Harmonic Evolution!"

Engulfed in the Element’s light, Twilight’s body began to transform. Her body changed into a human shape, five and a half feet tall from head to toe. The glow faded, revealing her to have purple skin and long purple hair, similar to her mane as a pony. She was wearing a light blue shirt and a dark purple skirt and boots, and a dark blue wizard’s hat. Around her shoulders was a long, dark blue cape, connected around her collar with an amethyst gemstone shaped like a six-pointed star. Pulled over her eyes was a pair of thick goggles, and in her right hand was a long, lavender wand resembling a unicorn’s horn.

Espermon! The Spark of Magic!

Digimon Analyzer: Espermon

Type: Wizard

Attribute: Data

Level: Hybrid (Champion Equivalent)

Special Attacks: Starlight Swirl, Raven's Shadow

Davis stared in shock as Twilight floated gently back onto the ground in her new form. “Twilight!?

As she landed, Twilight suddenly came to a realization of what had happened. Baffled by her new form, she looked down and tugged at her clothes curiously. She then held out her arms in front of her and flexed her fingers experimentally, careful not to drop the wand she held in her hand.

“What am I?”

“Twilight!” exclaimed Davis, “You’re a digimon!”

Twilight blinked. “I... I think so!” she said, “But that’s not important right now! ExVeemon needs my help! And call me Espermon, by the way!” With that, she hovered into the air and flew swiftly towards Spikedramon, who was still attempting to swat ExVeemon out of the air.

Davis’s look of surprise gave way to an enthusiastic smile. “Alright, Espermon!” he cheered, “Go for it!”


Emerald Fire!

ExVeemon quickly dodged to the side as Spikedramon spewed another blast of intense green fire. The flames shot straight past him and set ablaze another one of the numerous huts, sending the Gazimon inside fleeing to find new shelter.

ExVeemon swiftly countered by diving towards Spikedramon’s dark spiral, only to be swatted to the side, landing some distance away on the ground. He slowly rose back to his feet, multiple bruises visible on his body. His power was nearly depleted, he had to fight against his own fatigue to maintain his champion form. As he rose back onto his knee, he looked up to see Espermon floating in the air right above him. She reached out with her arm, extending an open hand towards ExVeemon.

“Need some help?”

ExVeemon looked up in bewilderment. He stared at her briefly before grabbing Espermon’s hand, allowing himself to be pulled back into the air.

“Twilight, is that you? What’s going on?”

“I’m not sure,” replied Espermon, “but for now we need to take care of Spikedramon. Can you keep him busy for a bit?”

“Of course.”

“Great,” said Espermon, “just keep him distracted and try not to get hurt, I’ll destroy the dark spiral!”

“Got it!”

Filled with new resolve, ExVeemon flew towards Spikedramon, circling around his head with dazzling speed. Spikedramon repeatedly attempted to swat ExVeemon out of the air, but ExVeemon swiftly dodged each swipe, leaving the Dramon flailing in the air ineffectually. ExVeemon continued circling around Spikedramon’s head, and the dramon began to stumble dizzily. After several circles, Spikedramon stopped trying to follow ExVeemon altogether, swaying back and forth as his head spun from dizziness.

“Good going, ExVeemon!” said Espermon, “Now’s our chance!”

Starlight Swirl!

Espermon raised her wand high into the air, causing a bright light to appear at the tip. The light quickly expanded into a swirling disk of radiant energy, as though it were a miniature galaxy. She swung her wand downward, launching the disk at Spikedramon. The attack dissipated as it struck the dark spiral, causing it to disintegrate into data. The red glow in Spikedramon’s eyes slowly faded, giving way to the compassionate eyes of his Equestrian counterpart.

Espermon and ExVeemon both floated to the ground, a soft glow engulfing their bodies as they reverted to their base form. Davis ran up to the two of them, grinning broadly.

“Way to go, Twilight!” he said, “You did it!”

“I’ll say!” said Veemon, “I couldn’t have done it without you, Sparks!” He walked over to Twilight and placed his hand over Twilight’s shoulder, patting her on the back.

Twilight nearly jumped at the sudden contact at the base of her shoulders, where her wings were attached, blushing furiously. “H-hey!” she exclaimed, “don’t touch me there! That’s—” Twilight interrupted herself as she came to a sudden realization; the dull pain that she’d been feeling in her wings since her first encounter with the Gazimon was gone. “Hold that thought,” she said, shrugging Veemon’s arm off of her.

Using her magic, she carefully unwrapped the bandages on her wings, and found that the wounds that she’d suffered from them were completely healed; there was no sign of the Gazimon’s claw marks, no scarring or blood whatsoever.

“Hey, how about that!” she said, “That transformation must have healed my wounds!”

“Wow, talk about convenient,” said Davis, sounding somewhat jealous, “when I broke my shoulder, it took more than a month to heal. I actually had to start doing egghead stuff like reading since I couldn’t play soccer.” Twilight was visibly amused by this, even though she didn’t know what “soccer” was.

“So what’s this about not touching your shoulders?” asked Veemon.

Twilight’s smile quickly vanished, turning into a disapproving frown. “Never you mind,” she said, “just don’t ever touch me there again, understood? That goes for you too, Davis.”

Veemon scratched his head in confusion. “Um... Okay?”

“Uuugggh...” Davis, Twilight, and Veemon’s attention was suddenly brought to Spikedramon, who was rubbing his forehead in confusion. “What happened?” he said.


The Gazimon joined Davis, Twilight, and Veemon as they gathered around Spikedramon, the Chief explaining what had happened.

“I’m deeply sorry for all of this” said Spikedramon, looking round at the village. Two of the huts hand completely burned to the ground, and there were several deep footprints on the ground, with many of the gem-filled pots being completely shattered.

“It’s not your fault, my Lord,” replied the Chief, “the dark spiral had brainwashed you into attacking us.”

“I see. And this is the one who freed me?” he pointed his massive claw towards Twilight, who flinched briefly at its sheer size. “Tell me, what is your name?”

Twilight’s ears briefly dropped to her side. Some part of her had been hoping, however unlikely it was, that Spikedramon wasn’t just a stranger that looked like her assistant. “It’s Twilight,” she said, glumly, “Twilight Sparkle.”

Spikedramon raised an eyebrow. “Interesting name,” he said, “I take it you’re not a digimon, then?”

“Not right now,” replied Twilight, “at least I don’t think I am...”

Spikedramon looked confused for a moment, unsure of what Twilight could have meant. “Well, regardless of what you are, you have my thanks.”

“As for you all,” he said, turning to the Gazimon, “I have something important to tell you.”

“What is it, my Lord?” asked the Chief.

“I don’t want you to bother with the offerings from now on.”

The Gazimon all let out a collective gasp. “M-my Lord,” stammered the chief, “are you serious?”

“There’s no need to call me Lord anymore,” replied Spikedramon, “and yes, I am serious.”

“But why?” asked the Chief.

“You may not remember it,” said Spikedramon, “but your elders started the offerings as a gift. I acted as this village’s guardian, being called upon whenever it was put in danger, and in return they would bring offerings once every decade.”

The dramon sighed wearily, looking down at the Chief with a vaguely sorrowful expression. “As time went on, however, I grew greedy. I started demanding larger and larger offerings, and stopped caring about protecting the village.”

The sadness apparent in Spikedramon’s face grew deeper, and in his eyes the others could see a deep feeling of regret. “I let the control spire appear because I didn’t care what happened to you,” he said, “If I’d chosen to do something, I could’ve avoided being enslaved by the dark spiral. I could have prevented all of this. I can’t demand any more from you after what I’ve done.”

“But what are we going to do without the offerings?” asked the Chief, “What will you do?”

Spikedramon looked back towards the mines, and then back to the Chief. “I will return to the mines for now,” he said. “If the village is ever in danger again, do not hesitate to call for me. I will do everything in my power to protect you... It is the least I can do.”

Spikedramon turn towards the mineshaft, and began to raise one of his massive feet. “Pardon me,” waiting for the Gazimon to move out of his way before taking a step. With another step, he descended into the mines, climbing deep into the earth below.”

The Chief looked around at the other Gazimon, each wearing an expression that was some form of surprise. “Did you hear that?” he said, “No more offerings! We’re free!” The other Gazimon, upon hearing the words from the Chief, erupted into loud cheering, with many of them even jumping for joy.

“We’re free! We’re finally free!”

“I thought it’d never happen!”

“This calls for a celebration!

The Chief turned towards Davis and smiled. “Well, it looks like we’re going to be having a party. You guys are welcome to join in if you want.”

“Sounds great!” replied Davis. He then suddenly frowned as he remembered what he was doing in the village in the first place. “Actually, we might have to pass on this one. We kinda have to meet with some other people real soon.”

“Sorry to hear,” replied the Chief, “but be sure to stop by whenever you feel like it, alright? You’re always welcome here!”

“I’ll keep that in mind!” said Davis. He turned to Veemon and Twilight, and gave them a reassuring smile. “You guys ready to go?”

“Sure thing!” said Veemon, “Bummer that we have to miss out on the party, though.”

“Yeah, I know. What about you, Twilight?”

Twilight’s ears perked up from the sudden question. She had been finding it difficult to pay attention to what had been going on around her “Huh? Yeah, sure.”

“Alright then, let’s go!” Davis pulled out his digivice and pointed it at Veemon.

Digi-Armor Energize!

As Veemon’s armor digivolution to Raidramon completed, Davis jumped onto his back. Twilight, her wings healed, managed to stay airborne just long enough to land onto Raidramon’s back, sitting on her haunches behind Davis.

The three exchanged their goodbyes with the Gazimon, thanking them for their hospitality before leaving to meet with the others.


Twilight remained silent as she rode through the rocky plains on Raidramon’s back. Despite the many questions she had about what had happened, namely her evolution into Espermon, she couldn’t seem to find the strength to speak. The entire time, her ears were pressed flatly against her head as she was reminded of what, and especially who, she had left behind.

Davis, for the most part, was focused on the path ahead, but after a while he took notice of the silence. “Something wrong, Twilight?” he asked, turning to look her in the eye.

Twilight was brought out of her thoughts by the sudden question. “Huh? No, nothing’s wrong. It’s fine.”

“Come on, Twi, don’t be like that. Something’s bothering you, I can tell.”

Twilight sighed. “That obvious, huh?”

“Your ears kind of gave it away,” replied Davis. Twilight inwardly cursed the mechanisms of ponies’ subconscious body language.

“I was just thinking,” she admitted, “What are we going to do when we rescue Fluttershy? The spell I cast to find her works by pulling us to her general location by connecting our Elements to the Element of Kindness. Now that we’re all in the same world, I don’t have any idea how we’ll get back home. A normal teleport spell couldn’t be used to travel between worlds, no matter how powerful.” Twilight sniffled, fighting to hold back another set of tears. She had to remain strong, she was a Princess, after all. “What if we never make it back? What if we never see our homes or loved ones again?”

Davis smiled, and began to reach out his hand, only to stop when he remembered what Twilight said about her shoulders. “Hey, listen. Don’t worry about that right now. I’m sure we’ll find a way, but for now we have to focus on finding your friend.”

Twilight looked up at Davis and smiled warmly. “Yeah, I suppose you’re right. Thanks, Davis.”

“Excuse me,” said Raidramon, looking back at his riders through the corner of his eye, “but I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation. Twilight, did you say something about an Element of Kindness?”

Author's Note:

Alright, so we finally get to see Twilight's digimon form!

As you might have guessed from the Title, it's based on her form from Equestria Girls, with a few extra duds to make her look more like a wizard. And goggles, because you can't be a leader without goggles.

As for the other Harmonic Evolutions, they won't look anything like the EQG characters, so you won't have to worry about that. In fact, some of them won't even be remotely human.

Big thanks C8lin-the-Hedgie for drawing Twilight's Digimon form for me! You can see the full art here.

Spikedramon was mainly meant to serve as a reminder for Twilight as to who she left behind, and we see her doubting if she'll ever make it back to her world at all. We also have Twilight mention the Element of Kindness by name, and she just might be close to figuring out the truth...

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