• Published 5th Apr 2013
  • 2,441 Views, 117 Comments

I, Little Pony - Lux

A girl, a wish, and life that would never be the same

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Chapter 6 – Surprise!

I quickly panicked hearing the knock on the door. My mind raced through everyone who it could be visiting me on a Saturday morning as I quietly made my way towards the door. I thought that maybe if I could be as quiet as possible then whoever it was would go away. Really, if you became a pony overnight, would you want someone to know? I’d think not. You’ll probably end up as the main article in a tabloid “The Living Unicorn” right next to the woman who had fifty cats and the man who discovered Bigfoot. Or you’ll end up as a test subject at some top secret government facility. Or worst of all, you might end up as a pet.

As I exited the bathroom and walked into the kitchen, another knock reported through the wooden door. Whoever this was, they were persistent. Then I heard a familiar voice.

“Julie, are you in there? It’s Michelle. We had a shopping day today, remember?”

A wave of relief overcame me. At least it wasn’t some stranger. It was my friend Michelle. I met her in college and the two of us instantly became really good friends. By really good I mean like how the mane six ponies were with each other. I helped her to study and she helped pull me out of my comfort zone by taking me shopping, to the movies, or even a party or two. But how would she react seeing me as I was: a multicolored unicorn that for all purposes should not exist.

For a moment I said nothing, wondering what to do next. Part of me wanted her to come in, give me a hug, and tall me everything was going to be ok. The other part of my brain just wanted me to be left alone, free for me to sort things out in peace.

“Julie, did you sleep in again? Or maybe you’re in the shower. I know you’re there though. I can hear you breathing. Well, I set aside the whole day for you so I’m not leaving until you answer the door.”

I realized that as might as I tried to make myself disappear, I gave it all away. I now had to say something, but what? Then something came to mind.


“Oh there you are! So, are you going to open the door or not?

“Um actually I’m kind of sick, so I won’t be coming with you shopping.”

“Sick? You were fine yesterday at the café.”

“Yeah, must have just picked it up.”

“Ok, well if you don’t want to go out, that’s fine. We can just talk. I mean, you’re not that contagious, right?”

With that she gave a little laugh. I realized that in lying I just buried myself deeper. I knew she wasn’t going to buy the sickness thing and even if she did she’d still want to see me. The downside of being best friends I guess.

“Michelle,” I said through the door, “Something happened last night. I can’t explain it, but now’s not a good time.”

“Ah ha! I knew you weren’t sick! But what happened to you? Are you ok?”

“Yeah, I’m fine I guess.”

“Alright Julie,” she said more forcefully, “I know something is up. I can hear it in your voice. I’m your best friend, right?”

“Of course you are Michelle.”

“Then please let me in.”

With a sigh I knew that she wasn’t going away, especially now that she knew something was off. I had to show her what I became and tell her the truth.

“Ok. Give me a second.”

The door to my apartment had a lock in the door knob and a slide bolt above that. I stood on my hind legs and gripped the small lock. With a turn it opened.

“I just have to get the slide bolt Michelle.”

The question was how? The slide bolt was too high for me to grab with my hooves and I knew nothing about how to use magic yet. I looked around, trying to find something to stand on. That’s when I saw the computer chair. I wheeled it over with my muzzle until it hit the door.

“What are you doing in there, moving your entire apartment around?”

“Just a minute Michelle, ok?”


I jumped up on the chair and the wrestled the slide bolt on the chain until it opened.

“Ok Michelle. I…”

I was about to say, “Ok Michelle. Just one more minute,” and then moved the chair back. My friend had other plans. The moment she heard that slide bolt disengaged she opened the door with a force that slammed against the chair and sent me flying. I landed with a thud on my back (thank goodness for carpeting) just as Michelle stepped in.

“Geez Julie. Next time move your chair. Now where are …”

She paused as she looked down and saw me there. Her face scrunched up in a look of surprise before giving a smile.
“Alright, Julie, is this the big secret? You bought another pony plush, didn’t you?”

“Michelle,” I said which made her stop in her tracks, “It’s me, Julie.”

“Julie? But you…you’re…”

“A pony, yeah I know.”

“Eeeeee,” she suddenly squealed and picked me up like I was a cat, “You’re so cute!”

“Michelle,” I yelled, “You’re freaking me out. I’m not a pet, so put me down.”

“Oh, sorry Julie,” she said as she sat me back down, “But, oh my gosh! You’re really a unicorn. How did it happen?”

“Alright tell me everything.”

Author's Note:

Yay dialogue! Now things get interesting.