• Published 6th Dec 2012
  • 6,521 Views, 258 Comments

Fluttersized - Barrobroadcaster

Fluttershy one day finds herself in a problem of epic proportions.

  • ...

Something shy this way flutters

Twilight examined the glass of water on the stand in her foyer. It didn't look any bigger. What had gone wrong? The spell she just performed was supposed to tripple the size of anything you cast it on but her intended target for the spell remained unchanged. She checked her spell book again to see if she missed anything.

"What happened Twilight?", Spike, her baby dragon assitant asked.

"That's what I'm trying to find out. I don't think I missed anything.", Twilight said as she scrutinized the book.

Loud, frantic bangs assailed the cottage door from the outside. Twilight opened it to see an exhausted Pinkie Pie gasping at the door.

"Twilight! You've got to do something! It's coming this way!!", her friend shouted.

"What's coming this way?", Twilight asked as Pinkie entered, dashed over to the fireplace and stuck her head in the chimney.

The floor beneath Twilight's hooves shook. The walls of her tree cottage vibrated and a couple loose books were knocked from the shelves. Spike watched the glass of water on the stand as shockwaves rippled through its contents.

"Pinkie? What is coming this way?", Twilight asked again. Pinkie Pie returned from the fireplace wearing a green combat helmet she clearly had not entered with and carrying wedges of cheese in her hooves.

"It's coming this way! A giant, pony-crushing MONSTER! AND WE DON'T HAVE ENOUGH CHEESE!", Pinkie yelled.

The shockwaves continued, Twilight's furniture began to jump. Spike, Pinkie and Twilight huddled in the center of the room and closed their eyes. The entire cottage grew dark as the sunlight was blocked by an enormous shadow. The shockwaves stopped abruptly. The inside of Twilight's house became silent. The group opened their eyes.

"Is... is it gone?", Spike asked in a hushed tone.

"O-o-one of us should go ch-check.", Pinkie pie whispered.

"We should all go check together.", Twilight said.

"Good idea! Spike, you go check and if it's safe, Twilight will go check and if you're both still alive, I'll go home!", Pinkie Pie answered.

Twilight rolled her eyes. "Come on Pinkie let's just go!", she said, pushing both her friends towards the window. They each peeked outside. The coast was clear and they all sighed with relief.

"Wha-what kind of m-m-m-m-monster is it P-P-Pinkie?", Spike asked, both his body and voice shivering in fear.

"Mmm! M-hmmm-mm-mmff-mm! Mmm-m", Pinkie Pie mumbled incoherently with a mouth full of cheese.

"Well, whatever it is, it seems to be gone now.", Twilight said, turning away from the window.

Pinkie Pie's eyes went wide and she started choking on cheese.

"What's wrong Pinkie?", Twilight asked. Pinkie pointed out the window. Twilight turned back to see an enormous eye staring back at her. "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!", she screamed and used her magic to lower the curtain. Spike and Pinkie both retreated behind furniture.

"Twilight? Um, are you busy?", the voice of Fluttershy asked.

"Fluttershy? Where are you?", Twilight asked her friend.


"There's a monster outside?!", the walls of Twilight's cottage shook again and the furniture jumped.

"If there's a monster out there, we have to go help her!", Twilight declared.

"WAIT!", Pinkie screamed. "Us this! It will protect you!", Pinkie hoofed Twilight a wedge of cheese.

"How will this help Pinkie?", Twilight asked, puzzled at the dairy product Pinkie bestowed upon her.

"If you're in danger, use the cheese!", was Pinkie's only answer. Twilight nodded and took the cheese. She knew better not to ask anything more. She'd learned long ago not to doubt her hyper pink friend, especially when the strange was involved.

Twilight opened the door and looked out side, a wedge of cheese in her raised hoof. A giant shadow was cast over Twilight's treehouse. She stepped outside and stopped immediately as her eyes spotted a pair of huge yellow hooves. Twilight's jaw dropped as she looked up at the familiar eyes of her shy pegasus friend, now a giant towering over her.

"Hi Twilight.", the soft voice of Fluttershy said.

"Fluttershy?! What happened to you?!", Twilight asked, dropping the cheese and walking over.

"I... I don't know. I was up in Cloudsdale buying some Airbush seeds for my new garden, I need to plant some new bushes for my fifty new trees and-",

"We ain't givin you no fiddy trees ya Celestia-cursed Large-ness monsta! Get your own trees!", Pinkie Pie yelled as she charged outside and started throwing cheese at Fluttershy. Fluttershy flinched at the dairy projectiles but they bounced harmlessly off her hooves.

"Pinkie stop it!", Twilight demanded. "GIVE BACK FLUTTERSHY YOU GIANT BEAST!", Pinkie shouted and chucked more cheese at the 'beast'.

Twilight used her magic to halt the cheese barrage in mid air. "Fluttershy, how did you get so... so big?", Twilight asked.

"I really don't know Twilight. I saw this purple light as I was flying to Ponyville and when I landed, everything was so little!", Fluttershy said.

"Purple light... oh no, the Sizing Spell I just cast! Something must've gone wrong with it!", Twilight said with a hoof to her mouth.

"It looks like it worked fine Twilight. Maybe your aim was just off.", Spike suggested, surveying the scene.

"When will you unicorns learn to stop disrupting the delicate balance of nature?! WHAT HAS MAGIC DONE?!!", Pinkie Pie shouted, dropping onto her knees and pounding a forehoof into the ground in an overt display of drama.

"Wait, if it's just my spell that made you giant, I should be able to reverse it easily!", Twilight said.

"Really?", Fluttershy asked with hope in her delicate voice.

"It will be no problem!", Twilight assured her confidently. She then turned around and went inside. After only a moment, she returned with a spell book levitated above her in a magical grip. She reviewed a page and then closed it, satisfied that this would be a simple task.

She spread her legs out, steadying her self on the ground. Fluttershy instictively raised her hooves in nervous anticipation. Twilight closed her eyes and focused. Her horn glowed with a bright magenta aura and then released a ray of light and energy. The light struck Fluttershy and for a moment the giant pegasus also glowed with the same magenta aura. Fluttershy closed her eyes as she was engulfed by the magical ray. The aura dissipated quickly though and Fluttershy remained the same large size as before.

Twilight opened her eyes. "Huh? This isn't possible! That should've worked!", the unicorn said in frustration. She opened her book again and reviewed it again.

"Okay, I think I've got it!", Twilight said. She gritted her teeth and blasted Fluttershy again with the spell. Again, nothing. "This doesn't make any sense!", Twilight yelled in denial. She flipped through the pages of her book again. "Why is it not working?!"

Twilight blasted Fluttershy again without warning. Still, her friend remained unchanged. Twilight zapped her again and again, the background of Ponyville began to light up with a magenta hue.