• Published 15th Feb 2013
  • 4,646 Views, 133 Comments

"Where Will I Go?" - gordobraveheart

  • ...

-Unanswered Questions.

“You guys really like Pinkie Pie’s cupcakes, huh?”

“Well yea! They’re like, the best in Ponyville! Maybe even Equestria!”

“And that gave you the reason to snatch the bag out of my hand, Scootaloo?”

“Hm...Yea pretty much!”

After closing the door, Scootaloo saw the bag of cupcakes and just started digging in. I told her that she should have only one because the others have to eat too. She inspected the cupcakes she was eating, and gave each of the other kids their own. She held one out, a chocolate coated cupcake with sprinkles on top, and asked me if I wanted it. I told her I was not hungry at the moment, and that she should save that cupcake for somepony else later, or me if I do get hungry.

“Alright then, I’ll just leave it in the bag for you.” Scootaloo said as she placed the cupcake in the bag and held it in her mouth. She tried to speak, but the bag in her mouth mumbled out some hard to hear words. “Leff geff goin’!”
Even though the words were muffled everypony understood her, heck even the dragon did! But when I turned to look at Spike, he had such a mischievous smile.

He looked towards Scootaloo with a confused expression and a claw pressed next to his green, scaly ear. “What was that again?”

“I fed, leff geff goin!” repeated Scootaloo, with less enthusiasm than before but a little louder. This got a little giggle from Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom, and even gave me a little smile.

Spike’s ‘confused expression’, so to say, was revealing a sly grin instead of a dumbstruck, mouth agape look. “Sorry, couldn’t quite catch that, Scoots. Mind repeating it?”

“I FED, LEFF GEFF GOIN’!” This time, Scootaloo sounded more frustrated, which got a laugh from Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Spike. I chuckled because of how frustrated the little orange Pegasus was, making her frustration turn into annoyance.

She spat out the bag, hitting Spike in the face with it and knocking him down on his tail as he held on the books he was carrying like they were his children. Scootaloo’s annoyed straight lips curved into a small smile. She closed her eyes, and spoke with a happy tone. “There. Now, let’s get going.”

Spike stood back up from the ground, both books in one hand and the cupcakes bag in the other. Spike didn’t get mad though, instead, he just laughed. He laughed along with the C.M.C, making me smile at these little kids hijinks.

“Alright, we should probably get you fillies,” Spike said in a disappointed tone. “And colt, back to Sweet Apple Acres. I don’t want Applejack ringing my neck.” I said, jokingly.

Jokingly. Yea.

I knew we were getting closer to Sweet Apple Acres, because we were walking on a dirt path with a one sided fence, and over that fence I could see rows upon rows of apple trees. I stopped for just a second, leaning over the fence and just to stare at the scenery in front of me. Some apple trees were swaying in the wind, while others looked like they were being kicked hardly to get the hanging apples off of the tree.

Staring at the scenery is giving me a bad feeling in pit of my stomach. Everything here so far looks peaceful, so why do I feel bad? Now that I think about it, why am I here? Is this really just a dream, a deep sleep or am I even in a coma? The more I look around, the more everything seems more real than fake. The wind swishing the trees, the crunching of grass underneath the hooves of ponies, talking ponies nonetheless; and yet everything seems so real.

I...I just don’t know.

“Big Mac and Applejack seem mighty busy today.” I look down at my right side to see Apple Bloom right beside me, but also looking at the trees in the acre. I looked around for Spike, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, but had no luck in spotting them. I was about to ask where they were at, but Apple Bloom already spoke up. “Don’t worry mister. They’re walkin’ back to the farm. Ah just told them they could go ahead without me.” She looked away from the trees and looked up at me. “Ah stayed ‘cause you looked kinda sad. Is everything okay, mister?”

I raised an eyebrow, confused at the question. “I’m not sad, Apple Bloom.”

“Are ya sure?” She asked, “You sure do look sad.”

I knelt down to get an even eye level with Apple Bloom, and petted her mane at the same time. “I’m not sad, Apple Bloom, honestly. I’m, what’s the word...confused.” I said, getting back up. “Come on, let’s get back to Sweet Apple Acres.”

“Well, what are you confused about, mister?” Apple Bloom said as we began our walk back the farm. I look down to my left side to her pulling out some sad eyes, big ones.

I sighed, still walking alongside her. I look down at her and thought it would be a better idea to fake a smile, than to just tell her the reason, because… I don’t even know why, and explaining it to her would confuse both of us. “You little ponies ask a lotta questions, huh?”

“Hey, Ah’m a big pony!” Apple Bloom replied, pouting. “Ah just ain’t as tall as mah sister.” She stuck her maw in the air, like she was really offended.

“Awe come on,” I chuckled, poking her belly, causing her to giggle. “I’m just kidding.”
“You better be bub.”

I smiled at the little one. Even though I have no full information on who I am, these ponies are kind of warming me up a bit.
Warmth. Why do I feel that all of a sudden? It’s already happened at least, what, twice now? Counting this one, that’s three. This land has weird weather patterns-

“I just remembered something. Come on, Apple Bloom, I need to read that book!” I said quickly as I began to run.

“What for?” Apple Bloom said, catching up to me. In fact, she’s passing me. Ponies are fast, aren’t they?

“Well, for one, your sister could be worried about you, and two,” We were already at the entrance of the farm, where in the distance I could see Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo enter the house. Spike had a broom in his claws, so I’m guessing he was already put to work. “There is a book I need to read, two books actually.”

We began to walk into the farm, calmly. Since we are already here, there is no need to rush. As we walked by Spike, I noticed a large, big red pony. There was no doubt that he was male, just the simple line he spoke said it all,

“Hey, Big Mac, Are mah friends inside the house?” Apple Bloom said, walking up to Big Mac...


She walked right back next to me, beginning our walk back into the house. “They’re inside.”

I raised my brows, surprised that she wasn’t scared of that pony. “Who was that?”

“Mah brother.” Apple Bloom responded, proudly, “Now come on, don’t you want to read your books?”

We entered the house, looking around for Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. That’s when I spotted them sitting in the living room, drinking some water.

“Thanks for the water, Granny Smith!” Sweetie Belle said, gulping up the whole glass.

“Yea, thanks.” Scootaloo repeated, also drinking the water. She then turned her head towards me, waving a hoof at me. I walked up to her, with Apple Bloom following behind. “Good, you’re here. Granny Smith, meet our new friend?”

I looked to my right to see an old, female pony standing under the door frame. She had a lime green coat, with a white mane and tail. The mane was tied up into a bundy, if that’s the right word.

I sighed, looking at Scootaloo. “Scoots, I don’t think Granny Smith can hear or even see me. Watch.” I walked up to her waving my hand. She did nothing, just stare straight on. I turned back around to face the three, shrugging. “See? She can’t-”

“Don’t talk to ya elders like that youngster!” An old, southern accent said.

I turned back around, wide eyed. Granny Smith was smiling and looking at me straight in the eye. I was shocked. Nopony else other than the colts and fillies could see me!

I backed away slowly, letting the old mare pass.

“Thought this ol’ coot can’t hear or see well, now did ya?”

Author's Note:

Welp, here's the next chapter, sooner than I thought. Thank my new friend, and editor bluefurbluestar for checking my chapter. Hope you all enjoyed!