• Published 19th Feb 2013
  • 10,519 Views, 135 Comments

Spike De Lis - That Drunk Pony

Spike and Rarity go to Canterlot on a long weekend vacation both with plans, but things don't always go as planned.

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Chapter 6: The Final Choice

Inside the Carousel Boutique, Rarity was feeling annoyed. She couldn’t put her hoof on it, but she felt that something was wrong. She and Spike were together and everything should’ve been perfect. He came in as her knight in shining armor and saved her, but she feels they only grew further apart from this incident. Spike didn’t say many words outside of simple and general replies. During the party, he mostly just kept to himself or glanced towards the evening sun over Canterlot. Even the presence he had before he left Canterlot that morning was different. It felt as though she were an afterthought throughout this ordeal. That she wasn’t the focal point of his attention. She then decided to calm down and drink some tea.

Just as she finished making her tea, her sister barged in the front crying. “I HATE HIM!” She bawled as she jumped onto the couch into a nice and fluffy pillow. She squeezed the life out of it continuously repeating how much she despised somepony.

Rarity then rushed to her sister and asked, “What’s wrong Sweetie Belle?”

Sweetie looked at her sister with large tear-filled eyes and sobbed out, “Button chose another pony over me! We were so close, but this other transfer girl came in and stole him from me. Now we barely hang out anymore. He is always with her and she keeps taking him away on purpose. I can feel how much she hates me being near him.”

Rarity was shocked. She didn’t even know she was interested in boys that way yet. “Well Sweetie, are you absolutely sure she is taking him from you or are those your delusions from being jealous?”

“What!? I’m not jealous! I just want him back. I miss spending time with him, but she keeps butting in and enjoys it. She even smirked at me when he canceled on me.” Sweetie replied.

“Well, they’re other ponies to be close with.” She said, but Sweetie glared disapprovingly. Rarity then began thinking to herself how similar her situation was to her little sister. It’s playing out almost exactly the same on a smaller scale. She won’t let her sister fall for the same mistakes and proudly help her get her boyfriend back.

“Well Sweetie, if you want to take him back, then you have to fight for his love!” Rarity said proudly.

Sweetie then turned her head slightly sideways in confusion, “What’s this got to do with love?”

Now Rarity was confused, “Aren’t you jealous of this new rival?”

“Well I’m upset she took my friend away from me, but I don’t like him like that.”

Now that Sweetie better clarified the situation, Rarity said, “Oh. Well, that still doesn’t change the fact that you should still fight to get your friend. If you wait, then you might lose him to this new rival of yours.”

With newly lit determination in her eyes, Sweetie jumped up and announced, “You’re right! I can’t just sit here. I have to win back my friend! Thanks, big sis!” She quickly hugged Rarity and almost rushed out of the house, but realized that it was night and her friend was probably sleeping. “Oh, I guess I’ll try tomorrow. Well, I’m off to make plans before I go to bed. I will win him back!”

As Rarity saw her sister trot upstairs, she noticed her tea became cold. She poured it out slightly annoyed by it. She then noticed by her window over her sink. Something peculiar. She saw something cloaked, but it had to be Spike. No one else looks like that unless they had a recent visitor. If there were a new visitor, Pinkie would’ve let everyone else know by now. She then quickly got herself together and left to chase after Spike.

Spike continued to the station, while not trying to draw too much attention. He really wanted to avoid any of Twilight’s friends, especially Rarity. He felt like he was betraying her, but at the same time, everyone just assumed they were together. He never truly accepted it and was contemplating it since before he entered the train home.

The worst part is how he plotted this whole scheme to get Rarity and it worked kind of, but his heart now lies elsewhere. Most of his doubts have shredded from his body and now he knows that he wanted Fleur above all else. As he saw the station in the distance, he then began thinking, ‘What would I even say to Fleur?’

He had been thinking about going to see her, but he didn’t even have a true plan on what he would do when he got there. ‘I guess I can just think about it on the train ride I suppose.’ His thoughts slowly began to swirl more into doubt not in seeing her, but in how she would respond. ‘What if she doesn’t feel that way about me? What if it all was an act? But she seemed very genuine and she wouldn’t have helped me if that were the case.’ Spike said under his breath.

All while he was thinking this, Rarity was behind him in a cardigan, large decorative hat, and wearing glasses. She felt she was being inconspicuous, but everypony around really noticed her tailing Spike. Luckily for her, Spike was too absent-minded himself to notice. She began wondering, ‘What is he doing? I was going to surprise him, but when I got close he had that same look as he had on the train. It feels like he was serious. It felt almost daunting just to talk to him.’

She then noticed Spike enter the station, ‘Why the station? Where could he be going at this hour? These are the last trains for the day so does he plan to stay somewhere else or runaway?’

She eavesdropped as best she could and tried to make out where Spike was headed. “One t--ket to C-------t.” The station manager handed a ticket and Spike handed over some bits and walked to the station floor to catch his train.

Rarity upset that she couldn’t hear tried to quickly decipher it, but then had the bright idea of asking the manager. “Um excuse me, sir. Can you tell me where that previous passenger was going?”

The manager replied, “I am sorry mam, but all customers have a right to privacy.”

Rarity then pleaded with the manager, “Please! I must know. He is important to me and I don’t want him to make a permanent mistake.”

The manager thought about it for a second and looked into her large teary eyes. They seemed honest to a degree. “Well, okay then,” he said as the train just began pulling into the station. “He is headed to C--------” The train’s noise pulling in blocked what he said.

“I’m sorry, but could you repeat that?” She hastily asked.

“Oh well, he is headed to Canterlot. An odd time though, after all that happened recently with …” She blocked out the rest of the manager’s ramblings and rushed up to the station floor.

Just as she got to the upper train deck, she noticed Spike about to enter the train. She yelled, “SPIKE!!!” and he instantly grew two shades lighter. He turned to see Rarity there with tears and slightly smeared eyeliner.

This was the situation Spike was most worried about. He stared at her for what felt like an eternity.

Spike then took his foot off the train and realized he had to tell her the truth. “Rarity. What are you doing here?”

“That’s what I should be asking you. Why are you going back to Canterlot?” She sorrowfully replied.

Spike was worried, but he had to tell her how he felt. “Well, Rarity… I don’t think it’ll work between us.” She made an audible gasp followed by an awkward silence. Spike then continued as he looked at the floor no longer being able to look at her eyes. “I love Fleur. It's not like I dislike you or anything. It's just I feel happy being with her. Everything feels so natural between us.”

The moment he said her name she finally felt everything come crashing around her. She always knew it in her heart, but always denied the possibility. Lying to herself how close those two had gotten in such a short amount of time. Even when she saw that plan that Spike wrote, she already knew that his eyes were already beginning to wonder, but even still. Just like she told Sweetie Belle earlier, she will fight for his love till the bitter end.

Spike was worried at this point. He could almost feel the fury coming from her as the air began to warm up around them and she was the source of it all. He braced himself for her anger, but was met with an even worse calm voice that had pure malice behind it. “Why her? We've been closer for longer. You’ve known me longer. You loved me first! Why!?”

There goes the thunder Spike expected. “Rarity. I’m sorry, but no matter how much I thought about it. I just couldn’t help, but fall in love with her. She and I have a natural thing going on. It’s hard to explain it, but I just feel truly happy and loved being with her. It’s not to say you did anything wrong, it’s just that I love her.”

Spike felt confident towards the end, but Rarity wasn’t having that. “I LOVED YOU!! You don’t even know if she loves you!”

“I know she does!” Spike replied with lightning.

Rarity, however, returned with thunder, “DO YOU!? Do you even know!? She could have been using you this whole time to split us apart from each other an- and felt guilty about it. It was probably just a job for her! Nothing more!!”

Spike felt she was unnecessarily attacking Fleur so he replied in a lower calm voice filled with anger “Rarity. I am going to see her.”

The train’s conductor said, “All Aboard!” and noticed the two barking at each other.

“Well, there’s my ride. Maybe some time away will cool us both off.” Spike finished as he began to board. Rarity had no idea what to do. She then reacted on impulse and magically grabbed him off the train and flung him to the floor. “What are you doing!?”

“I don’t know what else I can do! You just won’t listen to me!!” Rarity bawled as she crept closer to Spike to better hold him down.

Spike’s snapped, “You’re not listening to ME!” Spike then began to struggle. The conductor looked at his pocket watch and realized he ran out of time and decided to leave the station. Once the train began to move, Spike struggled even harder and managed to get one arm loose where he grabbed onto Rarity’s horn. Rarity’s magical grasp over Spike was released as her magic became temporarily unavailable. Spike then began to sprint toward the train in hopes he can at least grab on to the last car.