• Published 6th Dec 2012
  • 6,526 Views, 258 Comments

Fluttersized - Barrobroadcaster

Fluttershy one day finds herself in a problem of epic proportions.

  • ...

Big Trouble

Fluttershy had taken her change in attitude just as easily as she had the first time. Wether she intentionally or unintentionally embraced her new cruel nature, it was impossible to tell. Deharmonization was a strange process; Fluttershy's memories were still intact, only her outlook had changed. She remembered how Twilight, Spike, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and even Trixie had tried to help her. Before, she'd been happy that she had such wonderful friends that had tried to help her and she was forgiving and acceptant of the mistakes they'd made. She'd believed that if they worked together and stayed optimistic, they would find a way to get her back to normal size. Fluttershy had only left them becuase she believed that it was time to involve Princess Celestia as they were only arguing and weren't making any progress. But originally, she was happy that her friends were there to help and support her.

Now, Fluttershy thought of those ponies as incompetent fools who's blundering had only served to waste her time. Experimenting with magic. It was because of Twilight's "experimenting" that she was in this situation in the first place! They should've gone to Princess Celestia the moment the spell wouldn't reverse. Instead, they'd involved the GREAT and ARROGANT Trixie to come and join the fun. Panicking Pinkie Pie and her cheese chucking had certainly been helpful, Fluttershy thought sarcastically. Spike and his normal uselessness hadn't done anything either when HE could've mailed the princess himself! And why had Rarity been there? What was a unicorn dressmaker with almost NO fashion sense going to do? She didn't even know the value of French haute couture. And they expected this glorified tailor with bad taste to know something about magic?! Those simple-minded, incompetent fools!

Oh, and Discord was now free because of her 'friends' combined foolishness. That didn't bother her so long as he stayed away from her house. Fluttershy looked back on her plan to involve Princess Celestia but now... nah. She wouldn't waste any more time with a ruler who just sat on her flank and ran to Twilight whenever there was a real problem. No, she'd deal with her new situation her own way. Maybe this was the perfect opportunity to do some landscaping around her house, Fluttershy thought. Maybe Ponyville could use a little more 'remodeling' too. A sinister smile spread across her face as she flew towards Cloudsdale. She'd pick up some new seeds and then see where things went from there, they'd all see. Behind her, a nervous Discord followed her quietly.

Discord was curious to see what would become of Ponyville. Perhaps with a little more gentle encouragement Fluttershy could be persuaded to pay a visit to Canterlot as well. He imagined himself commanding the giant pegasus and using her to crush all that opposed him, ruling Equestria once more in a state of chaotic bliss. He'd just have to be a tad more mindful of her attitude combined with her size until he found a way to control her. Fluttershy broke through the layer of clouds and Discord smiled as he gazed upon Ponyville again.

Fluttershy stopped and looked around. She immediately realized a problem: compared to her, Cloudsdale was tiny now too. So would be the seeds they sold. She could've flown through Cloudsdale on the way here and probably wouldn't even have noticed it. She thought of a solution and turned to Discord.

"You. Make me normal-size again. Now.", Fluttershy demanded. Discord said that he'd been shrunk when he'd been released, the result of Twilight and Trixie's combined reversal spell and had been used his own magic to return himself to normal size. So he could do the same to her.

Discord grinned. "Noticing a little problem are we?", he asked coyly. He had her right where he wanted her.

"Now!", Fluttershy shouted at him, moving closer to him in a threatening way. Discord moved back but stayed his ground and folded his arms.

"I'll make you a deal Fluttershy. We have a little 'fun' with Ponyville and I'll change you back to normal.", Discord offered. This was it! Soon, he'd have revenge on Ponyville! And with Fluttershy deharmonized, they wouldn't be able to use the Elements of Harmony and wouldn't be able to seal him back in stone! The plan was perfect! Today Ponyville, tomorrow Equestria!

Fluttershy frowned at him. "No thanks.", was her curt reply. She turned back around and whipped Discord with her tail, smacking him through a layer of clouds. Fluttershy was smarter than to trust Discord for more than a few seconds. She knew his 'requests' wouldn't stop with Ponyville and soon she'd be following Discord all over Equestria doing his bidding. So she'd go back to Twilight now and if they couldn't solve her problem this time... then Canterlot. She could've probably saved some time and just gone to Canterlot but hadn't realized that her new size meant she couldn't get back to her garden. So now she was mad at herself and reluctantly would try to save herself the flight to Canterlot by seeing if the incompetents could help her again. She flew towards Twilight's house.

"Okay! It looks pretty much the same... right?", Twilight held levitated the book in front of her and let her friends examine her handiwork as they walked to Fluttershy's house. They'd decided that her house near the Everfree Forest was a good place to wait for her since she went there whenever she was feeling depressed. Despite her giant size, they knew she would still want to care for her animals.

"It... it looks great Twilight!", Rarity said through a pained-looking smile. Twilight smiled back triumphantly. The book itself was held together with all manner of scrap tape, a bandage and a couple nails. It was unlikely it was even legible any more. Spike forced on a smile too. Pinkie Pie twisted head at it as she continued to munch cheese. She now walked upright and carried the cheese in her combat helmet as they walked.

Twilight's mood had improved a bit but she was still concerned about what the princess might say. Hopefully, Fluttershy whould be at her house and she could reverse the spell and everything would go back to normal before Princess Celestia even got there. They could even pretend the letter was a joke and everything had been just a big misunderstanding. Emphasis on big. It only took them a few minutes to reach Fluttershy's house. They called out to her as they approached her cottage.

"Fluttershy! Where are you? Trixie's gone and we're not fighting!", Twilight yelled.

Pinkie Pie opened the door to Fluttershy's cottage. "Fluttershy?! You in here?!", she shouted inside.

"Pinkie, she wouldn't be able to fit inside her house.", Twilight told Pinkie.

"How do you know that? Maybe we're all giant right now and Equestria is small around us except for this one spot!", Pinkie said.

"I think somepony's had a little too much cheese.", Twilight said back with a smile.

"Well, if she's not here, then where is she?", Rarity asked.

Meanwhile, across town...

"Yoo-hoo? Twilight?! Guess who's back?", Fluttershy announced as she arrived. She looked around Twilight's tree house and inside the windows. "Spike? Pinkie? SAY SOMETHING!!", she yelled at the building, making it shake slightly. Discord knocked on the door and then passed right through it like it wasn't even there. He emerged from a window.

"Doesn't look they're here.", Discord said. Fluttershy grasped the house with both her hooves and uprooted it like it was a shrub.

"GET OUT HERE!!", Fluttershy shouted as she shook the house. Owlowicious flew out an open window and off into the distance. Discord screamed as he fell out another window and hit the ground. Furniture, books and Twilight's other things rained upon Discord who did his best to evade the falling debris. An armoir landed directly on him, Discord stepped out wearing a hat and glasses. Fluttershy peered through a window again before finally discarding the tree like it was a weed she'd pulled out of her own garden.

Discord watched Owlowicious fly away. "It looks like they've... flown the coop.", Discord said as he removed the glasses.

"Yeah. Guess I'm gonna have to go find them.", Fluttershy said, not noticing the small owl. She tromped off into Ponyville. Discord grinned and rubbed his claws together. Things were about to get interesting.

Sugar Cube Corner shook as Fluttershy approached. Unlike her trip through the market place, Fluttershy now demonstrated a total disregard for personal property as she smashed carts, stalls and anything else that got in her way as she made her way into the square. Ponies screamed and ran in terror as she approached. Two stallions reading on a park bench looked up and jumped out of the way to avoid being crushed underneath a giant grey hoof. The bench they'd been sitting on disintegrated as they fled. A mare eating a sandwich at the table of an outdoor cafe abandoned her meal when she saw the giant grey pegasus coming. Fluttershy stomped the tables of the corner bistro into splinters instantly as she passed by.

"Twilight?! Rarity?! Pinkie?! Anypony that knows anything about magic?!", Fluttershy shouted in the middle of the ravaged Sugar Cube Corner. Her tail brushed off the overhanging part of a roof sending shingles flying everywhere. She stomped a hoof into the ground making the glass windows of a building nearby shatter and a door come off its hinges.

"...Trixie?", she reluctantly called out, her voice almost a whisper. What was she thinking? What would Trixie do to help? Nopony answered her. She looked back behind her at the wreckage. Discord was delighting in the mayhem, picking through the debris.

Fluttershy noticed a ruined bench off to her side. A rabbit and a couple squirrels were hiding underneath it, cowering in fear. Fear of her. She looked into their eyes and then down at her own hooves. She was responsible for this. She was responsible for all of this. Something tugged at her heart, the feeling of sorrow. How could she have caused all this destruction? She'd put so many creatures and ponies in harm's way... just for being in her way. Tears streamed down her cheeks and hit the ground.

"It's okay little critters! I... I'm sorry.", Fluttershy said to the hiding animals. She got down as low as she possibly could and looked under the bench at them. They looked back at her, shivering at first but slowly they made their way out and over to the giant pegasus. She'd always had a way with animals and that shone through now, despite her size. They approached her hooves and gave the edge of her grey legs a hug. Slowly, her yellow color returned and she closed her eyes and smiled in the comfort of animals. Her rampage was over.

"Did somepony call the GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie?!", the blue unicorn shouted from around a corner.