• Published 4th Mar 2013
  • 1,930 Views, 132 Comments

A sequel to My Little Dashie - Lonepone

A sequel to My Little Dashie where Dashes' father is brought into equestria and events ensue.

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up the stairs

We walk up the stairs in the castle, hooves clopping as we walk along. Luna explains more on what the pegasus device is.

“A few thousand years ago, Celestia was in control of the sun and rainbows. However, when I was sent to the moon, she had to take on the responsibility of the moon as well, and so she handed down the responsibility of rainbows down to the Pegasi. It was up to them to figure out how to make them. A few sick and twisted Pegasi came up with this machine, that grinds up a ponies body, turning it into pure spectra. This only works with ponies, since it is one of the few things where magic and spectra a freely fused. Celestia found out, and stopped it, and jailed the ones that came up with it for life. she instead handed the responsibility to a group of extremely talented unicorns, having them use their magic to produce it. It’s possible to set the machine to extract magic, instead of spectra. It seems that she has come to the conclusion that using a pegasus device is the only way to solve this problem. I disagree. I think it’s possible to fix this without killing her”

We walk along for a few seconds, both absorbed in our own thoughts. I can’t wait to see my daughter again, but it seems like I might never get the chance to, if we can’t get there fast enough.
My legs hurt from walking this far, and Octavia notices.“You know, you could fly. It would be a lot easier than walking up these steps”

I think about how to word my response. “I would, but I’m afraid of heights and flying”

Vinyl over hears me say that. “No way. That has got to be the strangest thing. A pegasus afraid of heights and flying? can I ask why?”

I sigh, “Because my parents died in an unfortunate plane crash” They all stare at me confused except Doctor Whooves. He gives me a sympathetic look. And I realize I’m an idiot. What would ponies know about planes? Whooves helps me out.

“Planes are these large flying machines that carry humans around long distances. Occasionally, something goes wrong, and they fall, killing whoever is inside of them”. The rest of them think for a moment, before comprehending. As soon as they realize, they all murmur something along the lines of sorry.

Octavia walks up to me and says: “I’m sorry. I didn’t know”

“Obviously you didn’t. And anyways, I don't even know if I can fly”

Luna breaks into the conversation with an incredulous look: “You don’t know how to fly?”

“Nope. Remember, I forty-eight hours ago, I was human”

“Oh yeah”

We reach the top of the stairs, and I know we have arrived. We are confronted by a group of four royal guards, blocking entrance to a room.

“Halt!” the largest one says, obviously the commander. “Princess Celestia has forbidden anyone from entering”

Luna walks forward a few steps. “Even me?”

He lets up. “I’m sorry, Princess, I didn’t see you. Please, go right in”

“And my friends?”

“If they’re with you, they can go in too I suppose”

The four of them step aside, letting us enter through the doors. As we walk in, I hear the following conversation between the Commander and one of the soldiers under his command.

“But, Sir, the Princess said absolutely no-one was to be allowed in!”

“Were you going to argue with her?”

“Well, no, I wouldn’t want to get sent to the moon...”

“Exactly why I didn’t do anything. I like Equestria better than I like the moon. I also like the air that I breathe here. Ergo, I’m not going to argue”

“Good point, sir”

I smile to myself as I hear this, And then I walk into the room. First I see this massive machine sitting in the middle of the floor, next I see Celestia with a downcast expression on her face. Then, I see her. My Little Dashie, drugged, and laying passed out on a table next to the machine.

Celestia hears the sound of our hooves on the floor, and looks up at us. She has the saddest look possible on her face. “So you’ve come. I am so, so sorry I have to do this, but there’s no other way”.

Author's Note:

Well, I had to use my home computer since my ipod, which i normally use, is unavailable to me *cough* evil stepmother *cough cough* *clears throat* so. I uploaded it from my home computer, which is even more confusing. I'd add a link to the doc itself, but then you'd see what I have coming up, since I write it all in one doc.

Coldrunner: You have been the biggest vocal supporter of this fic, so I'd like to put you in to one of the chapters. Thought I'd ask before I used you.

I am going to be writing a few different endings; a humorous one, a tragic one, a sad one, a grimdark one, and maybe on other one. Ideas welcome!

In other news, I'm writing a romance fic (NOT A CLOPFIC) between Vinyl Srcatch and a rival DJ named Renegade Bass (I shall also be using that name as my sign-off name). Tell me any ideas, or anything you'd like in it.

I had fun writing this, and I hope you enjoy. Haters, please come back. I have fixed my grammar and it is original.

Keep awesome and brony on ~ renegade bass