• Published 2nd Dec 2012
  • 1,789 Views, 24 Comments

The Komodo Brothers in Equestria - Mr101

Joe and Moe are thrown into Equestria after an accident with Dr N Brio's latest weapon.

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“Can you be a dear and pass me the apple juice Fluttershy?” Rarity asked as she wiped her mouth with a napkin.

“Here you go Rarity” the yellow Pegasus said softly handing her friend the bottle of juice.

“Thank you”

The girls were sitting by a large tree enjoying a lunch time picnic chatting away, their various pets were happily playing nearby chasing a red ball, it was a perfect day. Twilight was levitating a sandwich near her as she scanned a book she was reading, Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes at her.

“You ever stop reading Twi?” she asked as bit into her own sandwich, Twilight giggled as she looked up.

“Don’t knock books before you try them Dash” she shot her a smirk sticking her tongue out.

“Yeah yeah whatever just…hey wait a minute are you saying I can’t read?” she glared at Twilight who giggled again. “I’ll have you know I’ve read tons of books!”

“Oh yeah, name one” Applejack raised her eyebrows; the girls looked at Dash who rolled her eyes trying to think of a book title.

“Uhm…well I uh…I read uhm…” she was unable to finish her sentence before the girls began to giggle already having their answer, Dash scowled at them then rolled her eyes before taking another bite from her sandwich.

“Whatcha reading anyway Twilight?” Applejack asked peering over Twilight’s shoulder.

“Oh nothing major just a book on the theory of teleportation magic between different realities and dimensions nothing heavy” She smiled at Applejack who just blinked.

“Uh…sure sounds fascinating” Applejack said unsure on what inter-reality travelling was, Twilight blankly stared at her.

“You have no idea what it means do you.

“Uh…no, no I don’t”

Twilight giggled.

“Well it just explains the theory and practice behind performing teleportation spells like I can, but goes into more detail about how they could possibly be used to teleport from one plane of existence to another one, like a place where ponies can’t talk and have no magic for example “she explained.

The girls nodded still not sure her explanation was that helpful and resumed with their picnic chattering away more, as they ate the clouds began to turn darker which made Rainbow Dash raise her eyebrow confused.

“That’s funny….a storm wasn’t meant to happen today…wonder what’s going-“before she could finish there were several loud booms of thunder followed by a few sparks of lightning followed by a large bolt that slammed into the ground near the girls, the ponies in the area began to scream and run around in terror as a swirling portal began to open up in the ground.

“What in Celestia!” Twilight exclaimed as the portal grew bigger two screams were heard getting louder and louder.


The two komodo brothers lay dazed on the floor as the orange bandicoot began to perform a victory dance before vanishing upwards. The skinnier one stood shakily to his feet wiping the blood from his snout and spat at the ground.

“Curssse that Bandicoot” he growled loudly, the other komodo got to his feet dusting himself down “He jusssst cost ussss our pay cheque!” he picked up a nearby sword angrily throwing it into the wall embedding it deeply. The larger one grunted in reply, behind them a small metal ball zipped by their shoulders before stopping dead in front of them, the two gulped, they knew who the drone belonged to…

“YOU IDIOTS!” screamed a voice as a holographic image of a man’s head filled the room from the drone. “I GAVE YOU ONE SIMPLE T-T-TASK AND YOU MANAGED TO SCREW IT UP C-COMPLETLEY!” he continued stuttering slightly as he did when angered, his head twitched when he did so causing the two brothers to shrink back a bit in fear. “I CREATED YOU AND I C-C-CAN EASILY DESTROY YOU FOR YOUR F-FAILURE!”

“But Dr Brio what about the pay cheq-“the larger one started to speak before the skinnier of the two placed a clawed hand over his mouth.

“What my brother Moe wasss going to sssay Doctor isss that we will eradicate him for you free of charge!” he grinned sheepishly looking up at the hologram, Moe nodded with a muffled his agreement. This appeared to change Brio’s expression as he stroked his chin.

“Very well, I’ll give you two another chance and this time you better not mess it up!” he paused for a moment before a wicked smile crept over his face “I will have some transportation arranged to bring you to me…I have something you two can test for me” and with that the hologram vanished leaving the two alone in the room with the drone. The two brothers stood in silence for a moment before Moe spoke up.

“What do you think he meant by test?” he asked his brother.

“I don’t know…” Joe hissed “but I have a gut feeling thisss will be a bad idea…”

The brothers left the arena being followed by the drone, outside they were greeted by two men in lab coats, Joe recognized them as some of the lab assistants that sided with Brio after he left Cortex when Crash originally defeated them. They directed the brothers to a waiting hover ship which they got into. The journey was fairly quick and quiet neither brother giving the other a glance, after a while the hover ship pulled up to a large building with an enormous laser built on the top of it, as the ship stopped they were escorted by armed guards into the facility passing many rooms where assistants where hurriedly going about their business collecting data from huge computer screens and muttering to each other.

The two were brought to a door that lead to the roof of the building and were shoved by the guards up the stairs, Joe shot them a hiss as they ascended. At the top of the staircase they saw Brio tapping away at a keyboard connected to the laser with several assistants all rushing around with notes a low chatter coming from them, they all stopped to look at the two as they stood at the top of the stairs. Brio stopped tapping and turned to address them his face etched with irritation.

“Seeing as you two are so willing to redeem yourselves, you will test a new device I have created” he told them turning to an assistant who handed him a strange metal box with several buttons on it and a large antenna that stood up at the end with a red ball on the end. The brothers blinked staring at the device.

“What doesss it do?” Joe asked the Doctor who gave a cruel smile pointing the device at Moe pressing a button, the red orb on the end lit up and shot a beam at Moe opening a swirling portal behind him sucking him into it vanishing into thin air. Joe jumped and his jaw dropped. “WHAT THE HELL WASSS THAT?!” he cried, Brio laughed manically and pointed the device above another part of the roof and pressing it again. There was another beam that shot out from the device and Moe rematerialized out of a portal with a cry slamming into the ground, his eyes spinning as he shook woozily.

“This device” Brio started “Will open a portal and teleport any one from one location to the other, like so” he grinned as he zapped Joe with the beam and zapped him above his brother where he fell on top of him the pair falling to the floor as Brio laughed again. “You two idiots will test this device for me on that Bandicoot for me…I want you to deliver him an ultimatum, work with us and gather the remaining gems or be destroyed, use this device to…persuade him” he chuckled darkly.

“Persssuade?” Moe tilted his head to Joe who shrugged back, Brio sighed out in frustration and zapped them both again teleporting them several feet above the roof, and they fell to the ground with a thud as they groaned in pain.

“If he is unwilling to work with us then force him to help us with the device, understand?” Brio said sharply, the two got to their feet cursing under their breath.

“Yesss Doctor…” they both mumbled.

“Good, now get out, you’ll be taken to the last location Crash was in…pray you do not disappoint me further…” Brio handed the device to Joe before having them escorted from the building by the guards Brio turning back to tuning the laser. The two were then taken from the facility to an unknown location before being kicked out of the ship by one of the assistants.

“Dr Brio said if you fail there will be…consequences…” The assistant smirked down at them “Don’t mess it up” the ship took off leaving the two brothers alone. Joe stood up and growled under his breath.

“I ssswear one day...” he muttered, Moe looked around at their surroundings, they appeared to be in a forest of some kind the various sounds of animals echoed form all areas of the place. Ahead of them was a long dirt pathway littered with what looked like ruins of an ancient civilization.

“We’d better get moving…I want to get thisss over and done with…” Joe growled storming down the path with Moe following behind. As they walked through the forest hacking away at various plants and creatures that tried to attack them the two came to a fairly large ruined building that had a staircase leading to what seemed to be an altar, Joe and Moe gasped as they saw floating on the alter was a crystal. They looked at each other and Joe grinned menacingly.

“I have an idea…” Joe smirked.

“Oh?” Moe replied.

“If the cryssstal is still here…what doesss that mean?” Joe asked his brother who thought about it for a moment scratching his chin.

“It means that….” he looked down at the floor thinking as Joe simply sighed rolling his eyes and smacked Moe’s head.

“It meansss the bandicoot hasssn’t come through yet, which meansss” he looked at his brother trying to get him to understand the plan. Moe rubbed his head before concentrating hard trying to think he was about to answer but stopped and simply shrugged, Joe face palmed and sighed again “It meansss we can amusssh him here idiot.”

Moe grinned now understanding the plan, the two brothers walked to the top of the altar and took up hiding positions where they could see the altar as well as the pathway leading up to it. For what seemed like hours to them they waited patiently before hearing footsteps fast approaching the site, Joe and Moe summoned a sword each into their hands and waited eyeing the pathway, there was a rustle near one of the bushes by the path and then Crash emerged from the bush stopping as he looked around the place. Moe’s fingers twitched on his swords handle itching to attack Crash only being held back by Joe who shot him a quick glare.

Crash started to approach the altar passing where the brothers were hiding, just as he went to grab it Joe nodded to Moe who threw his sword towards him smacking the crystal away as Crash jumped in surprise facing the direction the blade had come from. The brothers stepped out blocking the exit down the stairs each one wielding a sword.

“Ssssso Bandicoot…we meet again” Joe hissed as he grinned baring his fangs, Moe chuckled as he twirled his sword in his hand. “We have come to…persssuade you to help Dr Brio gather the gemsss…” he finished as Crash suddenly charged at the two, they simply smirked before Joe produced Brio’s portal device and pressed the button by Crash. Crash ran straight into the portal and vanished, Joe pressed the button again point it towards a wall which re-opened the portal Crash, still running, shot out and ran smack into the wall.

The brothers laughed as Joe opened the portal again under Crash causing him to fall through it, he opened the portal in front of them in the sky Crash fell down crashing into the floor hard. He tried to stand up but Moe’s foot collided with his stomach sending him slamming into the wall opposite to them, Crash howled in pain coughing some blood up as he shakily stood up to his feet clutching his stomach.

“Will you lisssten to our proposition now Bandicoot?” Joe grinned menacingly as Moe laughed next to him, Crash glared at them and ran at them letting out a cry. “Sssstuborn fool!” Joe growled as he opened a portal under Crash again, Crash fell into it again as Joe opened the portal once more above them. Crash fell down and was grabbed by the throat and thrown into the opposite wall again slumping down, Joe grinned widely, he was having too much fun getting his own back on the Bandicoot. He shoved the device into Moe’s unsuspecting hands “Thisss one is perssssonal…” he growled as he kicked Crash hard in his stomach, Crash howled again in pain as he coughed up more blood. “Now…will you agree to help ussss?” Crash looked up at him when they heard a girl scream behind them.


Joe and Moe turned round to see Coco and Aku-Aku standing there, Coco saw her brother lying on the floor in pain and gasped. Joe grinned as he turned to Moe, dropping Crash he walked over to Moe and cracked his knuckles. Moe roared as he started to fling sword after sword at Coco only to have them deflected by Aku-Aku’s magic, Moe grunted in frustration as he pointed the device at Aku-Aku.

“Thisss will put you down you piece of firewood!” he roared

Aku-Aku sensing danger cast a spell on the device freezing it as Moe went to press the button, the device did nothing. Out of anger Moe began to bash it hard, Joe growled and grabbed the device.

“Ssstop that you fool you’ll break it!” Joe hissed at his brother who tried to yank it away from him, Moe growled and tugged it back.

“Back off Joe it’s my turn to ussse it!”

The two brothers began to struggle over the device not noticing Coco and Aku-Aku sneak past them and run over to Crash helping him up, they turned to watch the brothers who were now at each other’s throats trying to wrench the device off the other.

“You’ll only messs up again!” Joe hissed at him.

“I’m not the one who though ssspinning was a good attack plan!” Moe countered.

As they argued Aku-Aku used his magic to heal Crash’s injuries and Coco helped him up, Joe suddenly shouted.
“You ssstupid idiot! You’ll ruin our chance to redeem ourssselves!” he kicked Moe hard in his stomach Moe’s eyes widened falling to his knees winded, Joe now in control of the device grinned turned to face Coco and quickly realised she wasn’t there anymore, he turned around to see if Crash was still there. Oh he was there alright.

Crash was not only up but a couple of feet away from him, before Joe or Moe had time to react he had spun rapidly and kicked the pair hard knocking them flying down the stairs in surprise. As they slammed into the bottom of the stairs Joe groaned dazed as Moe got up he growled.

“You’ll pay for that Bandicoot!” he roared drawing his sword, just as he was about to run up the stairs Aku-Aku’s freeze spell he had earlier placed on the device wore off, the device, now un frozen, kicked back into life and sparks began to shoot from it thanks to Moe’s violent bashing. Joe shakily rose to his feet and picked the device up ignoring the sparks he glared at Aku-Aku, he pointed the device towards the three and pressed the button as Moe began to charge up the stairs. The device didn’t respond for a few seconds before it violently began to shake, Joe widened his eyes in alarm as the device shot a portal on the floor in front of him, Moe heard the portal open and turned round but before he could do anything he felt himself being violently pulled off his feet into towards the portal. He screamed as he grabbed Joe’s arm at the last minute pulling him with him as they both fell into the portal screaming.

The Bandicoots and Aku-Aku just watched in shock as the portal violently swallowed up the Komodo Brothers before closing with a loud boom, there was a brief silence.

“Are…are they dead?” Coco looked to Aku-Aku slightly concerned.

“No…I sense they are alive but…I cannot tell where they will end up” the mask replied looking up into the sky.


“What in Celestia?” Twilight exclaimed as the portal grew bigger two screams were heard getting louder and louder.
Joe and Moe tumbled through the portal rapidly each screaming in pure terror they had no idea how long they had been falling and no idea what was going to happen, they were blinded by a bright light as they shot out of what appeared to be another portal.

Twilight and the girls stood there shocked as two strange figures shot out up into the air screaming as the portal, as quickly as it opened, suddenly closed with a loud boom, the two brothers hurtled into the ground and lay there groaning in pain the device slammed down next to them and broke into several pieces. All the ponies stopped running around in terror and stopped to stare at the strange creatures who were shakily rising to their feet. Twilight took a step forward about to say something but gasped as Moe growled at Joe.

“You idiot!” he roared at him “You ssshould of ssseen where you fired the portal!”

Joe snarled back at him

“You’re the clot who ssstarted bassshing the device, thisss is your fault!”

“Uhm...excuse me?” Twilight nervously spoke up hoping to try and calm the two down.

“I’m not the one who suggesssted that ssstupid plan of attack!” Moe scrunched his hands into a tight fist now face to face with his brother

“At least when I throw my ssswords I can actually hit my target!” Joe retorted his own fists clenching up.

“Excuse me” twilight said again, she noticed the arguing pair were frightening the ponies including Fluttershy.


“EXCUSE ME!” twilight shouted startling the two who turned to look at her with surprised expressions.

“That’s better” she cleared her throat “Who are you two? And what are you exactly?” she asked looking them up and down, the two brothers simply stared at her lost for words before Joe spoke up.

“Well it appearsss we have run into some more of Doctor Cortex’s experiments Moe…” he looked around at the crowd of ponies “Though I’m not sure why he used the evolv-o-ray ray on so many horses”

“Horses?” Twilight blinked “Were not horses were ponies, and what the heck is an ‘evolv-o-ray?’” she tilted her head, the crowd of ponies had cautiously moved in closer as the brothers looked at one another.

“You mean… you’re not sssome of Doctor Cortex’s experiments?” Joe looked at Twilight.

“No were not, what are you taking about?” she replied arching her eyebrow up.

“Wait…where are we exactly…” Joe said slowly to her.

“You’re in Ponyville, more importantly you’re in Equestria” she beamed proudly, Joe and Moe looked at one another.

“Doctor Brio is going to kill usss” Joe nervously said.

[Note- some of Joe and Moe's words have extra s's on them because of how Joe speaks in Crash Team Racing]