• Published 24th Oct 2012
  • 428 Views, 0 Comments

The Moonwind Chronicles - Wolfking164

Falling into the world of Equestria can be shocking, but David is in for something different.

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Chapter 1

David was still in bed when his alarm began going off. He groaned and made several unsuccessful attempts to shut it off. He tried to block the alarm's noise by putting his pillow over his head, but that was ever more unsuccessful.

Finally, he got up and grabbed the alarm and turned it off. However, the alarm noise continued and David looked around for its source. He soon found his phone which was still wired to go off at the same time every morning since David had set it. He punched in his security code and turned the alarm off.

Everything was silent once more, except for the hum of the computer on the David's desk and the birds outside. David sighed as he gathered his clothes up and went into the shower.

Ten minutes later, David was refreshed and much more awake than he had been earlier. He could smell coffee from downstairs, but he didn't drink coffee, so the smell didn't do much for him. He had, however, made himself a cup of hot cider, which he was drinking as he turned his computer on.

The first thing he checked was his email. He didn't have many contacts that knew of his main email. Most of them knew of his secondary email. His main one, he kept secret. He was a hacker after all. He whistled to himself as he looked at a couple things his fellow hackers had sent him.

Once he finished reading them, he looked through his secondary email. He was surprised to find that he had several messages from a couple of companies he had applied at. Two of them wanted to set up an interview with him later in the week, while the other one wanted to see him later that day. David smiled knowing that he might just get a job faster than he expected.

Now, you would think that an interview would be easy for someone who knows how to hack, right? Well, that's where you're wrong. See, David isn't like others around. He may be able to hack, but he cannot talk.

Why? When he was younger, he had a severe accident when a piece of metal hit him in the throat. He survived, barely, but his vocal cords were permanently damaged and he could no longer talk or sing. However, he can whistle and the people who know him best can understand him or what his mood is by the way he whistles or what tune he is whistling.

He had included that in his application papers, so seeing the job interviews had surprised him. He replied to the two for later in the week. The one for today, he replied to saying if it would be alright for the interview to take place at 3:30 p.m. He got an answering email several minutes later saying that he would be expected at that time.

David smiled. He may not be able to talk, but he sure did know how to work. He checked the time and saw that he had about four hours before his interview. He shrugged and drank the last of his cider. He logged off his email and shut down his computer. He had to go and get prepared if he wanted to make a good impression. However, the universe had other plans.
David was making his way to his interview when he noticed something odd in an alleyway. He checked his watch and saw that he still had plenty of time to make his interview. He stepped into the alley and began making his way to the disturbance.

He couldn't figure out exactly what it was, but he would find out. As he got closer, details began to appear, but David just felt more and more confused. From what he could tell, it looked as if a hole had appeared and was slowly getting smaller. David stopped just a couple of feet from the oddity.

He felt that there was something going on, but what, he could not figure out. He reached his hand out to see if he could touch the object, but then, the strangest thing happened. David took a couple more steps forward, so as to actually touch the edge of it, when suddenly, he was falling. He tried to grab something to stop his fall, but as he looked up, the hole closed and David was trapped.

He felt as if something was slowly tearing his body apart when in reality, he was changing. He tried to figure out what was happening, but when he looked down, he no longer had hands, but hooves. He looked behind him and saw that the rest of his body had changed too and now looked like a pony, but more cartoonish like.

He thought to himself, Well, looks like I'll be missing that interview. Before he could do anything else, he hit the ground with a small thud and everything went black.