• Published 29th Dec 2012
  • 2,725 Views, 143 Comments

Sonata de Equestria - MyHobby

Equestria's history is catching up to the present. When Twilight Sparkle uncovers a dark crystal heart in King Sombra's tomb, she and her friends find themselves on the run from timberwolves, windigos, and Sombra himself.

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First Movement: Part 5- Sing Your Scales

Sing Your Scales

Applejack carried a heaping pile of plates into the kitchen. Balanced precariously on her nose, they teetered back and forth as she brought them to the sink. “Applebloom? Applebloom! Where in the hay are yah?”

“Right here, Applejack!” The little yellow filly pushed a stool up to the sink and began pumping the handle. Once the water flowed freely, she turned back to her big sister and began to direct her progress. “Okay, a little to the right… Now a little leftish… Bring them forwards and also a little rightly…” After a minute of cautious maneuvering, Applejack had reached the counter. “Perfect! Set ‘em down right there!”

The orange earth pony set the leaning tower of dishware down and rubbed her nose. “Hoo-ee! Now that’s a lot a dishes! I didn’t think we ate that much food.”

“I think it’s mostly ‘cause Big Mac was experimentin’ in the kitchen again.” Applebloom was lathering up the washcloth with soap, getting ready to wipe down the towering load of dirty dishes beside her. “He said that he found a new cookbook at th’ library th’other day, ‘1001 Ways to do Apples.’”

“Psh. I know ten thousand ways tah do apples without even lookin’ it up.” Applejack handed the top of the stack to her sister, and then grabbed a towel to begin drying. “Though that Martha Washin’Ton pumpkin pie was pretty inspired.”

“And how!”

A frenzied knocking on the door disrupted the sisters’ flow, sending a particularly unlucky plate tumbling to the floor below. When it landed, instead of shattering into a million shards of painful glass, it bounced right back into the sink. Applejack stared in shocked silence for a moment before the knocking started back up. “I’m gonna need tah thank Pinkie Pie for those party plates…”

Applejack opened the front door to find a pink earth pony clutching a yellow pegasus firmly by her side. The cowpony smirked and adjusted her Stetson in greeting. “Well, speak of Tirek an’ he will appear! How yah doin’ Pinkie? Fluttershy?”

Pinkie grabbed her orange friend with her forehooves and pulled her close. “Applejack! Barn! Talk! Important! Now!”

“Uuuh…” Applejack glanced at her sister. Applebloom motioned that she would finish the dishes herself. “Alright, let’s go.”

The three ponies made their way through the night-darkened orchard to the barn, and Applejack shut the big door behind them. “So what’s got you all het up?”

Pinkie was breathing into a paper bag, provided by Fluttershy. After a moment, she was finally able to talk. “Something’s wrong! Something’s really, really, really, really wrong!”

“What is it Pinkie?” Fluttershy asked. “What’s the matter? You can tell us.”

“Girls,” Pinkie started. “What do you remember about the Crystal Empire returning?”

“I ‘member that it was disappeared, or invisible, or somethin’ for about a thousand years.” Applejack pushed her hat further up her head to scratch at her mane. “That’s about it, though. I didn’t think there was much else.”

“Oh, and there was that scary unicorn king,” Fluttershy remembered. “The one who kept the Crystal Ponies as his slaves.” She hid her face in her mane. “I’m glad that the big meanie is gone.”

“But that’s just it!” Pinkie exclaimed. “We thought that Sombra returned when the Crystal Empire reappeared!”

Applejack suddenly noticed the deerstalker cap sitting on the pink pony’s poofy mane. How long has she been wearin' that?

“But I’ve gathered evidence that Sombra had escaped from his icy prison years before the Crystal Empire returned!” Pinkie began to pace back and forth on top of a hay bale. “It doesn’t add up! If he was free, he wouldn’t have spent decades lying around doing nothing! What could he be planning!?”

“Pinkie!” Applejack stopped up Pinkie’s mouth with a hoof. “What are you talkin’ about? What evidence?”

“Sombra attacked Cranky Doodle Donkey ten years ago! He even got it on tape!”

Fluttershy tilted her head. “Sombra got it on tape?”

“No!” Pinkie shouted. “I was at Cranky’s house for a get-together, and we were watching his movies, and the last one had him go to a hidden temple in the Equestrian Wastes and TWILIGHT!”

Applejack was thoroughly flummoxed. “What? Now Twilight’s in his movie?”

“Aaarrgh!” Pinkie threw her deerstalker cap on the ground. “No! Nonononono!” She punctuated each “no” with a stomp to her hat.

Fluttershy hugged her enraged friend and spoke soothingly. “Pinkie, we want to help. Start from the beginning and slow down.”

Pinkie gradually calmed down the point where she could speak again. “Sombra wouldn’t have spent his free time doing nothing. I think that Twilight’s going to the same temple that Cranky found Sombra in.” She had tears in her eyes. “I’m afraid that Twilight and Rainbow and Lyra are going to find whatever the bad guy was planning and get hurt.”

Applejack joined Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie in their group hug. “Sugarcube, Twilight’s a big girl; she can take care of herself.” She sighed and dusted off Pinkie’s hat. “And that unicorn jerk’s long gone, he can’t hurt anypony anymore.”

“Oh, yes,” Fluttershy added. “Spike and Princess Cadance were able to stop him for good.”

“But why did he wait until the empire reappeared?” Pinkie pressed. “Why didn’t he try to attack Equestria, or anywhere else?”

“Maybe he was just an oddly-specific dictator, I dunno.” Applejack yawned; it was getting late, and she’d been working all day long. “Whatever he had planned, it’s all gone to pieces now, just like him.” She chuckled. “Can’t say as I’ve ever seen a monster that Twilight couldn’t handle, anyways.”

Fluttershy’s sudden cough sounded a lot like “cockatrice.”

“We gotta send her a letter, just to let her know.” Pinkie wasn’t ready to give up. “Even if she’s not in danger, it would still be good to know that Sombra’s been around longer than we thought.”

Fluttershy spoke up, quietly. “Well, you can ask Spike to send her a letter.”

Pinkie leaped up. “That’s genius!” She was about to start off in the direction of the library, when she remembered that she hadn’t seen him all day. “Hay, do you girls know where he got off to?”

“He and Rarity went gem-hunting today,” Fluttershy answered. “They should be back by now, though. It’s awfully late.”

“Thanks, Fluttershy.” Pinkie turned to the other pony. “And thanks for listening, Applejack. I don’t know what I’d do without my friends.”

Applejack sighed. “Just try an’ keep outta trouble, y’hear?”

“Can do, will do, done!”

Pinkie opened the door to the library to find it dark and empty. “Spike! Spiiiike!”

Hmm, maybe he’s still with Rarity, she thought. Ah, forbidden love!

She considered waiting until the morning to contact Spike, on the off-chance that he and the white unicorn had randomly confessed their undying love, and were now spending a lovely evening together sipping hot chocolate in front of a toasty fire and-

Nope-nope-nope-nope, get a hold of yourself, Pinkie! she scolded herself. You need to at least try and tell Twilight about Sombra’s dark deeds!

However, when she had crossed the town to Rarity’s shop, Carousel Boutique, it was just as dark and lonely as the library. Uh… Maybe they’re sharing drinks at Sugarcube Corner?

Nada. Neither of them were among the restaurant/bakery’s patrons. Ok, this is starting to freak me out.

The clock atop town hall rang ten o’clock as Pinkie trotted into the square. It’s really, really late, and they’re nowhere in town… That’s gotta mean…

Pinkie’s pupils dilated as she came to a conclusion. Something happened while they were gemhunting! I gotta help them!

She was about to alert the ponies dining in Sugarcube Corner to follow her, when she realized that she didn’t know whether her friends were in trouble or not. She didn’t want to be accused of crying timberwolf. Maybe I’ll just go myself first. If I can’t help them, I’ll be able to run back to Ponyville!

She set off at a gallop to the barrens; first-aid kit and rescue rope slung over her side, just in case.

Rarity sputtered and coughed at Spot’s revelation. “Sombra? Sombra! Darling, you must be mistaken!”

Blushing at being called “darling,” Spot shook his head firmly, spraying slobber on Spike. “No, we are sure of it! He has visited, he has kept in contact, he is the Unicorn King!”

Spike wiped his face off and questioned the Diamond Dog. “Aw, yeah? What’s he look like?”

Spot shivered in the darkness. “He appears as a great, black cloud! His eyes are red and green, and he speaks in a deep voice.”

Pursing her lips, Rarity attempted to put her own fears at rest. “And… How long has it been since Sombra contacted you?”

Spot counted on his fingers before replying. “Five days ago!”

Rarity’s rosy cheeks blanched, her pupils shrunk, and her mouth grew dry. It had been at least a month since they had defeated Sombra in the Equestrian Wastes. Spot had described him perfectly. Either this was the work of a charlatan, or…

“Sombra’s back…” Spike whispered. His purple features were paled with horror. “And he’s after Equestria now.”

The baby dragon turned to Rarity and grabbed her leg. “We can’t let him get his hooves on the Alicorn Amulet! He’s already one of the most powerful unicorns ever; imagine what he’d do with it!”

“Now, now, Spike”--Rarity gulped in an effort to moisten her mouth--“Panicking will do no good. We just need to get out of these caves and inform the princesses.” She turned to the small reptile. “Unless your magical flame can send a letter from down here?”

Spike shook his head. “Even if I had a pen and paper, the spell only works in open air.”

“Then we shall have to hoof it.” Rarity turned to the Diamond Dog. “Which way is the exit?”

“That way!” he pointed. “You go, Miss Rarity, we’ll try to distract Rover.”

“Thank you so much, Spot,” Rarity smiled. “We won’t forget you, I promise!”

Rarity and Spike galloped down the path Spot had indicated. The never-ending tunnels stretched before them as they rounded corners and sprinted down straightaways. Rarity stopped at an intersection, her beautiful features strained with exertion and indecision. “Which way do we go?”

“I dunno, try the right path!” Spike pointed down said tunnel, hoping to goodness that it would lead the two of them out of their mess.

Without another word, Rarity plunged into the corridor, breathing getting more ragged by the minute. Spike wished that he could do more to help. As it was, he was just a burden on Rarity’s back. He found that he became even more of a burden than he bargained for when they reached the end of his choice tunnel.

Waiting at the next intersection were six guards lead by Rover Redvest himself. Lying next to him was the crumpled form of Spot the Diamond Dog, bloodied and bruised. “Hello, pony,” he growled. “It’s time to go back into your cage.”

Rarity gulped and began to backpedal. “You don’t suppose we could come to an agreement?”

Rover hefted a spiked club and took a few steps towards her. “Tell us where to find the Alicorn Amulet. Maybe we let you go.” He snarled and bared his uneven teeth. “Maybe we break you anyways!

“No!” Spike leapt down from Rarity’s back with a shout. “You let her go! I’m the one you want!”

Rarity gasped in surprise. “Spike! What are you…?”

“She doesn’t know where the amulet is,” Spike stomped towards the Dogs assembled before him. “But I was there when it was hidden!”

The Diamond Dogs glared at his small, scaly form. I think they’re buying it. Spike once again appealed to goodness. Please be buying it.

“If you are telling the truth…” Rover got close enough to Spike that the baby dragon could see individual blackheads on the Dog’s nose. “Then you will tell us where it is, or we will hurt the pony!”

Spike had laid all of his chips on the table. The Dogs had called his bluff, and he had to take desperate measures. He opened his mouth wide, and slammed his teeth deep into Rover’s mangy snout. A high-pitched whine was all that could escape Redvest’s throat as he spun around like a squirrel on sugar; doing everything he could to dislodge the painful bite. Spike released his hold just before Rover rammed his head into the cave wall, allowing the Dog to plant his face deep into the rock uninhibited.

Spike turned to his companion. “Run, Rarity! Get out of here!”

Rarity scoffed at the very notion. “I’m not just going to leave you here!”

The dragon blew fire at the assembled Diamond Dogs in an effort to keep them at bay, but his tiny jet of flame didn’t do much to dissuade them. “I can take some punishment, Rarity!” Another breath scorched a Dog’s paw, causing it to drop its weapon. “You can’t! You can go get some help!”

Rarity heard the rumbling of the Diamond Dogs’ rusty mine carts. Another troop of soldiers was on the way. She levitated the dropped spear and pointed it at a mutt that got too close. “Friends stick together, Spike, I’m not leaving!”

Spike was turning to reply, when several things happened in quick succession.

First, the reinforcements arrived: two Dogs pulling a soldier-loaded cart behind them. Next, Rover managed to pry his head out of the wall; fire in his eyes and a club in his hand. Rarity gasped as a wheel came loose from the cart, tripping up the lead Dogs and sending their vehicle careening towards her. Rover rushed at Rarity in the intent of smacking her senseless, heedless of the onrushing cart. Spike leaped at Rarity and shoulder-checked her; sending her flying to the side.

The minecart collided with Spike and Rover with a sickening “smack!”

Pinkie Pie burst onto the field with a fervor only achieved through intense worry. She gazed around the barren landscape for any sign of her friends. On the opposite end was a little red wagon that clearly belonged to Rarity. Pinkie Pie trotted over to inspect the gem-laden pull-cart, noticing a mound of dirt not five hoof-widths away. Curiouser and curiouser…

As she approached the mound, twitches began to twitch all over the pink pony’s body. Twitchy-twitcha-twitch!

The closer to the mound she got, the stronger they grew. She circled the mound and found the twitches leading her past it, over to a bare spot in the middle if the field. Right there, very soon, there was gonna be one heck of a doozy.

“Spike!” Rarity shouted as the minecart smashed into the cavern wall. She rushed to the wreckage, looking for any sign of her diminutive friend. “Spike, can you hear me?”

The Diamond Dogs who had bailed out of the cart were beginning to recover their senses. They gathered around Rarity and began to tie her up, fully planning on completing their mandate. “You get your scruffy hands off of me! I have to help Spike! Spike!”

Beneath the crushed cart, something stirred in Spike. Above the pain of being pinned, beyond the helplessness he felt at being a baby dragon, an anger rose up inside him. Though most of the sounds outside the wreckage were muffled, one voice reached his ears: “Help, Spike! Spike!

“No!” he managed to shout, despite the pressure on his lungs. He began to push at the rubble, hoping to at least dig his way out. Much to his surprise, the minecart began to lift easily. He opened his eyes to see the Dogs in the process of dragging Rarity away. “LET HER GO!”

The soldiers looked at the source of the new sound, and appeared to simultaneously wet themselves. Standing before them was a purple dragon, perhaps three times the size of even the largest Diamond Dog. In his hands he held a hefty minecart, difficult enough to drag even when it was empty, and he was holding it like it was a basketball! The assembled Dogs all proceeded to take a step back from Rarity, save for the largest. Fido hefted Rarity and began to retreat from the scene, but not before giving an order of his own. “What you waiting for? Kill it!”

The admittedly stupid Diamond Dogs charged at the new foe, and the entire front row was crushed when Spike threw the minecart at them. The six foot soldiers who remained standing split, attempting to flank the sizable beast before them. Spike turned and swished his tail, slamming two Dogs into the wall with one swing, and two more with the back-swing.

One Dog leapt onto Spike’s back and tried to stab through his scales, serving only to annoy the heavily-armored dragon. Spike reached behind his head and grabbed the offending attacker, holding him in one claw. The other Dog had apparently read up on dragons, he was searching for the single inevitable chink in Spike’s armor.

Spike smiled, that story was just a myth.

He pounded his fist into the ground, crushing the Diamond Dog he was holding into the dirt. He roared at the final enemy, letting loose a jet of scalding flame. The sizzling Dog yipped as it ran down the corridor, leaving Spike nearly alone.


Rover Redvest had just regained consciousness and was nursing a broken arm, when an enormous dragon came eye-to-eye with him. The dragon’s breath smelt of gemstones and cupcakes as it threatened the alpha male. “If you hurt Rarity again, I find you! Then I do this!” The dragon crushed a head sized rock between his thumb and pointer-claw, letting the powder cover Rover’s face.

Rover watched as the fearsome creature ran down the path, bound and determined to rescue its friend.

Rarity had nearly fainted when Spike emerged from the wreckage; it seemed that the poor little dragon couldn’t maintain control. Now, as she was being carted off to who-knows-where, she began to wonder if the newly-grown dragon would come after her, or after the gemstone pile.

To both her relief and dismay, Fido’s gait became unsteady as the earth around them shook. Spike rounded the corner and roared at the Dog. It was a heart-stopping roar that turned the Dog’s complexion a pasty green. Fido turned at the sound and screamed at the sharp-toothed mouth before him.

“LET HER GO!” the dragon roared. “I said let her go!” He pounded the cave wall for emphasis, causing a miniature cave-in over the Diamond Dog’s head.

The Dog complied, pushing Rarity towards her super-sized friend.

“Now, run,” Spike growled.

Fido turned as if to leave, but suddenly rushed at the purple dragon, spear bared. Spike swatted him with a casual backhand, embedding him in the wall.

The large dragon looked down at the hyperventilating Rarity with concern in his eyes. He raised his gaze to the ceiling of the cave and spoke. “Step back.”

When Rairty didn’t move, Spike gently wrapped his tail around her body and scootched her to the side. The area clear, he dug his claws into the tunnel’s roof, digging his way up to the surface.

Pinkie felt the earth rumbling a moment before an enormous claw tore its way out of the ground, right next to where she was sitting. She screeched and hid behind the dirt mound. Words failed her as she watched the mythical beast rise from the caverns below, moonlight reflecting off of the scales on his wingless back.

The last part of the creature to emerge was its tail, grasped in the end was an unconscious white unicorn. “Rarity!” Pinkie ran up to the dragon with newfound boldness. “You put her down, you big meanie!”

The dragon looked down at the new arrival in confusion for a second, before large, salty tears burst from his eyes. He set Rarity next to Pinkie and lay down beside her. As the tears came, the dragon began to shrink, first imperceptibly, then exponentially. Before long, the dragon had shrunk back down to his original form, that of Spike’s sob-wracked body.

He crawled up beside Rarity’s still form. “I-I’m sorry, Rarity…” He snuffled as he placed a hand on her back. “I-I-I couldn’t hold it back!” He began to sob again as Rarity regained consciousness.

Pinkie Pie hugged the small dragon firmly. He buried his head in her poofy curls, trying to hide his tears. Rarity walked over and rubbed his back with a hoof until he stopped crying. “Spike, should we send a letter to the princess now? Spike?”

The baby dragon had fallen asleep.

Rarity sighed. “I suppose we could send a letter snail-mail style.”

Pinkie Pie shook her head violently. “No-no-no-no, too slow! Twilight needs to know now!”

Rarity lowered an eyebrow. “Twilight? But we need to tell Princess Celestia the awful news I just discovered!”

The two ponies spoke simultaneously, “Sombra’s still dangerous!” The silence lasted a whole minute after they had finished.

Pinkie Pie hefted the sleeping dragon. “Maybe we should take him to Carousel Boutique?”

Rarity nodded. “I think it’s best if we all stay together for tonight.”

Dusty Shelves could see Canterlot in the distance; its sparkling spires an inspiring sight in the moonlight. If he turned his head, he could see the sleepy town of Ponyville, but he wasn’t ready to face that yet. He considered how best to approach the place, should he act as an old friend, or should he try to disguise himself?

His thoughts were interrupted by Sombra’s heavy voice drifting to his ear. “Magnificent, isn’t it? A true kingdom. One that deserves its king.”

Dusty turned his bloodshot eyes to his saddlebags. “A-a-and who’s going to run it? You?”

Smoke poured out of the bag, coalescing into a dark, horned head. “Well, I do have the pedigree.”

The former librarian stared in apprehension at the ghostly unicorn. It was only now that he began to wonder just what Mr. Tidings needed his help for.

Somber Tidings grinned at the earth pony, his sideburns somehow wafting in the breeze. “You stick by me, Dusty, you’ll go places. I guarantee it.”

Dusty “humphed” and turned his attention to the small town in the distance. “S-s-so what’s your p-p-plan? For re-re-r-revenge, I mean.” He shook his head. “Twilight’s a cr-crafty one.”

“First, there is information I must gather,” Somber Tidings replied. He smiled at Ponyville, a most unpleasant smile that betrayed his malicious intent. “Only when I am prepared, can we face Twilight Sparkle together.

“In the meantime,” he continued. “I would like to practice the old military tactic, ‘divide and conquer.’”

Dusty grimaced. “How are we going to do that?”

Sombra returned to his place inside Dusty Shelves’ saddlebags. “We’ll meet up with some old friends, then you’ll see.”

Pinkie placed Spike gently on Rarity’s bed, his soft snores interrupted once in a while by frightened exclamations from the land beyond dreams. “No… Rarity… Gotta save her…”

Rarity was writing letters to Celestia and Twilight, hoping to give them to Spike for next-day delivery. Her heart nearly burst when she heard one particular mumble drift out of Spike’s mind. “Please… Don’t be scared… Don’t run…”

Pinkie hummed a quiet lullaby to Spike, and he was able to calm down to a more healing sleep.

It’s the end of the day
My scaly li’l friend
Now go on your way
To enter Dreamland

Please fill your heart
With calming sleep
‘Ere the new day starts
You’ll stay off your feet

And when you awake
We’ll be by your side
We wait for your sake
Oh friend of our lives

Now fill with good cheer
For one blissful night
Pinkie will be here
And it’ll be all right…

Author's Note:

Spike supersizing: Done before.
Supersized Spike trouncing Diamond Dogs: Done before.

And done better, I think. I assume.

Next chapter is about Twilight, so don't go away! We'll be right back, only on...

The Bub.

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