• Published 31st Oct 2012
  • 7,252 Views, 147 Comments

Cause and Effect: Discord's Truth - Coltsguy

Watch some shmuck find his true purpose in the land of Equestria.

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A Long and Lonely Night


I awoke to a rumbling stomach. I always hate it when that happens. Annoyed, I went to grab my covers, but I only grasped air. I momentarily wondered where they went and then reality catches up with me.

I pushed myself off the ground to a sitting position. It was night time. It’s a nice, clear night with only a slight breeze. I looked up to take a good look at the moon. There was a nice, full moon tonight. There’s also no horse sitting in the middle of it, which lets me know it’s either before the first or after the final Nightmare Moon incident. Hopefully, it’s after that since not really much is known about before. Wait, I saw Rainbow Dash. Of course it's after that, idiot. It’s my own fault really for not thinking things out. Still, the moon looked really nice.

Wow, now that I knew where I was, I actually seemed interested about my surroundings.

I took a look at my surroundings again with renewed vigor. I was still on the grassy field at the edge of the forest. Looking back into the forest, I can honestly tell you why it creeps the ponies out now. You could see pretty well inside that forest when it’s daytime. In fact, it looked just like a normal forest during the day. There wasn’t really anything different about it than a regular forest other than a creepy vibe it seemed to give off.

At night, it was a different story.

The place seemed to exude the unnatural. You couldn’t see more than a hundred feet into the thick of it. A thin mist also seemed to flow from it. Shadows looked like they were dancing everywhere you weren’t looking and seemed to grow still when you did look there.

I really didn’t want to be anywhere near there right then.

I pulled myself off my ass and started walking away from it. I then started walking backwards after a short bit since I really didn’t want anything from there sneaking up on me in case they decide I’m delicious.

Five minutes later, I was far enough away to stop getting that creeped out feeling and started walking normally again. At this point, I wasn't really sure where I was. I knew that I was outside of the Everfree Forest, but I wasn't exactly sure which way Ponyville was.

I shook my head realizing that I actually had to think that thought. I was in Equestria right now. There are talking ponies over one of these grassy hills. Or all of these grassy hills. Wow, all these hills sure are monotonous. They’re all covered in grass with a few trees clustered in a line in a few spots. Why are they all in line? Perhaps it’s just so they look better?

Why was I here? Sure, every person who reads books or watches movies or plays games wishes they were in one of those at some point. It’s just a normal thought they would have. At least, that’s what I think anyway. I know I do all the time.

Of course, in every one of those scenarios I’m a demigod dealing out outside context punishment to all those who do wrong. I’m definitely not a two hundred thirty pound weakling with diabetes. Hell, this probably isn’t even my first choice about a world I would go to either. Whichever place I went to would be some place where there were tons of hot women who are all closet nymphos. Maybe it would be a place where I was an epic fighting machine and had to fight bad guys that were too powerful for anybody else to defeat. To be honest, Equestria would probably be about ninth on my list and more as a nice relaxing breather. No offense to the hardcore bronies.

“Oh well. I’d better make the most of this," I said and paused in my movements.

Taking a look around, I tried to see anything that looked familiar. Sweet Apple Acres, Ponyville, Fluttershy’s house, maybe even Cloudsdale. Sadly, no such luck I’m afraid.

“I guess it’s time for the pick a direction game. Three general directions to choose and civilization is not even a guarantee. So pick and go!”

I like to hear myself talk sometimes. It breaks up the monotony of silence I’m used to being around. Speaking of silent, why didn’t I hear anything? It may be night, but it’s not like there wouldn’t be something moving around; making noise. It was deathly quiet.

With the quiet starting to creep me out, I decided to keep going forward. I was going that way already so why not keep on keeping on? My footsteps were, however, now the loudest thing around.

“I am so glad that this is Equestria right now and not some horror movie.”

With that spoken thought, I kept moving. I took a look at my watch. It currently read 2:41 p.m. I stared for a second and remembered that it’s still on the same time from home. That may bug me for a while. It’s not as bad as when I didn’t fix my watch for daylight savings time and didn’t bother to do it at all that one year. However, I decided I'd just invert the a.m. and the p.m. until I find out differently that it’s wrong.

I kept trudging along. A few minutes turned into ten, then thirty, and then finally after an hour and twenty minutes, I come across something that isn’t a grassy hill.

“Ah, so this is the mystery prize.”

It turned out that my walking eventually led me to Fluttershy’s house. It is pretty intriguing to look at. It’s a house that was built as a tree. By that, I mean that it seemed like it curved out of the foundation like it came from roots. The roof looked like it was covered in thick leaves instead of shingles. The whole thing just rose from the ground like it was meant to be there just as it was.

As tempted to stroll up to that house as I was, I instead took a seat on the grass about a quarter mile away. I had no idea how most ponies here would react to me. This was Equestria. I had no idea if they even know what a human is. Besides, this was Fluttershy. Even if I didn’t know how the rest of them would react, I know that she would be scared if a six foot man suddenly appeared at her doorstep.

What were my options? I could follow the road by her house and it would lead me to Ponyville. Of course, with my luck I’ll end up going the wrong way down that road and I’ll end up in some place that is a derivative of a human city’s name like Fillydelphia or Manehattan.

With that option gone, my choice would be to stay here until something spotted me. One of her animals would probably spot me first and then tell her about it. Well, either that or take similar action a la Fluttershy. I could just wait here until either she sees me or one of her friends checks up on her absence from hiding from me. Wow does that sound boring. At least that will get me results.

My stomach rumbling again reminded me that while that would work, it would take quite a while. I would need to eat something soon. However, I still had the same problem as before. If I left, I wouldn’t know where I might end up. I didn’t see Ponyville from where I was and again I might end up going the wrong way down that road.

“I guess I’ll just have to man up and ignore it.”

My stomach rumbled and groaned to make me aware of what it thought of that plan. I could try to go back to sleep and make myself tough it out, but then again I just woke up from my fainting spell less than two hours ago.

“Aw man. I did faint didn’t I? Yeah, that’s going to look great if anybody saw me. I’m telling myself to man up and I faint like a little girl. Way to go me! You are a little girl in a man’s body. How does that sound?”

I looked around a few times. I almost expected someone to tell me how it sounded. I guess with all the ponies asleep and me not being on Earth for somebody to mock me, no one would answer my question. Since no one was around to hear me, I decided to move closer to the house so that someone will notice me.

After I moved a little closer to the house, I then went a little off to the side so that I was near the road. If she does indeed hide from me, at least someone who checks on her will then see me near the road and I can move on from there. Though, I’m not sure how I’ll be treated from there. I’ll wing it and see where that leads me.

Deciding that I’m certain about my spot, I sat down and started my waiting game. I looked at my watch again. It showed 4:22 p.m. I’d been in Equestria for over twelve hours.

“I really hope that the time here is just a flip of Earth time or who knows how long I could be waiting. If it’s a straight flip then it should just be a few hours. If it went dark just before I woke up then I could be waiting quite a while.”

I looked at my watch again. It’s 4:23 p.m.

“I really wish he sent me with a game. This is going to be boring.”