• Published 11th Dec 2012
  • 2,888 Views, 304 Comments

The Sunset Trilogy - ocalhoun

Twilight Sparkle faces the end of the world as she knows it. An epic three book series depicting the fall of Equestria and the rise of a new nation from the ashes.

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Book 2 - Chapter XXVII

Book 2: Equestria Lost
Chapter 19

“Wait!” Apollo shouted after the purple unicorn, “You're going to make the trip all the way to Fairflanks like that?”

“Huh?” The unicorn said, turning around, “Like what?”

“Like you're headed to a dainty little tea party!” Splints butted in.

Apollo gave her another reproving look, which similarly seemed to go unheeded.

“So poorly equipped.” He added in himself.

The stubborn little unicorn only seemed tiffed that he should question her. “Why, I've got everything I need!” Her horn lit up with a violet glow, and a scroll lifted up out of one saddlebag. She unrolled it and began to read, “Egghead's Guide to Search and Rescue: Check... Totally Terrific Traveler's Tome: Check... Map of Equestria: Check... Map of the North Territories: Check... Checklist of things in the bag...”

Apollo was taken aback... Did this mare really think she could walk all the way to Fairflanks because she had a few books and scrolls? “But what do you have to deal with the snow?”

“Oh, this?” She scuffed a hoof along the light dusting of snow on the ground, “I'm not worried about that!”

With a sigh, Apollo reminded himself to be patient. “You're not really the traveling type, are you?”

“Well... no,” she admitted, “But I've read a lot about traveling!”

Ignoring Splints' burst of laughter, he forged on, “The snow gets worse further on. A lot worse... and a couple books aren't going to help.” She looked a little worried; good, maybe he was finally getting through to her. “Why don't you come back to town with us, and we'll get you properly equipped for the trip, hmm?”

“Well, you see,” she looked conflicted, “I'm kind of anxious to find my friends... I mean, I'm sure it can't be that bad, and–” She stopped, as the little yellow filly next to her wrapped a hoof around her leg, staring up at her with pleading eyes.

Seeing the opportunity, Apollo Dawn used it to help sway the unicorn, “If not for yourself, do it for the little filly there. It's not an easy trip. You don't want to risk her safety, do you?”

She sighed, “Okay, let's go. I guess it can wait one more day.”

“Good, come on then,” he said, “I'll introduce you to my crew as we go.”

* * *

Twilight hated to be turning back. It felt like she was turning her back on her friends. But as she had talked to the leader of this well-prepared group, she had started to feel completely unprepared for a long journey... and as she had looked down at Sunny, she had thought of what it would be like to lose her. After being responsible for the loss of the princesses and the loss of her friends, she couldn't bear the idea of being responsible for even more loss.

So, she found herself on the way back to Stalliongrad, alongside Apollo Dawn – the Apollo Dawn! She realized. She had read of him, of course. What bookworm hadn't heard of the real-life Daring Do? To be walking along with him now was pretty amazing, really.

As they walked, he began making introductions, “Okay, first off, that guy up above us is Albatross. He's my closest assistant, and he goes everywhere I go! ... Except right now he doesn't go on the ground because he's got a broken leg.”

Twilight looked up, and indeed, the white pegasus up above had his front leg in a sling. How long had he been flying?

“And this here is Needle Point, our navigator.” The little brown mare who had been walking alongside him blushed a little, and gave a shy wave.

Apollo stepped off to the side of the path, and began walking more slowly, with Twilight and Sunny following, “Here's Quartermaster, he's–”

He was cut off by the old pony himself, “Why, it's a pleasure makin' your acquaintance young miss!” he said, making a stiff bow right there in the middle of the path.

Twilight giggled a little. “Nice to meet you, too.”

“Now see here!” Quartermaster said sternly, “I were talkin' to the young miss!”

With a smiling face, as a miffed Twilight looked on, Sunny returned the gesture, bowing deeply, “The pleasure's all mine, gentle fellow!”

Looking inordinately pleased with himself, Quartermaster moved on, no longer holding up the wagon behind him.

“And this is Pebbles” Apollo said, pointing out the big green mare pulling the wagon. She gave only a grunt and a dismissive little wave.

“And this is...” Apollo looked around, “Aw, where'd he get to now?”

A bright little orange and yellow pegasus colt skidded to a halt in front of Twilight, seemingly from nowhere, “Looking for me?”

“Right,” Apollo continued, “That would be Hair Trigger.”

Sunny piped in now, “Oh, Hi!”

“Hiya!” Trigger said with a bright smile, “Wanna play?”

Sunny Daze only replied with a beaming smile. How long had it been, Twilight wondered, since she had a real playmate her age? Hair Trigger shot off again, just an orangeish blur, quickly followed by the lighter yellow blur of Sunny Daze.

Apollo stopped his introductions for a moment to smile at the two. “He really doesn't get to play with kids his age much. Nice to see him get an opportunity,” he said, mirroring Twilight's thoughts. “Anyway, moving on, this is Splints,” He pointed to a pink and yellow earth pony. “She might be a little rude sometimes, but she's got a good heart.” Splints just rolled her eyes and stuck out her tongue in disgust at the display of sentimentality before walking on past the two.

“And this,” Apollo Continued, “is... wait... where is she?” He looked around, evidently not seeing who he was looking for. “Hey, where's Shimmer?”

Hair Trigger landed next to Apollo, Sunny close behind, “Oh, she's just on the other side of the wagon!”

“Hey, come on out so we can introduce you, Shimmer!” Apollo called out, only to hear an unintelligible whimper from behind the wagon. With a glance back at Twilight, he trotted over, with the new unicorn and the two foals behind him.

As they rounded the corner of the wagon, Shimmer Spell came into view. “Wait...” Sunny said, “Isn't that the great and powerful–”

TRIXIE!?!” Twilight shouted in surprise, “What are you doing here?”

The blue unicorn just curled up into an even tighter ball where she lay, mumbling, “No not her anypony but her...”

* * *

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