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Chapter 9: The Truth

Chapter 9

The Truth

Rainbow Dash and the rest of her friends waited in Ponyville Hospital lobby hoping that Sky Blazer was okay. Twilight was deep in thought, thinking about the discharge Sky had sent out. Pinkie and Rarity were comforting Fluttershy who was sobbing in the corner. Applejack was sitting down and had her hat drooped over her eyes. Rainbow Dash was looking out the window at the rain that had started to come down. The doctor came out about to give the group an update.

“How is he doc?” Rainbow asked with worried eyes.

“He’s stable and going to be fine.”

The group of mares gave a sigh of relief.

“So what happened exactly.” Twilight asked the doctor.

“Basically, he had a concentration of magic built up inside of him, some how it was activated and was released. We call it ‘discharging.’

“Why is it so dangerous?” Applejack asked.

“Let’s say that Ms. Sparkle here stops using magic for a month, and after that month she decides to cast a spell. It could be as simple as lifting a quill or as complex as building a house, either way, all that stored magic is going to rush out the first chance it gets, which results in an extremely powerful discharge.”

“So, it just means they shoot off one massive spell, then they’re fine right?” Rainbow Dash interjected.

“It’s not that simple Dash.” Twilight said as she looked down at the floor.


“Ms. Dash, the discharge nearly dispels all the magic a pony has, and runs the risk of draining their magic to absolute zero. Simply put, you can die from it.” The doctor finished as he looked at the now horrified group of friends. “Luckily, that wasn’t the case here. He held a bit back and that restraint is what saved him.

“Now just wait one minute! You said this only happens to unicorns, Sky Blazer’s a pegasus how can he use magic in the first place?” Applejack interjected.

“All pony races have their own type of magic, earth ponies are stronger, unicorns can levitate and manipulate objects and pegasi can fly and control the weather. Unicorns can use their magic easier than other ponies due to their focal point.”

“Focal point?” Rainbow said as she cocked an eyebrow.

“Their horn, Ms. Dash. every race has a focal point for magic, unicorns have horns, earth ponies have their bodies and pegasi have their wings. Given enough time and practice pegasi and earth ponies can use spells as well.”

“Is that really true doctor?” Twilight asked in amazement.

“It’s a theory, but possible.” The doctor said as he scratched his chin. Twilight couldn’t believe what she was hearing, pegasi and earth ponies can use magic on the same level as unicorns. “However, this would take years of extensive research on their part.” the doctor finished as a nurse came up to him and handed him a chart. He then turned back to the group of ponies. “Well it looks like your friend is awake, if you want to see him.”

“Yes, we would. What’s his room number?” Twilight asked.

“Room C14. Just keep it brief he need his rest.” he said as he went to go check on another patient.

The six friends made their way down the hall until they came across room C14. They opened the door and saw their friend hooked up to a heart monitor and bandaged up. The group could barely contain their emotions.

“Hey, guys.” Sky said weakly while raising a hoof.


Dash went over and smacked him with her hoof across the face. Dash’s eyes were now filled with tears.

“Okay, ow!” Sky said as he winced in pain.

“JERK! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT STUNT YOU PULLED BACK IN TOWN?” Rainbow said as she backed away from the bed in tears. Applejack then came over and led Rainbow away from the bed and sat her down at the table. Twilight then stepped forward. Sky began to rub the part of his face that Rainbow had just struck.

“Sorry about that Sky.”

“It’s cool, I’ve taken worse hits. Plus, I guess I did freak you guys out a little back in town there. Sorry for ruining the party Pinkie.” he said as he looked towards the pink mare with tears in her eyes.

“It’s okay Blazey, now I can throw you a ‘recovery party.’” she said as she fought through the tears.

“Can’t wait.” Sky said with a grin.

“Sky the doctor said that you suffered from a discharge, it’s when-” Twilight tried to finish but was cut off by Sky.

“I know what it is, and yes that’s exactly what happened. I guess now you all have questions, so let me just start off by saying that yes, I am able to perform magic.”

“By using your wings as a focal point right?” Twilight said.

“Yes, I’m able to cast a couple basic spells and a few I’ve been developing on my own for a while. Like how I was able to detect Pinkie Pie earlier.”

“How did ya do that darling?” Rarity asked.

“I sent out a small pulse of magic that bounces off objects and then returns giving me a mental picture of things in my brain.”

“What?” Rainbow asked.

“It’s like I have eyes in the back of my head.”

“Oh I see....That is so cool!” Pinkie exclaimed. Sky then looked at the pink mare with a surprised look on his face.

“Wait, you mean that you guys don’t care that I can do magic, you don’t find it unnatural?”

“I’ll admit it’s a little odd, but I don’t think that it should come between our friendship. Plus now I can get started studying this.” Twilight said as she clapped her hooves together in excitement.

“Twi, if I wake up on a slab table somewhere, missing my wings or anything else I’m blaming you.” he said as he gave her a grin. “And one other thing, don’t tell the princess about this.”

“Why not? I know she’ll want to hear about this.”

“That’s exactly the point! If she hears that theres a pegasus flying around that can use magic, how do you think she’s gonna react to that?”

“I don’t understand what are you so worried about?” Applejack asked.

“Ugh! If she finds out that I can use magic Then she’ll see me as a possible threat or be taken prisoner and experimented on!”

“Do you honestly think that the princess would do something that cruel?”

“She sent her sister to the moon for 1,000 years and that was her little sister that she loved to death, she doesn’t even know me. I know how leaders think, they want to protect their subjects at all cost even if it means hurting some-pony in the process, and another thing-” Sky was cut off by the door being slammed open revealing an out of breath baby purple dragon.

“Twilight.......urgent........message........from the.....Princess.” he said as he handed her the scroll

“Who’s he?” Sky asked.

“That is Spike Twilights assistant.”

“Oh right, Rarity mentioned him earlier. I just didn’t think that he was a dragon.”

“Uh-oh. Sky, you’d better take a look at this.” Twilight said as she handed the letter to Sky Blazer.

“What’s it say?” Applejack asked.

Sky began to read the letter aloud.

Dear, Twilight Sparkle

I understand that there was a massive magical discharge in Ponyville last night. I hope that no-pony was injured. however I would like to see the pony responsible, for you see Luna and I managed to feel it all the way in Canterlot, who ever the pony is they’re extremely powerful and I would like to assess their skill level and see if they pose a danger to themselves and those around them. Please write back to me as soon as possible.

-Princess Celestia

Sky stared at the message blankly, he then turned his gaze to the group of mares who had the same look on their faces. He crumpled up the letter and threw it on the floor.

“See! What I’d tell ya, they see me as a threat.” Sky said as he crossed his hooves over his chest.

“The letter said ‘to see IF you were a threat’ nothings set in stone yet.” Twilight said as she un-crumpled the letter.

“And they will see me as a threat. Every-pony else has.” Sky said as he let out a sigh.

“What do you mean?” Rainbow asked.

“You know why I keep moving from town to town? It’s because sooner or later someone see’s me do magic and they flip out and try to turn me over to the authorities. When I have done nothing wrong! Heck, one time used my magic to save some ponies life and they still tried to turn me over, luckily I’ve managed to make sure that they don’t tell any-pony.”

“How?” Twilight asked.

Sky bit his lip and decided that these ponies could be trusted with one of his most precious secrets.

“One of the spells I’ve developed is a memory spell, when I leave town IF some-pony discovers that I can do magic I cast it and they forget all about me.” Sky said as he looked at the shocked expressions on the mares faces.

“Were you planning to do that to us?” Fluttershy asked.

“If you discovered my magic and freaked out..then yes.” Sky said with a flat tone.

“HOW COULD YOU EVEN THINK OF DOING THAT TO US?” Rainbow exclaimed with tears running down her face.

“YOU THINK I WANT TO DO THAT? NO! BUT I WILL IF I HAVE TOO! PONIES HAVE TRIED TO KILL ME BECAUSE OF THIS MAGIC!” Sky said, he was now trying to calm his nerves. “Listen! I’ve had to say goodbye to a lot of friends I knew and trusted, even my own parents!” Sky then shut his mouth. The group looked at him with fear in their eyes.

Nice one genius, NOW THEY KNOW!

“What are you talking about?” Twilight said.

“They died protecting me from an angry mob.” Sky said as he looked down at the hospital bed. Tears began to fill his eyes. “Every night in my dreams, I see my fathers face before he’s over powered by the mob, saying ‘Don’t worry Sky, it’ll be alright.’ he then put his coat around me, with the smile he always had. My mother teleported us out of the house. After we escaped, the teleportation spell was too much of a strain even for a unicorn of her expertise and she died soon after.” Sky couldn’t stop himself from going into an uncontrolled sob. He had held that secret in all his life and now that he finally told his tale, all of those memories and emotions came rushing back at once. Sky then felt a hoof on his shoulder he looked up to see Rainbow Dash looking down at him with tears in her eyes, she then brought him into a hug. They were soon joined by the other five mares in the room, all of them crying, all of them finally realizing the life long struggle Sky has had to endure.

“Sky we’re so sorry we had no idea how much pain you’ve been through.” Twilight said wiping the tears from her eyes.

“Now do you understand?” Sky said as he broke the hug and glanced back at the mares.

“We understand completely.” said a voice coming from the door way. Every-pony in the room looked in horror to see two royal guards and Princess Luna standing in the door way.