• Published 27th Jan 2013
  • 2,734 Views, 164 Comments

Grounds for the Dead: A L4D2 Story - SCP Pinkamena

When the life you know was blown away, how will you cope waking in another?

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The Sleeping Giant

Grounds For The Dead: Chapter Twelve

As the sun raised above the sky in Ponyville, Twilight Sparkle was coming up from her bed and stretching her legs out.

"*Yawn* Oh, wow. That was a day... and some dream too! I mean, who dreams of eight ponies that look like tha-" She was suddenly cut off by a horrible cough, and irate grunt from down stairs. She sighed to herself. 'That wasn't a dream was it?' She asked herself and walked down the stairs.

Meeting her down in the main room was Smoker and the other five infected. That meant... "W-where's Witch?" She asked them.

Which was probably the WORST thing to do.

Smoker jumped and let his tongue fly towards her direction, but she moved out of the way just in time to see it fall limply towards the ground. He sighed a breath of relief, but it faded quickly when he saw Twilight staring at him.

"Heh, sorry. Reflex..." He said nervously and bit his off his tongue again. While she greened, she didn't go launching towards a window. Tank snored loud enough to break her from her shock. It was obvious that Tank was tired, but it looked as though he could sleep forever with the way he snoring. Every time he snored, the windows shook softly, and the books on the shelves rattled.

"Wow, he must be a heavy sleeper to NOT wake up from that," Twilight commented.

"Actually, not true. Tank here is the lightest sleeper we know!" He whispered to her. Okay... what? This giant muscle bound pony, that could probably take out an entire town single handed, was the lightest sleeper? She levitated a pin right next his ear and dropped it to test a theory.

A theory she would regret until the end of time.

When the pin dropped next to Tank's ear, he suddenly launched up and let out a mighty bellow that shook the foundation to its core. He snorted in anger and launched himself towards the door and smashed it to pieces. His roar was heard through out Ponyville, and one could compare it to a dragons rage.

"...Well, I hope you're happy..." Hunter said to Twilight as he leaped outside to stop the behemoth. Smoker and the others just shook their heads as they walked outside to him before he destroyed everything in sight. Twilight sat down thinking over what had possessed her to that. That was until she heard the soft cry of Witch behind her.

She turned to see Witch and Spike on her back. But that didn't shock Twilight because it was what it looked like happened. From her prospective, it looked like Witch had gored Spike and she was covered head to hoof in red, and seeing Spike hang limply for her back made it even worse.

She cried again, and walked towards Twilight who was now trying to get away from her. When Witch stepped into the light her coat went from red to silver and it showed her carrying Spike in her hand-like wings. "He fell down the stairs to the basement..." Witch said as she put him down on Twilight's lap. She sighed to herself and walked out the door but stopped right away. Tank was gone, there was a big hole in the wall, the others, save for Jockey, weren't at the Library. It clicked in her mind before she ran full sprint in a speed that would Applejack to shame.


"TANK! Calm down!" Smoker yelled as his tongue, which was currently wrapped around Tank's neck, tossed him up and down. Charger had slammed into Tank many times trying to stop his rampaging, but in the end it did nothing to stop his brutish tantrum. Hunter had pounced on his back and bit at his back with his rows of canines but, like every other attempt, proved futile.

Spitter and Boomer had stayed in the back of the group; Boomer didn't want to reveal his secret if he theory was right, and Spitter didn't want to die from Tank's rage. An ear splitting scream echoed from behind them, and they turned to find Witch looking at them with her glowing eyes a shade of an orange-red.

The color of, they realized, blood.

"Tank... calm down," She said to him and received a bellow of rage from Tank. She screamed at him and her "wings" extended to their full length. In realty, they were really about almost two feet long. About almost three times longer from her previous form. She screamed again, this time sounding more like warning then anything else. Tank bellowed again and with what ever strength the muscular Earth Pony had, used it rip a chunk of rubble from beneath him. It shocked everyone even Witch that he had done that, and with a grunt he tossed it towards an innocent yellow pegasus. Witch ran towards the pegasus and the rubble and let smash into herself.

Witch recoiled back, but managed to stay upright. Somewhere further down the road the yellow pegasus, who had ran off after seeing Witch run towards her, grew wide eyed and grit her teeth in anger.

'How... HOW DARE HE! She thought as she watched the silver pegasus struggle to stand up. She tossed every fear she had out the window and dashed toward Tank. "You! Big! Meany!" She screamed emphasizing each word as he eyes got wider and wider. Tank stopped suddenly, and his eyes had slowly dilated. He gave an uncomfortable grunt as he stared into her eyes of... something....

"You will apologize to that pony... NOW!" She screamed as her eyes bore into Tanks very soul. He gave several grunts before he fell to his knees and uttered one word as he fell from the power of the Stare.



Fluttershy had never been so exhausted. She had never felt that way after a day with her animals. With her errands or with cleaning her house. Her Stare had been up for exactly three minutes, staring down Tank and making him apologize to Witch had sucked the juice out of him... and Fluttershy as well.

Smoker and the other infected (again not including Jockey) watch the whole thing happen... and they couldn't believe it. A random pony had STARED at Tank, and he went belly up from exhaustion.


"All those in favor of dragging Tank's sorry hide back to the library?" Charger asked as six hooves shot up and they all pushed and pulled Tank to the library back to Twilight...

Who was still recovering from the fact that her home had been destroyed... AGAIN!