• Published 5th Apr 2013
  • 2,443 Views, 117 Comments

I, Little Pony - Lux

A girl, a wish, and life that would never be the same

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As the days passed, I continued to dwell upon the idea that maybe, just maybe there was someone else that loved My Little Pony and became one. At first it was a passing idea, something I thought about when I was alone in the apartment, but then it grew in my mind. Maybe it was the belief that I couldn’t possibly be the only one to have this happen to, or maybe it was the need to meet somepony like me. Whatever the reason, I made my decision to try to reach out and contact one weekend.

“I’m going to see if there are others like me,” I announced to Michelle during breakfast.

“You mean like other bronies, right?”

“No, I’m going to see if there are others who loved MLP and wished they could be a pony and became one.”

“Are you crazy,” Michelle said almost spitting out her coffee on me, “First of all, how are you going to find someone like this? It’s not like everything on the Internet is real you know. Second, don’t you think if someone became a pony that they’d be, oh I don’t know, hidden in an apartment like you are? Then there’s the fact that you are a pony. Do you realize that the chances of you getting seen will be through the roof in a city like this? And let’s not forget that aside from whomever this other person is being a liar, they can be some crazed fan or some nut job that thinks they’re a pony or worse.”

“You don’t think I thought this through,” I said, “That’s really all I have left in my life, you, this place, and lots of time to think. But I just want to know if someone is out there, that I’m not the only one like this in the world.”

“I know,” Michelle said, “I can only imagine how tough it must be being the only pony that you know. Would you just do me a favor?”

“Sure,” I replied.

“Just be careful, ok? I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

“Got it,” I said as I levitated my empty plate back to the kitchen.

That afternoon I turned on the computer and went onto the internet. It was odd using my telekinesis to use the keyboard and mouse but having hooves made it impossible to use a computer otherwise. I started to search for things like “Human to Pony,” or “Becoming a pony.” Most of the results were fanfics, often resulting in said character that changed into a pony being in a relationship with one of the Mane Six or a Princess. One blog post was about a guy who felt like a human trapped in a pony body. Yet nothing got me closer to where I wanted.

After two hours and over fifty pages of search results later, I was no closer to my goal. I was about to abandon the search and any hope that I’d fine somepony like me when I then noticed a link that seemed to call out to me. Clicking it bought me to a simple looking blog page with a title “My life as a Pony.” On the home page there was a photo of a pony, a male unicorn with a white coat and a black mane and tail and blue eyes. It looked too real to be a drawing or some elaborate photo manipulation. I knew I was staring at a real life pony staring back at me.

I began to read the front page of the blog, analyzing the text to get a sense of this user.

“My name is Justin, or it was before a few weeks ago, before I became this. I’ll start by saying that I was an average guy living an average life. Well, almost average. I was what you’d call a brony, a guy that likes My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. It was just something I’d have fun watching the episodes, drawing (my specialty) and role playing. I even created my own pony named Brush Stroke who was talented in drawing.

Then one night after a bad day at work I wished that I was a pony. Then the next morning I became one! I know right now you think I have an active imagination, or I’m too obsessed with MLP, or even that I’m insane, but it really happened. So I created this blog to tell you about my life as a pony, hoping that maybe there will be somepony out there who it happened to as well who understands.”

The rest of the blog was like a journal, chronicling his adjustment to life including moving into a brother’s apartment, learning magic, and trying to adapt to his new form. You could almost feel the part excitement and part worry in the words and how they matched how I felt almost exactly. The more I read, the more I wanted to get to know him. But it wasn’t until Michelle, who came to see how I was doing, saw a picture of where he stayed and gasped.

“Oh my gosh,” Michelle said, “I know that apartment.”

“Really? How?”

“It belongs to my friend Dan. We’ve been friends for a while, and we both liked each other. I thought that we would have a serious relationship with each other, but there were too many secrets. First Dan appeared to be hiding things from me, and then he wouldn’t even let me into his apartment, preferring to meet me outside. I thought his secret was that he had another girlfriend that he liked more than me but now I know.”

“And do you know his brother, this Justin?”

“Yeah, kind of. I met him when meeting Dan, but only a few times. He was kind of the quiet type, but not really all that shy. If you knew him you’d like him as he kind of reminds me of you how he acts.”

“Where is his apartment?”

“I knew this was coming. You want to see this pony, right?”

“Of course I do!”

“Fine,” Michelle said, “I’ll call Dan and tell him what’s going on. He’ll probably freak out that his brother made a blog and how I know his secret, but hopefully he’ll understand and have you meet Justin.”

“Thanks Michelle,” I said hugging her.

“You’re welcome. Now let me call Dan.”

As Michelle took the step to reach out to her friend, I waited with the anticipation of meeting this new pony. I didn’t really listen to the whole conversation although I could hear Michelle pleading with Dan to let me see Justin. For a moment I thought that there was no way that this Dan would let me see his brother, just like Michelle wouldn’t let some random person me. Then I heard the phone call end and Michelle returned to me.

“Ok, it took a little begging, but yeah, Dan said it’s ok to see Justin tomorrow.”

I happily galloped around the room as I knew that soon I would meet another pony like me. Yet little did I know that with this meeting there would be an unforeseen consequence.

Author's Note:

I struggled with how exactly Quill Flourish would meet Brush Stroke, especially how they would get in contact with each other while trying to stay isolated. I think this is a good way to do this.