• Published 27th Jan 2013
  • 2,733 Views, 164 Comments

Grounds for the Dead: A L4D2 Story - SCP Pinkamena

When the life you know was blown away, how will you cope waking in another?

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Prologue: You Zombie Bastards!

Grounds for the Dead: Prologue

"Ahhhh! I need some help!" A well toned southern accent said. He was dangling from the edge of the bridge and he knew that if he let go, it would be the end for him.

"Don't worry son, I got ya!" Said a voice that belonged to a somewhat fat black man who was wearing a purple and yellow blood stained polo shirt, on his hands were a pair of biker gloves, and he was also bald and had stubble on his face.

"C'mon, Ellis! we don't have all day! Any second they're gonna blow this bridge to Holy Hell!" A New York accent called from behind the dark skinned man. Ellis was hanging from the bridge before the dark skinned man and the New York gambler helped him up.

"I-I owe you guys Nick, Coach..." Ellis said thanking them for saving his ass. They nodded before getting interrupted by a dark skinned women getting smashed into a nearby truck. They stood for half a second before they ran towards her.

"Help, Chargers' got me!" She yelled as she was slammed into the ground. Gunshots were heard from the other three as the shot the Charger dead to the ground. She stumbled at first before she regained her balance. She wore a pink shirt that had and skinny jeans that would kill the testies of any man. Her hair was messed but one could see the scrunchy in her hair if the looked close.

"You OK Rochelle?" Ellis asked and in response she looked up and shot a Common running behind him and the others.

"I am now..." She said and gathered her rifle that she had dropped. With a confident smile and a killer look in all of their eyes, they set out for the other side of the bridge where the helicopter was waiting for them. Nick, Ellis, Coach and Rochelle had been through just about every type of hell one could think. A burning apartment building they had all been staying in, a small town just outside of Savannah, a deadly carnival, a large plantation field, a sugarcane field that was FULL of Witches, and now they were fighting their way through a bridge that had been long since forgotten until the military showed up and started bombing everything.

Coach had a sniper rifle and took position and aimed for the Commons heads. They all exploded in a wonderful rain of blood, skull fragments, and grey matter. After signaling it was clear, the survivors met with a familiar but frighting to see sight.

"Spitter!" Ellis yelled as he shot it with his M-16 rifle. The Spitter fell down dead leaving a small pool of acidic spit. After it burned itself out, they ran to the center structure of the bridge and started crossing before a loud throaty roar was heard above them.

"Oh, shit! Get ready! We gotta TANK!" Coach yelled as the other three took aim and fired at the Tank. It roared in defiance to be subdued by the four and their bullets. The Tank grew annoyed and in response to them throwing led at him, he threw concrete at them.

"Watch out!" Nick yelled as the large rock struck where he and Rochelle were standing. 'Holy shit!' Nick thought as he round the car and began shooting. The Tank grew weaker and weaker before finally his knees buckled and he fell backwards. It let out one last grunt before its head went to the turned to the side and it went limp. After seeing their success they then ran toward the helicopter only to be stopped by another Infected.

"Boomer!" Rochelle yelled as she shoved it down to the ground and shot it mid-fall. Green and red chunks went everywhere around the spot the Boomer exploded, and Nick could swear he got bile in his mouth. He spit it out quickly and turned to the rest of the group.

"Did you know, that Boomer puke tastes like whole sale ass that's been sitting out for twenty years?" He said as he hocked more of it up and spit on the ground again. "God, I never, in all my life wanted to eat Boomer puke. Intentionally or otherwise," He said with one last spit and walked to the rest of the barely held together group. Besides Nick, they were all trying hard not to laugh at the gambler. Nick rolled his eyes and ran to the helicopter, and the rest of the group of rag tag heroes followed suit. The pilot heard as well as saw them climb into the back of the transport bay and closed the hatch.

Another Tank was running across the bridge along, with a Hunter, Boomer, Spitter, Jockey, Charger, Smoker and close behind after being disturbed by the bombs going off was a Witch. The eight Infected ran and jumped across the bridge, dead determined to kill anything that wasn't infected. When they saw the helicopter take off they stopped looking at it. The Tank, Charger and Hunter all gave howls and roars seeing their prizes take off. The Witch had stopped and was now screaming at the helicopter as if to be quite and the Smoker and Spitter were trying to hit it with their long ranged attacks. The Jockey gave out a mix between a laugh and a series of screams and the Boomer gurgled in defiance watching the helicopter fly away.

The Tank gave a bellow before picking up a slab of concrete, but before he could throw it, a loud sound was heard from the sky.


They waited; everything silent and still...


From the helicopter Nick looked out the window and saw the bridge blown to high hell.

"Take that you zombie bastards..." He said with a grin adorned on his face before he nodded to the rest of the group and they cheered, for they had survived the zombie apocalypse and only came out with (a few) large scratches.