• Published 29th Dec 2012
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Sonata de Equestria - MyHobby

Equestria's history is catching up to the present. When Twilight Sparkle uncovers a dark crystal heart in King Sombra's tomb, she and her friends find themselves on the run from timberwolves, windigos, and Sombra himself.

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Second Movement: Part 10- Scordatura de Storia

Scordatura de Storia

Crested Barbary exited the office with a satisfied snort. The troops had been strictly kept in line by his sub-commanders during his extended absence in Equestria. With nothing more to be done for it, he proceeded to his final appointment of the day.

He approached the door to his king’s chambers with trepidation. The click of his talons echoed through the empty halls, and the hairs on his back stood on end. He growled at his own nervousness. He had done well and completed his mission. That was that.

It certainly isn’t my fault that Lord Wing assaulted a dignitary, he thought. He and I will have nothing to do with each other after this is over.

Crested knocked with renewed confidence. “Come in, Captain,” said the voice of his king. He complied and pushed the door open. He nearly swallowed his tongue at the sight of Gilded Wing sitting on a chair opposite the king’s bed. The griffon lord raised an eyebrow at his appearance, but said nothing.

“Take a seat, Crested Barbary.” The king’s tone implied a request, but Andean Ursagriff was not one to make simple requests. Crested quickly pulled up a chair, keeping as far away from Gilded as possible.

King Ursagriff reclined on his bed as several attendants brushed his fur and preened his feathers. He waved them off, sending them scrambling for the exit. He turned to Crested and Gilded with a predatory smile.

“You’ve done well my faithful servants
You have made your country proud
I commend you for your duty
Of success I had no doubt

“I know how the score is settled
Equestria holds the cards
But with this magical relic
We’ll show them the power’s ours”

Crested Barbary swallowed and scratched a small furrow in the arm of his chair.

“If I may be so bold, Master
Something of which I’m not sure
Why is Gilded in our meeting?
He’s attempted a murder”

Gilded let a low, tinny growl escape his throat.

“Captain, it’s my expedition
My plan to steal Sombra’s heart
Without me your little mission
For power would come apart”

Barbary bristled, but kept his breathing steady. He grasped his talons together and addressed the lord.

“Yes, the ponies need convincing
They’ve been gods for way too long
But you would have killed in cold blood
Rainbow Dash did nothing wrong”

Andean pointed a warning talon at Crested.

“I detect misplaced sentiment
You seem to care of this girl
Does it matter if she dies or not
If we can free the world?”

He stood on his bed, his wings stretching wide. His eyes narrowed in scrutiny. “Crested, Celestia’s reign upon the world, her control of the sun itself, has kept the griffon kingdom under its thumb for hundreds of years. We cannot let that crime go unpunished!”

Crested shot a pointed glance at Gilded. “Shall we let the punishment fall upon those who have nothing to do with it?”

The king held his head high. “No one is innocent in this. Why should the griffons languish in misery while the ponies prosper?

“Crested, I ask of you
They were a monarchy, too
Yet the prosperity’s theirs!
How could fate be so cruel?

“Captain, we fight for our lives
While they rejoice in her rule
We must even the odds”

He stood and crossed the room in a few long strides. The portrait of an elderly griffon adorned the far wall, its eyes sharp and its beak curled upwards in a smile.

“Our government was modeled thusly
Due to Moshe’s keen design
Ponies presented the benefits
Of one ruler for all time”

Andean snarled as he turned away from the portrait.

“Where’s the princess’ plight?
Seems they do everything right!”

“Very well then,” Crested huffed. He sat back in his seat and sent a growl in Gilded Wing’s direction. “If this heart is some sort of ‘cure-all,’ then please, explain how it works.”

Gilded withdrew the weakly-pulsating crystal from his cloak. “I think you’re going to like what you see.”

A cheer rose from the griffons assembled in the tavern. Mugs bumped together, backs were patted, and rowdy songs rattled the chandeliers. The energy of a new life beginning energized the patrons, their celebration continuing long into the night.

Martial Paw sat at the bar with an untouched mug. He occasionally looked into its depths, as if he could seek the answer to life’s questions within. He couldn’t look for long before the image of a blue pegasus mare stared back at him, her eyes accusing.

That’s the thing, Martial, I did trust you.

“‘We live in different worlds, Dash,’” he repeated his reply. “Doh, ho, ho, I suck.”

Martial lifted the mug to his beak with a sense of finality, yet still hesitated. He paused with the lip of the mug inches from his mouth. He blinked at the frothy barley brew within and sighed. He planted the mug on the bar and pushed it away. His head lay on the bar, an arm covering his eyes. “Oh, yeah. Getting drunk would totally endear me to her. Great plan, featherbrain.”

And that’s why I’m here, isn’t it? he asked himself. To drink until I can’t feel anymore. Like a bona fide jackamule. Jackamule, jackamule, jackamule. I need to get a grip.

A movement at his side told him that another griffon had sat down beside him. The new griffon ordered himself a drink, and then nudged Martial’s elbow. “Hey, I know who you are.”

“Huh?” Martial’s head poked up. He gave the other griffon a raised eyebrow. “Have we met?”

“Naw, but I saw you arrive in port.” The griffon’s orange-striped behind made Martial feel a little dizzy. “You were with that expedition into Equestria, right?”

“Yep.” Martial grabbed at his mug and cradled it in his talons. “That’s us.”

“What’s got you so down? You’re the reason everybody’s celebrating!” The tiger-striped griffon patted Martial’s back with a dark talon. “After all these years, we’ve finally got something to hold over that prissy pony princess’ head!”

“Yay, woo-hoo.” Martial twirled a claw in the air. “Isn’t that just great?”

“Uh, yeah.” The griffon sneered. “Now we can take what’s rightfully ours without the princess breathing down our neck, telling us to ‘play nice.’ Isn’t that why you went?”

“Sure is,” Martial groaned as he laid his head in his talons.

“Right!” The griffon grinned sardonically. “We’ve had enough of those ponies having all the good stuff in life. It’s our turn now!”

“Sounds like you’re jealous.” Martial looked into his mug and shook his head. He slid it down the bar to the bartender. “Gimme a water, please.”

The bartended didn’t move to retrieve the cup. He was staring at Martial Paw and the griffon behind him. Martial took in a gulp of air and turned to see the griffon looming over him.

“Jealous?” The striped griffon snorted. “Jealous of a bunch of pastel ponies?”

Martial’s eyebrows lowered and his frown deepened. “Well, maybe not jealous, per say.”

“Yeah?” the griffon challenged. “Then what?”

“‘Covetous’ comes to mind.” Martial shrugged and turned back to the bartender. “A water, please.”

The bartender rolled his eyes and slid Martial Paw the glass. Martial took a deep swig, emptying it in one swallow. The griffon beside him snarled. “Maybe you’re just having a pony pity party because you’re getting cozy with one.”

Martial’s cough splashed a significant amount of water down the wrong pipe. He sputtered for a few moments, only able to mutter a strained “What!?”

“That rainbow ambassador mare, the girl you’ve been following around.” The griffon grinned slyly. “Everybody’s talking about it. We’ve placed bets on how long until there’s a new hippogriff in Felaccipidia.”

Martial’s talons clenched. A growl rumbled in his throat, begging to come out.

“So what’s the story, Griff?” The tiger-striped griffon chuckled. “What’s it like with a pony girl?”

Martial Paw’s fist flew through the air of its own accord, planting itself solidly in the side of the other griffon’s head. The tiger-striped creature’s tongue flailed out as he tumbled off of the barstool and to the floor. Martial stood and grabbed the griffon by his neck. “Shut up! Rainbow Dash isn’t just some floozy! Don’t you dare talk about her like that!”

A barstool came down on Martial’s shoulders, knocking him to the floor. He found himself set upon by a group of the tiger-stripe’s friends, all drunk and ready for a fight. His attempts to shield himself were only met with roars and guffaws as the beating continued.

They were interrupted by the roar of a lioness. The assembled griffons looked up in surprise at the noble who stood before them. “Alright, you doofuses,” Gilda roared, “Clear out!”

“And what if we don’t?” the striped griffon asked, nursing a bruised jaw.

“I’m sure you’ve all heard of my father, Lord Gilded Wing?” She narrowed her eyes, glaring at each griffon in turn. They shuffled out quietly, the less-inebriated ones leading the pack.

Gilda lifted Martial by the scruff of his neck and planted him on an upright barstool. She sat down beside him and raised a talon. “Bartender! Something for my idiot, here!”

“Not an idiot,” he mumbled. “And I’m not gonna drink.”

“Nice place to be, then.” She accepted the bartender’s glass and held it over Martial Paw. “It’s not for you; it’s for that cut under your eye.”

“Under my—” Martial screeched as she poured a small amount of alcohol on a gash beneath his eye. “Jiminy H. Cricket! GAH!”

“Quit being a wuss, Marty,” Gilda hissed. “You’re embarrassing me.”

“So terribly sorry,” he grunted. “Forgive me for daring to get beat up in the presence of a noblegriffon.”

“Shut up,” Gilda muttered. She pressed a napkin onto the wound, eliciting another hiss from Martial. “Fine, you hold it!”

Martial took the paper in his talon and smirked. “Not bad for an archaeologist’s assistant, eh?”

“You were getting your plot kicked,” she said. “I think Rainbow Dash can defend her own honor.”

“Sure she could,” Martial Paw replied, “but Rainbow Dash wasn’t here.”

Gilda tilted her head as her eyebrows peaked. Her expression shifted back to neutral as she turned to the bar. “Speaking of Dash, I need to talk to you about something.”

Martial leaned on the bar next to her and nodded. “Shoot.”

“You… you like Rainbow Dash, right?” she asked. “Like, really like her? I mean, it’s kinda obvious now, but I just wanna hear it from you.”

Martial clicked his beak a couple of times. He gave Gilda a small smile, his eyes drooping. “Yeah, I do. I mean, she’s a great friend, but I just…” He rubbed the bottom of his beak. “There’s something different about her. Something special.”

“Yeah, there is.” Gilda placed her elbows on the bar and signaled the bartender for a drink. “She’s really special to me, too. That’s what I need to talk with you about.”

Gilda grabbed the glass handed to her and downed it. “You’ve been my father’s assistant for, what? Five years?” Martial nodded and Gilda carried on. “You know him, you know that he’s a collected, cold griffon. You know he knows exactly what he wants, and he gets what he wants.”

Gilda leaned back and stretched her wings. “What you don’t know is what happens when he doesn’t get what he wants. He hates it. It’s a full-blown tantrum. The last time I saw blow up, griffons ended up in the hospital.”

She looked Martial right in the eyes and growled. “What he wants most is power. It’s all about how much he can control. He’s climbed up the social ladder, and each rung was another griffon he stomped. He’s obsessed with control.”

She slammed her fist on the bar, rattling the cups of nearby patrons. “And now, he found somepony who doesn’t bow down to him or any griffon. He doesn’t have any power over Rainbow Dash.

“And he hates it!”

Martial clicked his beak again. “He’s going to kill Rainbow Dash.”

“Duh!” Gilda smacked the back of his head. “He’s already tried, featherbrain!”

She grasped his shoulder and pulled his ear close. “That’s why I need your help, I’m gonna sneak her out of Felaccipidia. Gonna help me or not?”

Martial touched the gash under his eye; it had started to scab up. “We’d be national traitors, you know.”

“I’ve had plenty of practice being a traitor, I think,” Gilda mumbled. “Come on, Marty, this is Rainbow Dash’s life we’re talking about!”

“I know!” Martial snapped. “I know…”

They went silent, oblivious to the sounds of the bar. Gilda sighed and flicked a gold piece into the counter. “The king and my dad are up to something. It’s now or never.”

She stood to leave. Martial grabbed her foreleg and pulled her back. “What do you need me to do?”

Gilda wrenched her leg away and smirked. “Alright, here’s the plan…”

“Stinking griffons in this stinking desert.”

Rainbow Dash trotted in place, any chance of sleep annihilated by Gilda’s earlier visit. “Stupid kidnapping. Stupid backwards laws. Stupid evil stupid-heads.”

She sat down to take a breather, she still wasn’t tired. “And that Sombra statue is the stupidest stupid-head of all. What in the heck is that about? Why am I talking to myself?”

She switched to doing wing-ups. She glared at the door, considering the outside world. There’s gotta be some reason that Sombra’s been immortalized by griffons. Maybe there was some, I don’t know, big event in their history. Maybe the griffon’s slave king was buddies with him.

Maybe, she thought, they mention them in their history books.

She slumped to the floor and stared at the locked door handle. I gotta find a lock-pick.

Dash rifled through the drawers and cupboards, looking for a small piece of wire, or a pick of some sort. Daring Do don’t fail me now. She was rewarded by the sight of a simple corkscrew, its pointed end just small enough to fit in the lock. She stomped on the coil to straighten it out, then made her way to the door.

She held the pick in her teeth, twisting and turning her head to unlock the door. Several minutes later, she was still unsuccessful. “What do they make these locks out of, anyway?”

She retrieved a knife from the kitchen and jabbed it into the keyhole. She twisted the corkscrew into the lock again, redoubling her efforts. The knife snapped in half before she could get a good hold on it. It was jammed into the hole, and the break was too sharp for her to grab it. It was stuck fast.

Rainbow Dash sat down hard. Maybe I can buck the door off of its hinges, she considered, grinning.

Her smile fell. Buck it off its hinges and wake up every griffon in the palace.

Her eyes drifted to the hinges. The hinges! She looked cross-eyed at the corkscrew in her mouth. Aha! Let’s see if I can’t loosen up a bit!

She pried the metal pin that connected the bottom hinge together out. She gave the door a small tap and smiled as it wiggled on its top hinge. Not so sturdy anymore!

It was the work of a moment to disassemble the other hinge. She carefully tilted the door inwards, making sure that it didn’t clatter on the floor; or worse, tumble into the towering hallway outside.

Rainbow Dash stuck her head out the doorway, glancing left, right, up, and down for any sign of life. Finding the hall empty, she flitted out. Alright, let’s go see that statue.

A few minutes later, she tiptoed up to the entryway. The statue still stood there, its piercing gaze burning holes in the huge palace doors. She examined the statue from every angle; it looked like a normal statue in every way. Just a big hunk of rock, what gives?

She perched on its head and pondered. Okay, nobody knows why this is here. I don’t think they even know what it is. “It came with the palace.” What if they used to know, but it’s all forgotten because it was so long ago?

Rainbow grinned. She flew through the palace, searching for one room in particular. It’s like professor Honey Do said in Daring Do and the Griffon’s Goblet, “I wrote it down in my diary so I wouldn’t have to remember!” A library’s, like, the diary of the whole world! If Twilight could see me now!

It took her fifteen minutes to find the library; her griffon reading-comprehension was rustier than her language skills. The signs leading to the library were old and faded; the room didn’t receive much use from the griffon nobility, and upkeep didn’t seem to be a priority. She arrived to find the library shut up for the night, its massive doors locked with a chain.

A small window over the doors, on the other hoof, was hanging open. Rainbow Dash flew up and examined it. It looked just big enough to admit the pegasus. She squeezed into the opening, getting stuck briefly when the window slapped shut against her plot. “Gah! That’s not even funny!

She flopped to the floor in a cloud of dust. She glanced around, taking in the towering shelves and endless rows of books. I’ll bet they’re all stuffy, old books, too.

She wandered around, looking for the history section. When she stumbled across it, most of the books were written in heavy griffon text. Great, a whole library and I can’t even read the books. Nice work, Dashie.

She flew to the top of the shelf and sat on it. The rows of books stretched endlessly in every direction. Her eyes stopped on a small rectangle sitting on the top of another shelf. She flew over to it and picked it up. It was an old, dusty book with a pattern of stars on the cover. The yellowed pages crinkled between the covers. She opened it to the first page and squinted. “This is written in Equestrian!” she whispered breathlessly. “What’s it doing in here?”

A letter slid out from between the pages, a letter with the royal seal of Equestria. “Okay, this is getting weird.” She picked it up and opened it.

Lord Gilded Wing,

I am pleased to hear of your interest in the history of Equestria, in particular the Crystal Empire. I, too, wish to be able to understand what took place all those centuries ago. I would be happy to fund your expedition into the Northern Equestrian Wastes.

I have enclosed in this package the personal diary of Starswirl the Bearded, our oldest historian. Within, I hope that you can find clues as to the location of the artifact you seek, Sombra’s Crystal Heart. I am eager to get my hooves on this artifact, that it may be studied thoroughly. Be cautious, I believe that your expedition will be fraught with peril.

I look forwards to collaborating further, in hopes that our kingdoms will once more enjoy the friendship seen in the past.


Princess Luna of the Night Court

“Nice princess,” Rainbow Dash sighed, “poor judge of character.”

She looked back at the first page of the book. It was penned by Starswirl himself. “Twilight would freak so bad,” Dash laughed. “I guess if it’s as old as Luna says…”

Rainbow Dash began to read the ancient cursive, searching for a clue about Sombra’s link to the griffons.

I am not an old stallion. My appearance and somber disposition are an unfortunate side-effect of being the personal advisor to King Discord, the ruler of our fair Equestria. I blame him for my graying beard, my wrinkled face, and my dismaying lack of companionship.

How I long to return to the Crystal Empire, that one bastion of hope for all ponykind. The one anchor our world has to rationality and order. The one place where I can truly say I have a friend.

Discord calls, and the secrecy spell I have over this empty tome will not stand to direct scrutiny. I take my leave.

“Okay,” Dash mumbled. “This is kinda nuts.”

She opened the book to a few pages later, stopping when she noticed the words “Elements of Harmony.”

At last, the Elements of Harmony are in my grasp. Discord’s reign of terror and confusion is at an end.

As soon as I find suitable bearers for the task, of course.

And therein lies the danger; the further I search, the closer Discord comes to finding me. He has tolerated the existence of the Crystal Empire as a pony may tolerate a mosquito. He will ignore it until it sees fit to bite his plot, then he will not hesitate to swat it into oblivion.

I would never forgive myself if Princess Aura fell because of my actions. If such a day comes, I fear my life may no longer be worth living. I pray to Glory that the day comes not.

Princess Aura Feltsun, you are, and always will be, my friend.

“Princess Feltsun?” Rainbow Dash scratched her head. “Never heard of her. Maybe that’s the problem.”

She flipped ahead, searching for any mention of griffons. She was rewarded with the sight near the middle of the book.

It is a great celebration that takes place in the land of Equestria. May our land be forever free.

Everfree. That has a nice ring to it.

The marriage of Charcoal the Griffon to Summer Surprise is no real surprise to any who know them. The mute makes for a good listener, and Summer, bless her heart, never seems to shut up. It’s clear that they adore each other. I look forwards to seeing them grow old together.

Somber Tidings and Luna Eclipse make for an interesting pair. The Element of Generosity and the Element of Magic announced their plans to marry shortly after their friends did, shocking us all. If they love each other, if they really work at it, I believe it could work. That is up to them, of course.

“Luna?” Rainbow Dash rolled over, holding the book in the air. “Is it… naw. But maybe?”

A double ceremony was held on the foundation for the new castle; it almost seemed like a national holiday. Celestia Sky certainly acted like it was. I still can’t believe anypony as slight as she could consume so much cake.

“Yeah, that’s just weird,” Rainbow Dash said. “Celestia and Luna are here, alright. With a whole other team of Element Bearers. And…” Her eyes widened. “Is Luna getting married!?”

She shuffled through the book again, and stopped a scant few pages later. Her eyes caught on the page and found themselves unable to leave, not until she could read the whole thing.

I’m convinced that Charcoal and Summer Surprise are the two happiest creatures on the planet. The birth of their son was signified by the silent griffon dancing through the castle halls. The nurses were afraid that he had gone mad, until Summer started giggling at his antics. Her ability to spread laughter is legendary.

To commemorate how they met, when Summer Surprise rescued Charcoal from a drowning, they named their child Moshe. It means “drawn out of the water,” or “savior.”

Oh, Aura, you would have been so proud of them. I miss you more every day. May your star shine the brightest.

“Moshe,” Rainbow Dash grinned. “Now we’re getting somewhere.”

Gilda tapped at the window impatiently. “Dash!” she whispered as loud as she dared. “Dash! I need to talk to you!”

No answer came. Gilda paced in the sky, growing more furious at each pass. “Open the stupid window, Dash!”

She peered through the glass to find an empty room. “Uh oh.”

She slid back into her room through the balcony. She slid the door closed silently and made her way to the hallway. She flew over to Rainbow Dash’s door and gave it a soft knock. “Dash? Are you—”

She nearly choked when she saw Rainbow Dash’s door fall into her room. She was unable to stop it from crashing to the floor. She gaped at it and swore vehemently.

“Who’s there!?” the voice of a griffon guard reached Gilda’s ears. She grabbed the door and propped it back onto the frame, holding it still from the inside. “Show yourself!”

Sweat dripped down Gilda’s back as she heard the guard’s wings flap past. He circled back and jiggled Rainbow Dash’s door handle. “Keep quiet, pony!” he said in broken Equestrian. “I’m not have trouble tonight!”

His wings flapped as he took off, and Gilda slumped to the floor in relief. She chucked when she saw the knife-tip stuck in the keyhole. “Way to go Dash. Slick.” She straightened up and groaned. “Now the question is, where in the heck are you?”

Author's Note:

Zee question eez... What more perfect time to create a cliffhanger?

Remember what Twilight Sparkle was doing? Remember what Fluttershy was up to? Can you recite Blueblood's lines from two chapters ago? I suggest a reread. :pinkiehappy:

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