• Published 5th Nov 2012
  • 4,569 Views, 153 Comments

Somehow, I'm Twilight Sparkle. - Full Tome

I'm not sure how, but I just woke up, and I'm Twilight Sparkle. How did this happen? Really.

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It's like a prison... Only, more personal.

It’s currently 4:38, and I’m feeling a bit more comfortable with walking; I’ve been doing so non-stop since I figured out I’m Twilight Sparkle. Well, I’m not Twilight Sparkle, but I know for a fact that I look exactly like her.

My horn had been caught under my armrest, which is why my head hit it. Unfortunately I’m used to hitting my head when I wake up, since when I was still sharing a room with my little brother, I was too tall for my bed.

Unfortunately, there was a hole large enough for my head to fit through, a wall just behind my headboard, a pillow propping my head up, and a phone that would wake us up at 4:00-7:00 every morning.

I have no idea how I’d forgotten that I no longer sleep on that bed, considering it’s leaning up against my wall right now. Still don’t know why it hasn’t been taken to the dump, but at least it keeps my room from feeling like it’s empty.

Tangent aside, I can’t seem to stand on two legs anymore, since I’m now a pony, I can’t lift my phone because of my hooves, and I can’t even reach my TV to pass the time. Heck, now that I think about it, how would I even use the controllers for the PS2 if I don’t have fingers to push the buttons with?

Not to mention picking up my room with my mouth is a pain, ESPECIALLY when it comes to larger items that bend(stupid putting practice... thing), my door-knobs(Door-handles, for those of you who aren’t American) are out of reach, and to top all of that off, nobody is awake to hear me yelling for help.

This could be worse, really, although I’m not going to say it aloud; that always comes around and bites you in the butt... Oh great, even thinking it, it turns right around and sucker punches you. I need to go to the bathroom now.

At first I try using the wall to get up high enough to reach it, like I did with the lightswitch, but I end up falling a little and having to twist to keep myself standing somewhat properly.

Unable to leave my room, I turn around and start walking in circles in front of my bed, trying to think of a way to get out of my room. “C’mon c’mon, think!” I say to myself, as if it’s actually going to help the situation.

“Just try it again, that worked with the lightswitch.” I say, also to myself, as if holding another end of a conversation.

“Right, because I’m totally capable of grasping the doorknob.” I say in irritation with myself.

“Well you could try using your mouth.” I offer, starting to look at my reflection in the TV’s black screen.

“Or, you could use that horn on your head.” I say in a slightly flat voice, to Twilight’s image.

Turning to the door, I start trying to use magic to open it. It then strikes me that I have absolutely no idea how to use magic, meaning I’m back at square one, and actually a little bit more irritated than I was thirty minutes ago.

How can I be a unicorn but not know how to use magic? Isn’t it like, one of the biggest things for unicorn foals when they can finally control their magic? Then again, I was never actually Twilight to begin with, so not knowing how to use magic isn’t anything big, right?

Oh right! Bathroom, I need to go to the bathroom! No time to question why it is I don’t know how to use magic; my floor hasn’t been peed on by the animals since it was shampooed, and I’ll be a monkey’s uncle if I’m going to break that streak, even if I’m now a pony, or well, unicorn really.

I really needed to stop distracting myself with my thoughts.

Moving over to the door, I prop myself up and grab on with my teeth. Soon after, my hooves slip and I feel like an idiot; gravity didn’t like my idea, and I know this because my teeth now hurt, and I’m having issues trying to right myself so that they don’t.

About five minutes later, I’ve finally got my doorknob out of my mouth. I’m still propped up against the door, so I take a moment to try and grab the doorknob with my hooves instead. My hooves only slip off though, so it seems I’m making almost no forward progress.

It feels like I’m in a prison... Only, it’s a little bit more personal than the monotone cells you find inmates in... That, and prison cells all have toilets.

Wow, second time in my life I’ve ever felt claustrophobic. And it’s still early.

No longer feeling comfortable in my own room, I decide it’s about time I try to open the door again. I try using my mouth again, but instead, I cock my head to the side before trying to grab the handle.

I didn’t quite get the door to open with my head righted from the trick, and my teeth are hurting again, but with a quick twist of my head, and a half step back, I find my door opening as I again, fall backward.

I’m really missing my sense of balance today.

Anyways, I quickly right myself again and make a mad dash, or really, awkward gallop, into the bathroom.

Sparing the details, I have quite a few issues with that ordeal, even when it came to washing my hooves with a push top soap dispenser.

I just sit there looking at my reflection for a while as I let my hooves dry over the sink. Not the first time I’d ever stared at myself for a while, but definitely the longest.

This was really happening. I was staring at myself, and Twilight was looking back.

How on earth did this happen? How on earth am I going to tell my family it’s me? I can’t just be all ‘Oh hey everyone, I’m suddenly a unicorn! Oh! and more than that, I’m a girl!’.. Actually, I could, but I’d get more stares than I’d like, not to mention that they’d probably not believe me.

I have a hard time trying to believe it, and it’s happening to me!

I don’t know what will be harder to take in. The fact that I’m a talking pony, or the fact that I’m suddenly a girl. Probably the first one. I mean, people have gender altering operations. Not my thing, but at least I get to know what it’s like to be a girl for a moment... or a month.

Okay, now time is on my mind. How long will this last? I really wish my family was awake at the moment... I’m feeling more alone than usual. Blast whatever made this happen, blast my hooves for not being able to grab my phone easily, and screw me for not being able to use magic.

Oh great, five stages of grief, stage two: Anger. You know what, forget this, I’m hungry.” I think to myself as I go over to the stairs. Looking down the stairs, it occurs to me that I’m lacking my sense of balance. If I even try to go down normally, I will hurt myself, where my head sticks up off the front end of my body.

… I’d like to believe this is only obstruction number five, but I know that’s wrong mathematically.

I take a quick glance at my alarm clock to check the time before slowly going down the stairs backwards.

After I reach the bottom of the stairs, I head to my left through the living room to the kitchen, remembering that the kitchen has two microwaves that say it’s roughly 5:17. They’re almost never set to the same time, and since I can’t see the stove’s clock, I can’t hazard a guess off the three of them.

Whatever, I’m hungry. Cereal is out of reach, and burritos are in the outside fridge... “Oh, wait.” I say to no-one in specific, and then open the fridge.

The drawer in the fridge tasted disgusting, but I don’t know of any other ways to open it at the moment. It was the contents of the drawer that had my attention anyways.

Pulling out the salad mix, I gave a kind of skipping trot to the table after I shut the drawer and door of the fridge behind me. The bag isn’t going back into the fridge anyways.

About halfway through the meal, my brother Conner walks through the kitchen into the living room. I don’t even know if he notices me, but I doubt he does, since he doesn’t do a double take. After a moment, I hear the Wii turning on, so I just go back to eating.

Twilight really doesn’t seem to have much of an appetite, so I ended up throwing a bit of the salad mix away. This is sad really. It’s the first time I’ve ever actually enjoyed having a salad that wasn’t covered with enough meat to make it look like I put some leaves in with a pile of diced canadian bacon.

I started heading back to my room only to get caught up in an episode of Scrubs, mostly because of one of J.D’s fantasies. I hadn’t even made it passed the piano that was next to the entry to the kitchen from the living room before I lost my focus.

Never could keep that though.

Unfortunately, it was an episode that wasn’t really very funny, and when the episode ended, Conner turned around. “Wait, what?” Was the first thing he said to me that day, and at first I was confused.

I had for some reason decided that it was a good idea to sit right there next to the rocking chair where he was sitting, right in front of the piano. I probably still think it was a good idea, actually, can’t be sure.

“What?” I asked, after a moment of awkward silence. “Wait, was tha-.” I had stopped mid-sentence, putting a hand, no, hoof, to my mouth.

Oh right, I woke up as Twilight Sparkle.

How do you forget something like that?