• Published 2nd Jan 2013
  • 1,315 Views, 35 Comments

A fiddle tuned to crows. - LucidTech

Saved by a strange creature, Fiddlesticks now has to figure out what to do with it. And what exactly it means to be it's Summoner.

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Enter the Unexpected Chapter

Fiddlesticks moved quietly through the apple farm, the strange monster on her tail the entire way. She had been trying to ditch it the entire way here but it had always showed up right behind her when she glanced over her shoulder. It was, quite easily, the creepiest thing in the entire world. Worse still was that it didn't seem to want to hurt her and while that had originially been a comforting thought it now carried a malevolent fear of what it did want with her then.

She moved into the barn, and turned to watch the door so she could see the creature enter behind her, but it never did. As she was watching the door intently she slowly began to realize that there was a creaking sound that seemed to be coming from directly behind her. She looked over her shoulder and couldn't help but let loose a gasp and thank the stars that she had used the rest room right before leaving town. The creature stared at her with it's deep emerald eyes and Fiddlesticks felt the desperate need to freak out.

She restrained herself though, maintaining composure, and breathed in through her nostrils while her wide eyes kept themselves glued to the nightmarish creature. Slowly she stuttered a few words in the direction of the thing. "Can you stay here for the night?"

"Yes Master." The voice sent shivers down her spine, and she once again felt the need to run as far away as she could.

"That's great, I'm going to go into the house, and ask for a bed. I'll come get you in the morning. Alright?"

"Yes Master."

"Good..." Fiddlesticks backed slowly out of the barn, keeping an eye on the monster, and then slowly closing the door. She sighed and turned away from the door and right into a pair of emerald green eyes. She let loose a blood curdling scream and backed away in a hurry, only to find that the pair of eyes belonged to a different being. Applejack looked back at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh it's you Fiddles. I was wonderin' who could be out here at this hour."

"Yea, sorry, I was on my way home through the Everfree but I got ambushed by timber wolves. I hope you don't mind if I stay another night."

"'Course not!" Applejack exclaimed. "But timber wolves huh? Sugarcube, that's some bad luck there. How'd you get outta that sticky situation?"

Fiddles ran through the possible answers in her head. But she also tried to talk at the same time, and that was two activities that didn't work very well together. "Well they ran away?"

"Ran away?" Applejack's voice was doubting and Fiddle's immediately began to curse her cousin's perfect ability to know when people were lying.

"Yea, I think something scared them off."

"Oh, I guess that would make-" Fiddles' eyes caught some movement and she redirected her attention. Standing above Applejack on a wooden post a very familiar being stood with arms outstretched. In the distance she heard the sound of approaching crows and she realized that it must have heard her scream, and had come to save her, again, for whatever reason dictated this thing's movements.

"STOP!" She shouted and watched as the creature stood from it's pose and the sound of crows began to die away. She was relieved to have managed the situation, and she remained relieved right up until she looked at Applejack, who was looking at her like she was completely and totally insane.

Which, at this point, Fiddlesticks was beginning to think she might be.

"I meant, we should go inside and talk about this, it's gettin' kinda cold."

Applejack let loose a brisk laugh. "You know I love you Cuz, but sometimes you city folk can be a bit too... what's the word.. fragile, that's the one!"

"Yea, I know, but what can I say? I'm not nearly as practiced at this hard working thing as you guys are."

"Alright, let's get you inside sugar cube, then you can tell me your story."

"Sounds good." As Applejack began to move Fiddlesticks realized that the monster wasn't in sight anymore, and instinctively looked behind her, only to find it wasn't there either. Keeping her voice low, she looked towards the closed doors of the barn and whispered. "If you're in there, try and stay out of sight until morning."

She got a crow's call in return.

Author's Note:

It only now occurs to me, right before I write this, how much of a pain it's going to be to refer to this characters.