• Published 6th Dec 2012
  • 6,521 Views, 258 Comments

Fluttersized - Barrobroadcaster

Fluttershy one day finds herself in a problem of epic proportions.

  • ...

Big Escape

Twilight Sparkle was beginning to understand what Owlowicious had tried to say when they arrived at her house, or rather, what was left of her house. Twilight's treehouse looked like it had been gutted. The tree lay on its side a few feet from a hole in the ground where it once stood. The balcony, windows and front door were all ruined, jarred at random angles and crushed from their own weight. Her furniture, books and things were scattered amongst leaves troughout the area. Spike took the spell book Twilight had repaired and placed it in a half-ruined bookshelf laying on its side near the tree. The bookshelf shook a moment and collapsed. Spike backed away slowly. For a good minute, Twilight stood in silent shock. Her mouth hung open and her lower-left eyelid quivered in an unblinking, mile-long stare.

Rarity looked at the scene in sorrow, not sure of what to say. She put a hoof on Twilight's back to comfort her.

"Do you think it Fluttershy could've done this?", Pinkie asked. She'd refilled her helmet with wedges of cheese on their way to Twilight's house. None of them had asked where it had come from. Slowly, Twilight walked into the wreckage and began gathering up her things. Spike, Rarity and Pinkie began to help quietly. They arranged Twilight's belongings into organized stacks and piles around her house.

"Hey... at least it's not raining.", Pinkie said. As if on cue, the ground beneath them started shaking again. Piles of books spilled over and they looked to the distance to see Fluttershy galloping towards them.

"Fluttershy?! Where are you going? Why are you running?", Twilight asked as her giant friend approached.

"Um, Twilight? I don't think she- you might want to get-", Rarity tried to warn her friend as the giant pegasus kept running towards them. Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie and Spike dove to the side of Twilight's fallen house as Fluttershy ran past them. She stepped in a large orange blob on the ground as she did and pulled up her hoof, examining it before trying to brush it off in the ground.

"Fluttershy! What's going on? Where did you go?!", Twilight called out to her friend as she approached.

"Oh, Twilight, I'm sorry. I didn't see you there. It's just been one thing after another. First, I tried to fly to Canterlot but then Discord showed up and then I went back to Ponyville for some reason and the whole town got wrecked and Trixie showed up and-", Fluttershy stammered and tried to explain.

"Calm down Fluttershy. Just go slowly.", Twilight comforted her friend.

"Okay...", Fluttershy took a deep breath. "I tried to go see the princess on my own but I ran into Discord.", she said.

"Discord?! He's back?!", Twilight asked, shocked at the revelation.

Fluttershy nodded and looked to the ground. "I... I think I just stepped on him. Oh, I hope he's okay."

"Stepped on him?!?!", the group asked in unison. They walked over to the blob of cheese on the ground to see the form of Discord flattened inside of it. Fluttershy had completely crushed the villain as he'd been stuck to the ground. His flattened eyes were shut and his mouth hung open, like a visible imprint in the cheese.

"He's out cold.", Twilight said, examinging him. "How did he get out?" she asked.

"Well... he said that he got hit by a magic spell... a super-strong size-changing spell...", Fluttershy recalled what he'd told her.

Twilight's eyes went wide. "So, me and Trixie?", Twilight asked. Fluttershy nodded solemnly.

"Well, at least he's been taken care of.", Spike stated, folding his arms. Yes, Discord was free but he was unconcious and stuck to the ground. He wouldn't be up to his old tricks any time soon. But why was there cheese in the middle of the ground anyway? A loud noise drew the groups attention the way Fluttershy had came and they turned to see a wooden vehicle approaching.

"What is that?", Rarity asked. The tank's cannon fired as it came up the road and a large pile of cheese hit the ground just before them.

"I. Must. Have one.", Pinkie said as she stared at the orange mess in front of her.

"It's Flim and Flam in a tank! And Trixie has the Alicorn Amulet! And... I kind of destroyed Sugarcube Corner.", Fluttershy admitted as she backed away from the tank and lowered herself.

"Wait, slow down! Flim and Flam and... Trixie has the Alicorn Amulet?! Again?!!", Twilight screeched.

"That's right Twilight Sparkle! Your friend has trashed Ponyville for the last time!", Trixie declared as she appeared from behind the tank.

"Trixie, please! You're not going to help anypony with that amu-"

"Shut up Twilight Sparkle! Trixie has had enough of your nonsense! The Fluttertitan's destruction ends now!", Trixie snapped. The cabin of the tank pulled back, revealing Flim and Flam again.

"Now hold on just a minute Miss Great and Powerful. We have a stake in this too.", Flim announced to Trixie.

"Please. How exactly is a cheese cannon going to catch a monster?", Trixie shot back.

"Why, the Super Easy Catch-a-Beastie 6001 is an engineering masterpiece my dear! This marvelous machine is perfectly designed to subdue monsters of all types and sizes!", Flim said.

"With Cheese?", Trixie raised an eyebrow in question.

"You haven't even seen our machine in action! Come now, we shall blast all doubt out of your mind!", Flam said eagerly. Behind Twilight, Rarity and Spike, Fluttershy continued to shy away from the encounter.

"Like the way you blasted Discord?", Trixie remarked.

"Trixie darling, how was it Discord got out in the first place?", Rarity asked with a coy smile. Trixie quirked an eyebrow at the white unicorn.

"Seems like a lot of ponies aren't really hitting their mark today.", Pinkie called out. Twilight, Trixie, Flim and Flam all collectively frowned at Pinkie's assessment of their accuracy. Pinkie stuck another piece of cheese in her mouth and chomped down, averting their gazes.

"Hey guys... where is Fluttershy?", Spike asked.

"She's gone!", Flim and Flam said simultaneously.

"Great. How are we going to find her now?", Twilight asked.

"Hey! Over here!", Pinkie shouted from behind Twilight's treehouse. Twilight, Rarity and Spike ran to the other side of Twilight's house, or rather the top part of the tree to see what Pinkie was talking about. Several cheese piles dotted the landscape down the road to Sweet Apple Acres.

"More cheese Pinkie?", Rarity asked.

"No! Remember? Fluttershy stepped in that cheese blob and it got stuck to her hoof! Which means...", Pinkie went on.

"Follow that cheese!", Twilight shouted. Twilight dashed out, Rarity, Spike and Pinkie following close behind her.

"Oh no you don't! You're not getting away from the GREAT and POWERFUL Trix-", Trixie said as she rounded the corner, only to be interrupted by Flim and Flam speeding by her. "Hey! Wait for the Grea... wait for Trixieeeeeeeee!", Trixie yelled as she ran after them.

And at that moment at Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack found herself in a bit of a fix. A giant sac full of oversized seeds had landed right smack in the middle of their fields. How were they supposed to get any work done now? Applejack, Big Macintosh, Applebloom and Granny Smith stood at the mouth of the bag, wondering exactly what to do with the delivery of seeds.

"Maybe we should try planting one?", Applebloom suggested.

"I reckon a seed this size'd sprout something that would take up the whole orchard, maybe more.", Applejack remarked.

"Eeyup.", Big Mac said in agreement.

Granny Smith squinted her eyes at the bag. "Well, they're in some kinda bag so they must be belongin' to somepony.", she surmised with a hoof under her chin.

"Maybe they're for some giant pony's garden.", Applebloom guessed, turning and looking around as she did.

"Giant ponies... no where exactly would they come from?", Applejack asked her little sister, questioning more her imagination than her hypothesis.

"Um, how about from over there!", Applebloom pointed down the road at the approaching form of the giant Fluttershy. The ground shook as she approached and the trees seemed to vibrate. Fluttershy galloped right up to them and stopped.

"My bag! Oh, Applejack!", Fluttershy said as she noticed her friend next to the sac.

"Fluttershy?! What happened to you girl?", Applejack asked.

"Um, it'll take too long to explain. Please, you have to hide me!", Fluttershy said, looking over her shoulder.

"Hide you? What's going on? How exactly are we going to hide you? You probably wouldn't even fit in the barn!", Applejack said, looking up at her huge friend.

"Maybe she could.", Applebloom thought.

"What are you talking about Applebloom?", Applejack questioned her little sister again. Applebloom scratched the underside of her chin as a smile spread across her face. She looked up at Fluttershy who was a tad scared.