• Published 5th Apr 2013
  • 2,440 Views, 117 Comments

I, Little Pony - Lux

A girl, a wish, and life that would never be the same

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Not What I Expected

Chapter 4 – Not What I Expected

So, you probably know what happened, right? Yep, I became a pony, Quill Flourish to be exact. And I awoke in Ponyville where I spent the rest of my life living in happiness and making lots of new friends and lived happily ever after.

The End!

Not exactly.

You see, wishes are funny things. Not even the princesses really know everything about them. But one thing is certain, and that is wishes are fickle. You have to make sure you cover all the details because if you just throw out a random one, the wish has a habit of throwing in its own details. Now when I made that wish, I really didn’t expect things to happen. It was just something I said like “I wish it would stop raining,” or “I wish I had a million bits.” So details weren’t something I was interested in.

Now before I explain what happened, I want to clarify one thing. You’re probable wondering if I felt anything becoming a pony. After all, it’s not every day that a human becomes one. This wasn’t some crazy scene from a werewolf movie either. The truth is I felt… nothing really. No pain, no dizziness, nothing. Yeah, pretty anticlimactic, so much that I don’t even remember that night. I fell asleep and I woke up. That was it. I barely even tossed and turned at night. In fact it was one of the best night’s sleep I had!

When I woke the next morning, I remembered feeling strange. It wasn’t like I felt sick or tired. It was, I don’t know how to describe it. Maybe the word peculiar would be a good fit. It was like my body was trying to tell me that something was different. There were other strange things too. I felt warmer, like my body had an extra blanket wrapped around it. Strangely enough, whatever it was that made me feel warmer also felt fuzzy.

Thinking nothing of it, I pulled myself out of bed, ready for the day. It was Saturday and a day I spent mostly doing things around the house or going to stores. No sooner had I stepped on to the floor and tried to walk I knew something was wrong. It was as if my legs could no longer support my weigh and after shaking violently they suddenly buckled and I found myself on the floor! Thinking I tripped on something, I tried to get up again, after a few steps I collapsed again to the floor. You can say I was definitely upset about what was happening. After all, the last time I had trouble walking was when I got a nasty virus that make me sick enough that I could barely walk straight and made me feel very dizzy.

I found that after trying a second time to get up I only managed to get to as far as being on all fours. I wasn’t going to try any further until I felt I was able to do that. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over again and expecting different results, right? So I waited for the inevitable falling down again, but to my surprise, my arms and legs held my body. I took a step, stopped to check my balance and then took another.

Slowly I began to crawl from the bed to the bathroom, checking how things were as I went. It was odd that I felt like a kid again crawling on my hands and knees across the floor like some animal. Even stranger was the fact that my body felt natural being that way with my arms and legs below my body and my head above. It was as if I was born that way. Other things struck me as odd, like my legs feeling shorter that I imagined them to be. My hands were also all wrong, like someone glued my fingers into perpetual fists.

I knew I had to get to the bathroom to see if there was something, anything that was wrong with me. Finally I touched the cold tiled floor, indicating that I reached my destination. The hard bathroom floor seemed unsettling to me for some reason when compared to the soft carpeted surface of the bedroom. Being on all fours was a strange perspective as everything seemed bigger than when I stood up. I looked up and knew that the mirror on the medicine cabinet was a mere three feet from my head, but it could have been three hundred feet until I could reach it.

I once again stood up and feeling my feet starting to give out I quickly reached for the sink, hoping it could grab onto it and not just slip from the porcelain surface and fall again. I was able to grip onto the bowl of the sink, but it felt like I could lose it at any time. My ability to grip hold of things was very limited, but I did not know why. That was, until I looked down. Instead of seeing my hands there were what looked like a cartoon horse’s forelegs with a raspberry coloring, ending in a pair of hooves.

My mind went into a total denial phase. I mean, if you saw something that was so different you’d think it was strange to make it unbelievable. But my denial was quickly broken when I looked at the mirror. There staring back at me was not my face but Quill Flourish! I gasped and the reflection gasped along. In my surprise I stepped back and let go of the sink. Suddenly I felt myself falling backwards as my legs again buckled under my weight.

Then everything went black.

Author's Note:

Short one I know, but the next chapters should be longer as i introduce some new characters. Can't let Quill have all the fun.