• Published 5th Feb 2013
  • 3,686 Views, 203 Comments

Revelations: The Dark Void - GhostofSandwich

Twilight, having entered a coma, faces the fear that when she wakes, her friends won't be there for her when she wakes.

  • ...

False Truths

"So thirsty..." Her voice echoed out around the barren wasteland of black air as if she was encased in a small room. Her head and body had stopped aching as badly about three hours ago, but the loss of blood had dehydrated her terribly. She had been walking for about five hours ever since her hallucination of being back in her room.

"So sorry..."

"It feels so cold... What'd we do to deserve this?!" She stopped in her tracks and looked around. These voices were different from the others. Instead of sounding like they were actually in her head, these voices sounded as if they were somewhere in the void. The first voice was that of a stallion, the second a sweet voice of a young mare.

"Hello?! Is somepony there? Please help!" She tried to pinpoint where the voices had come from, but they didn't seem to be coming from any particular direction. Yet, they didn't echo either. It was as if she was hearing it in her head, but from outside in the dark void at the same time.

"SHUT UP!" Twilight jumped slightly from the sudden outburst of the stallion.

'What is going on?!" Her heart beating, she began to walk in what she presumed to be the direction she was walking. 'Am I going insane?' She stopped as she heard a familiar angelic singing. It sounded like something Fluttershy would sing to her animals, but there were no words. Instead, it was like a angelic choir echoing throughout the void around her. The strangest part, however, was the fact that she felt she recognized the song. It was the same one she had heard when the world transformed to that thorn field, which she also recognized from sometime in her life.

She raised a hoof slightly in alarm and surprise as the ground below her slowly turned to a white floor similar to the floor of the dark void. The world around her began to sparkle magically as it turned to a brilliant white room with a large red carpet down the middle and stained glass windows on the sides.

'This has to be a hallucination. No way I'm in the Canterlot castle'

"Leave here."


"NOW!" She snapped her head to the end of the room where the voices had come from. Surprise filled her eyes as she saw her mother talking to a large figure behind a pillar. She couldn't make out who the figure was though.

"Please, she just wants one more chance."

"I'm sorry that your daughter wants another chance, but I can't do it." Twilight's mother neared the figure with sadness in her eyes.

"I'll do anything."

"There's nothing to do. That filly just has no skill in magic, nor will she ever. Now, please leave or my guards will escort you out."

"Congratulations," Twilight's mother struggled to keep tears from filling her eyes as she walked to the exit of the large room, "you killed a little filly's dreams." Twilight's jaw fell open. She recognized this scene... It was the same exact recurring nightmare she had a couple days before her magic exam. But why couldn't she recognize the figure? She was sure that the figure was somepony very important to her.

"WHAT IS GOING ON?!" The sudden movement as she screamed and tried to rush to figure managed to cause her head wound to reopen. Without any warning, a small trickle of warm blood began to flow from beneath the bandage, which started slipping off. Quickly re-adjusting it, she began to try and see the figure behind the pillar. Her attempts were for naught, since each step made the pillar seem to grow in size.

"You evil... FUCKING BITCH!" Twilight gasped at the sudden outburst of profanity. The voice was that of the mare from moments before, but was filled with anger and betrayal.

"Where are you? Can you hear me?!" Her plea received no response. "Please, somepony tell me what's going on..." She sat on the floor of the castle she loved so much. Wanting so badly to be there, she kept hoping that her wishes would come true and she would just teleport to Canterlot. She knew it wouldn't happen though.

Her eyes began to water as the walls around her started to melt, revealing the black void. She quickly looked to the pillar and hoped that it would melt away as well to reveal the figure. Disappointment prevailed as the figure disappeared into a cloud of golden mist, floating off into the dark void. Sadness turned to relief as she felt the cool pellets of rain hitting her coat.

'Guess something is going right...' She opened her mouth and allowed the refreshing water to fill her mouth. With multiple gulps, she felt herself re-hydrate. Unfortunately, the rain made her bandages fall away from her, landing in a pool of water that soon turned crimson. All of her small cuts had managed to scab over, but her head wound was still open. Fortunately, it was only trickling blood which fell over her left eye. Nothing like before the thorn field.

"How long was I asleep? Should have taken at least a week for that type of healing..." Worrying about her friends, she began to dash in any direction. All emotions left her replaced by the one that she had not felt entirely yet... Panic.

Heart racing, brain racing, lungs ceasing to work properly, tears filling her eyes, she dashed in panic in any direction. Whimpers and sobs broke through her labored breathing, causing her breath to fog in front of her from the coldness of the rain. Frantically, she looked around in hopes of seeing anything familiar.

"Please! Anypony, help me!" Each landing of her hoof splashed more clean, freezing water onto her body. Her head throbbed from her pulse as she continued onward. The panic began to rise until she simply stopped and looked around in every direction frantically in hopes of seeing anything. Her sobs and whimpers had now turned to exasperated wails of panic and crying. Her tears flowed faster, dripping off of her and splashing onto the pools of water below her as she looked around.

"Rainbow Dash!" Her pulse continued to rise to a alarming rate.

"Pinkie Pie!" Her eyes stung from the tears and rain. The temperature dropped to below freezing.

"Fluttershy!" She started running in a straight line once more.

"Applejack!" Panic turned to strong hysteria as she felt the temperature drop to around zero degrees. The rain turned to snow, more specifically a heavy blizzard.

"Rarity!" The blizzard coated the entire black void in a blanket of white. Hills began to form around her, but were mostly invisible due to the blizzard, which had reduced her vision to a very small bubble around her.

"Anypony..." She began to calm as the blizzard grew around her. Even though she couldn't see anything, she recognized the landscape as the frozen lake that Pinkie liked to ice skate on.''

"Good memories... Or lies?" The voice barely made it through the blizzard. "Which one do you think it is, Mystia? It was the voice of the stallion, but sounded much quieter.

"Please, tell me where you are!" No response.

"Lies, Delphian. This black place is trying to play tricks on us... Never should have..." The two voices trailed off. Were those their names? Even though she didn't think they were anywhere close to her, she felt somewhat safe when their voices came through to her. The oddest part? She felt as if she had heard those names before. But from where?

"Like a daughter..." There was that voice again. She recognized it now as the voice of the figure behind the pillar. It wasn't her mother, so who was it? One of her friends? No, she remembered her slightly as someone she looked up to... Anything after that was completely blank.

She darted around as she heard a whisper in her ear. She couldn't make out what it said, but she was sure that it was a whisper and not the wind. Honestly, she was starting to get a little scared. The blizzard continued to rage on as she made her way to the lake. Once there, she overlooked the glistening frozen lake, which was completely empty at the moment. Somehow she had hoped to see Pinkie skating on it and she would look to her and yell happily.

"N-n-need a-a-a f-fire." She started shivering violently from the cold. Ponyville probably didn't exist in this hallucination. She still didn't know what was going on, but each one of the visions had served to do something. The thorn field and cabin gave her bandages to survive, her home gave her food and water, the castle brought up an old nightmare, and this lake would do something. Of course, she could be horrible wrong.

She walked to the center of the lake and began to look around. From here the blizzard wasn't as bad, due to the lake being in a semi crater. It was still bad, but she could at least see around the perimeter of the lake. Her shivers stopped as she noted a cave in the distance. She started to head for the cave.

She screamed as a very large gust of wind knocked her off of her feet onto the ice, which cracked beneath her. The cold water immediately caused her body to go into shock. Knowing she only had a few second before the water froze her and she drowned, she frantically tried to climb out of the water.

After a few seconds that seemed like multiple minutes, she climbed out of the water shivering and barely able to move. Each step was a challenge that made her entire body want to collapse. But she was strong and managed to eventually make it to the inside of the cave. Once inside, she made her way around a corner and covered herself into a corner. Curling into a ball to warm herself, she began to breath heavily.

For thirty minutes she laid there listening to the whistling of the wind from outside. For the first time, she wished she was back in that black nothingness. At least it was warm there. After warming to a reasonable degree, she stood and made her way further into the cave. It was dark, but she was still able to see enough to make her way into the back. A little bit of happiness filled her as she saw a old camp fire. Fortunately, it still had a bit of firewood on it.

"Finally, something goes right..." She shivered slightly as she neared the small campfire. She still doubted her ability to use magic, so instead sat in front of it and started to light it like an earth pony. The whole time she was trying to light it, she kept wondering where she had heard the names of the ponies who she kept hearing. Mystia, and Delphian. She was sure she never met anypony by those names, so who could they be?

She turned around as the sounds of wind died down. 'Did the blizzard stop?" She looked back to the campfire as she heard a spark, followed by the crackling of fire. The warmth of the fire immediately began to give her a sense of peace in her cold aching body. 'Thankfully I don't think I got hypothermia..."

She stood and made her way back to the entrance of the cave to see if the storm had died down. Curiosity turned to a very slight panic as she saw the entrance covered with a cave in of rocks. She wanted to panic, but the cold had made her extremely tired. Instead, she made her way back to the campfire and lied down in front of it. With a sigh of comfort, she felt herself drifting off to sleep.

"She's still holding on. But we can't seem to get any brain activity. It doesn't make any sense at all... But she's still well alive." The voice didn't phase her as she drifted into a dreamless sleep. Her last thoughts of a book that she received in the mail.