• Published 3rd Feb 2013
  • 11,006 Views, 190 Comments

Sister Dash - Black Kyurem

Rainbow Dash's friends are sentenced to community service in Canterlot for an old incident that unintentionally deceived everyone in Ponyville.

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Farewell, Mare Do Well

~ Day 1 ~

It was a lovely morning like any other in Ponyville and Rainbow Dash was pushing clouds around as usual. That's when she heard wailing from down below. Looking down, Dash gasped at a horrible sight. Ponies everywhere were lying injured in the streets with several more grieving and running amok. Some kind of disaster or accident has struck Ponyville, but how and when was unclear. Rainbow zoomed down to investigate the situation.

"Oh, this is a horrible crisis!" wailed the mayor.

"What's happened here, Miss Mayor?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Trixie has returned! And she's taking over Ponyville! We've tried to stand up for her, but she's too strong! Her spells have caused serious injuries to our citizens!" Rainbow Dash was horrorstruck.

"Pull my chariot, you fools!" came the voice of Trixie. Snips and Snails were badly hurt, but Trixie was still forcing them to pull her mode of transportation through the streets. "No one displeases the Great and Powerful Trixie!"

"We need a hero!" wailed Snips. "Somepony who can save us from this tyrant!"

"Yeah," agreed Snails. "Where's Mare Do Well? She will save us." A sudden rush of an unpleasant past memory hit Rainbow hard upon hearing the words of that fake hero. So she confronted Snips and Snails.

"Guys, Mare Do Well isn't real," she said to them.

"Coming from you?" retorted Snips. "You're just jealous."


"Mare Do Well can do it all," said Snails. "She can use magic and she can fly! What can you do, Rainbow Dash?" Rainbow was insulted.

"I'll show you," she huffed. "I may not be a hero, but you guys don't need one when you've got... Rainbow Dash, the Element of Loyalty!"

"Oh, please," snorted Trixie. "Gimme a break." And with the power of her Alicorn Amulet, she cast a dangerous magic spell that clipped Rainbow's wings off. The once proud Pegasus stared in horror as her wings lay on the ground, magically dislodged from her body.

"MY WINGS!" she shrieked. "What have you done to me?!"

"You fool," sneered Trixie. "No one can stop the Great and Powerful Trixie! Or should I say... the Great and Invincible Trixie!" She laughed evilly and her voice started to echo in Rainbow's ears.

"Look at you!" snarled Snips. "You're no hero! Mare Do Well is the best!"

"Yeah, why did she disappear anyway?" asked Snails. "Did you help?"

"What?!" stammered Rainbow.

"As I recall," said Mayor Mare. "You showed up unexpectedly at our thank-you ceremony and threatened to unveil our most humble and gracious hero. After that, the mysterious Mare Do Well disappeared without a trace. So we believe you are the reason why Mare Do Well never showed up again. And now is a time when we need a real hero! And she's not here!"

"But... I... I..."

"Hahahahaha!" laughed Trixie. "It looks like you've as good as doomed Ponyville. Now that I'm taking over, you and the rest of your petty friends will be forced to worship the Great and Powerful Trixie... forever!" She then fired several blasts of magic and what Rainbow saw was that when each citizen was hit, that citizen became a Mare Do Well. Soon, Rainbow Dash was surrounded by Mare Do Wells.

"No..." she cried. "They're coming... to get me!" Trixie then hit Rainbow with another blast of magic, causing her to sway back and forth in dizziness. Rainbow's vision was getting blurrier by the second and she was feeling terribly drowsy.

"The Great and Powerful Trixie now sentences you to a deep sleep for a hundred years!" boasted Trixie. "Good night, Rainbow Dash." The Pegasus collapsed to the ground, but when she opened her eyes again, she saw that everything around her seemed to be frozen in time, including Trixie and the Mare Do Wells.

"What's... going on?" Rainbow muttered.

"Rainbow Dash," said a familiar voice. She turned and saw Princess Luna herself approaching her.

"Princess Luna!" she exclaimed. And then it hit her. "Wait a minute... Is this all just a dream?"

"Yes," answered Luna. "You're still sleeping safely in your bed. But you are dreaming because you have been holding on to feelings you never knew you had."

"I am?"

"Tell me," said Luna. "This Mare Do Well... Does she still haunt you? Are you afraid that your friendship with the others hangs in the balance?" Rainbow Dash thought long and hard. She remembered that although Twilight Sparkle and the others ultimately intended to teach her a lesson not to brag and to be more humble, deep inside she had never been more hurt by her friends in her whole life and now after all this time, she wasn't sure if they could be trusted. Why didn't they talk to her first? Did posing as a false hero only make Rainbow Dash look like the most pathetic Pegasus in Ponyville?

"Yes," answered Rainbow. "Something's been on my mind for months now... My friends hurt me more than any pain I've ever felt in my whole life. I'll bet they never knew what I've been through. All my life, I've been tormented for who I was. And I... never had any real friends. When I started saving ponies in Ponyville, they loved me because I was doing good deeds. I was there for them. I swore I would never leave Ponyville hanging. But then Mare Do Well came along and took away everything that I ever had. My glory... my fame... my life... I thought I lost it all. And what hurt the most was that each of my friends were in fact Mare Do Well. My best friends posed as her and they were no better off than me boasting about great she was. Did my friends do the right thing? Or were they just trying to make me look weak and helpless? I need to know." Rainbow then began to cry. "I... I just wanted to be somepony! I didn't wanna live my whole life as a nopony! I... I was taunted! I was jeered at! That's why I wanted to show everypony how cool I was, so I could put that past behind me!" She sobbed as her tears splashed on the ground.

"You've been holding back for too long, Rainbow Dash," said Luna. "But you were able to confide in me. I'm sure your friends did only what they thought was right, but because they didn't think twice about a possible worst-case scenario, it sounds like all they really did was hurt your feelings. Apparently, Twilight Sparkle, my sister's most faithful student, has created a friendship problem. You have every right to feel this way." Rainbow sighed.

"I'm ready to wake up now," she said.

"Very well," said Luna. "But always remember this. If you look inside your heart, you will find somepony who will always be there for you." The Princess of the Night cast her magic on Rainbow Dash, causing her to wake up from her dream. As she lay in her bed, she looked at her clock and realized she had slept in for at least half of the morning.


Princess Luna entered her big sister's throne room to deliver her latest report. Celestia was sitting on her throne with two royal guards beside her.

"Sister, I bring you the latest report from Ponyville," said Luna.

"What is it, little sister?" asked Celestia.

"I have just been to see Rainbow Dash."

"Rainbow Dash? The winner of this year's Young Fliers' Competition?"

"Yes, big sister." Casting her powerful magic, Luna projected an image of none other than the costumed Mare Do Well, her cape flowing behind her.

"Who is that?" asked Celestia.

"This is Mare Do Well," answered Luna. "The mysterious hero who rescued ponies from accidents all over Ponyville. At first, Rainbow Dash was rescuing ponies from certain peril, true to her representing the Element of Loyalty."

"And this... Mare Do Well has been troubling Miss Rainbow Dash?"

"I'm afraid so, big sister. But look at this." Casting even more magic, she conjured up projections of four Mare Do Wells unmasking themselves and revealing their shocking identities. Celestia gasped.

"Those are... my loyal subjects! The bearers of the Elements of Harmony! But how can this be?!" What Celestia saw was Twilight, Applejack, Pinkie, and Fluttershy all in costumes. And when Luna cast another magic spell, an image of Rarity sewing the Mare Do Well costumes was seen. "Rarity?" But Luna wasn't done yet. Casting another projection spell, she allowed Celestia to see Twilight and the conspirators plotting to oust Rainbow and seemingly teach her a lesson in grace and humility.

"That Rainbow Dash is goin' a mite too far with her braggin', even for us," said Applejack. "Ah reckon we should do somethin' to stop her."

"I could talk to her!" suggested Pinkie. "She'll listen to me cause I'm her bestest, bestest friend!"

"Get real, Pinkie," scoffed Twilight. "This whole thing has gotten to her head so much that I don't think she'll listen to anypony."

"But if she won't listen to us, then what should we do?" asked Fluttershy.

"We need to teach her a lesson," said Twilight. "And I know just what to do."

"As you can see," said Luna. "Twilight Sparkle is the mastermind behind Mare Do Well. Now if I recall, you gave her a warning on creating friendship problems when she accidentally put all of Ponyville at risk of being destroyed with an uncontrollable magic spell. Perhaps, big sister, you might want to revoke forgetting her punishment. Because it seems like she and her friends haven't learned a thing." Celestia looked livid. Her white body started to turn a light shade of red.

"Twilight Sparkle..." she grimaced.


Back in Ponyville, Scootaloo was cruising around town on her little scooter, pulling out all the stops with the aerial stunts she knew. She soon arrived at the Cutie Mark Crusaders clubhouse.

"Hey, Scoots," said a familiar voice. "Been waiting for ya." To Scootaloo's pleasant surprise, it was Rainbow Dash, the Pegasus she looked up to like the older sister she always wanted.

"Rainbow Dash!" In her excitement, Scootaloo rushed up to Rainbow and hugged her. "Wow! I can't believe you're here!"

"Of course I am! I knew you'd come here. So, how would like to hang out with me today?"

"Really?!" Scootaloo's eyes lit up. "Oh, boy! I would love to! Take me anywhere, as long as I'm with you!" Rainbow Dash smiled.

"Alright, Scoots, hop on!" she said. "We're gonna fly!" Scootaloo was elated. Soon, she was on Rainbow Dash's backside, buzzing her little wings as Rainbow Dash soared through the Ponyville skies. I gotta admit, this is so cool, thought Rainbow. First I loved reading, and I'm hanging with the closest thing I have to a kid sister! This oughta be good for my track record. She then started to descend towards the town below. "Come on, let's get something to eat!" But just when she had a feeling it was going to be a good day, her eye caught the sight of Princess Celestia herself addressing her five closest friends. Princess Celestia? She wasn't planning to come to Ponyville today. What's going on? "Hang on, Scoots. I gotta check something out." She came in for a landing and allowed Scootaloo to get off her back. As she got closer to the scene, it looked like Twilight Sparkle and her friends were in trouble because Celestia was not looking too happy and there were three royal guards surrounding Rainbow's five friends.

"What were you thinking, Twilight Sparkle?!" said an irate Celestia. "What you and your friends did not only singled her out according to her behavior, which was the wrong thing to do, but it was mean! You put your friendship at risk and you're lucky you didn't ruin it."

"But Rainbow Dash had to stop!" said Twilight Sparkle desperately. "Her bragging was out of control!"

"And you honestly thought this was the answer?! All you did was create a friendship problem, and after I warned you not to! I'm very disappointed."

"Pardon us for sayin', Princess," said Applejack. "But we believed Rainbow was so full of herself, she probably wouldn't have even listened to us if we tried to reason with her."

"So you didn't even try?" asked Celestia. Applejack looked guilty.

"Guess we shoulda," she muttered.

"I'll say. You should have talked to her first. Pretending to be somepony capable of ousting her put so much on the line, more than you could have ever comprehended! And this goes to you especially, Twilight Sparkle! Not only did you come up with this idea to begin with, you used magic to show that you were better than Rainbow Dash. You forgot that she's only a Pegasus!" Twilight felt tears beginning to come to her eyes, realizing how much trouble she and her friends were in.

"We're sorry!" she pleaded. "I'm sorry!" But Celestia just shook her head.

"Hmph. Well, you'll have plenty of time to think about how sorry you are... once I hand out your punishments!" The five ponies gasped.

"But... I didn't think-"

"You should have. This is what happens when you fail to think twice before your actions. This time, you will have a lot to think about... my former student." An arrow struck Twilight in the knee. The words stung her so hard that tears flowed out of her eyes. Celestia then walked right on past her and the royal guards escorted Twilight and the others away. Rainbow was aghast.

"Princess!" she called after her. Celestia stopped for a moment and looked back to see Rainbow Dash. "Princess? What's going on? Where are you taking my friends?" Celestia hung her head for a minute, but then faced Rainbow.

"They will not humiliate you anymore," said Celestia, and continued to walk off with her royal guards. Rainbow stared in stunned silence, hovering in mid-flight.