> The Moonwind Chronicles > by Wolfking164 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- David was still in bed when his alarm began going off. He groaned and made several unsuccessful attempts to shut it off. He tried to block the alarm's noise by putting his pillow over his head, but that was ever more unsuccessful. Finally, he got up and grabbed the alarm and turned it off. However, the alarm noise continued and David looked around for its source. He soon found his phone which was still wired to go off at the same time every morning since David had set it. He punched in his security code and turned the alarm off. Everything was silent once more, except for the hum of the computer on the David's desk and the birds outside. David sighed as he gathered his clothes up and went into the shower. Ten minutes later, David was refreshed and much more awake than he had been earlier. He could smell coffee from downstairs, but he didn't drink coffee, so the smell didn't do much for him. He had, however, made himself a cup of hot cider, which he was drinking as he turned his computer on. The first thing he checked was his email. He didn't have many contacts that knew of his main email. Most of them knew of his secondary email. His main one, he kept secret. He was a hacker after all. He whistled to himself as he looked at a couple things his fellow hackers had sent him. Once he finished reading them, he looked through his secondary email. He was surprised to find that he had several messages from a couple of companies he had applied at. Two of them wanted to set up an interview with him later in the week, while the other one wanted to see him later that day. David smiled knowing that he might just get a job faster than he expected. Now, you would think that an interview would be easy for someone who knows how to hack, right? Well, that's where you're wrong. See, David isn't like others around. He may be able to hack, but he cannot talk. Why? When he was younger, he had a severe accident when a piece of metal hit him in the throat. He survived, barely, but his vocal cords were permanently damaged and he could no longer talk or sing. However, he can whistle and the people who know him best can understand him or what his mood is by the way he whistles or what tune he is whistling. He had included that in his application papers, so seeing the job interviews had surprised him. He replied to the two for later in the week. The one for today, he replied to saying if it would be alright for the interview to take place at 3:30 p.m. He got an answering email several minutes later saying that he would be expected at that time. David smiled. He may not be able to talk, but he sure did know how to work. He checked the time and saw that he had about four hours before his interview. He shrugged and drank the last of his cider. He logged off his email and shut down his computer. He had to go and get prepared if he wanted to make a good impression. However, the universe had other plans. ---------------- David was making his way to his interview when he noticed something odd in an alleyway. He checked his watch and saw that he still had plenty of time to make his interview. He stepped into the alley and began making his way to the disturbance. He couldn't figure out exactly what it was, but he would find out. As he got closer, details began to appear, but David just felt more and more confused. From what he could tell, it looked as if a hole had appeared and was slowly getting smaller. David stopped just a couple of feet from the oddity. He felt that there was something going on, but what, he could not figure out. He reached his hand out to see if he could touch the object, but then, the strangest thing happened. David took a couple more steps forward, so as to actually touch the edge of it, when suddenly, he was falling. He tried to grab something to stop his fall, but as he looked up, the hole closed and David was trapped. He felt as if something was slowly tearing his body apart when in reality, he was changing. He tried to figure out what was happening, but when he looked down, he no longer had hands, but hooves. He looked behind him and saw that the rest of his body had changed too and now looked like a pony, but more cartoonish like. He thought to himself, Well, looks like I'll be missing that interview. Before he could do anything else, he hit the ground with a small thud and everything went black. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- David was slowly coming to. He heard voices somewhere close, but not nearby. He didn't mind. He was used to hearing such things living with his roommates. However, he soon realized he wasn't in his own bed at home. He opened his eyes and found himself in simply decorated room. He looked around and saw that everything was very different. Either I'm having a very vivid dream or something happened, he thought to himself as he sat up. He looked down and noticed that his body had changed. Then, he remembered. Oh man, I just hope this is a dream, he thought to himself as he got out of the bed. He wobbled a bit as he stood up, but he soon had the hang of standing on four legs. He looked around the room, looking for the door. He soon found it and went towards it. However, before he got close, the door opened and in walked another pony carrying a tray. He stopped and watched as another pony came in behind the first one, this one smaller. They stopped before him and looked at each other just as he was looking at them. The first gave her tray to the smaller one and extended a hoof. "My name's Applejack. We here at Sweet Apple Acres enjoy making new friends. Glad to see your awake friend." David extended his own hoof and gave the other pony's hoof a shake. He wasn't exactly one to talk to new people, or talking ponies. He set his own back down and looked at the smaller one, who seemed to be having trouble balancing the tray. Applejack took the tray and set it down on a side table. "The little one here is Applebloom, my sister," she said. David nodded and continued to look around the room, trying to gauge where he was. The mare, for that's what David could tell it was a she, looked at him. "Whatcha looking for?" Applejack asked as David stood back up. David shrugged again and moved towards the door. He wanted to go and see what kind of dream this was, if in fact it was a dream. "Well, that's just plain disrespectful not answering like that," Applebloom said as David passed by. David stopped at the door and looked back at the little filly. He may not have been able to speak, but he still had ways of expressing when he was hurt. He gave a short whistle and turned back away and continued out the door. "Ah don't know what he meant by that, but Ah can guess that you hurt his feelings Applebloom," Applejack said as she watched the pegasus pony walk out. David soon found his way downstairs and outside. He looked around and saw that he was on a farm. An apple farm, but a farm nonetheless. He was enjoying the sunshine, but then he remembered his form and investigated further. David was a dusky white pony with a jet black mane. He also found that he had wings and on his flank, he had what appeared to be a musical note. He found it kind of funny since he couldn't play an instrument. Or sing anymore either. Behind him, Applejack and Applebloom stepped out and watched as he spread his wings. David was still finding it hard that he had wings. He looked at each one in turn and saw that they were much like bird wings, but sturdier. "It almost looks as if he's seeing them for the first time sis," Applebloom said. Applejack didn't reply, but continued to watch as David tried a few experimental flaps. David quite liked having wings, but he wasn't quite ready to fly, so he folded his wings back to their original position. He looked back and noticed Applejack and Applebloom watching him. He smiled back at them before looking back towards the tree's once more. He heard someone coming up behind him and looked as Applejack came up. He felt that she was going to ask him something, but what, he couldn't tell. He didn't have to wait long though. "So, what's your name then? And where did you come from?" Applejack asked. David looked at her blankly before looking at the ground. He couldn't talk, but he could write. He began writing a message on the ground. However, instead of writing his own name, he wrote instead, Moonwind. Applejack watched the pegasus write something in the dirt. She was wondering why he just didn't say his name out loud when he stopped writing and pointed. She read the message he had written. "'My name's Moonwind. I'm not from around here.' Moonwind, eh? That sounds kind of like a mare's name, but hey, Ah'm not gonna say anything about it," she said. "However, I do have one question. Why aren't speaking anything?" Moonwind knew that question had been coming, so he erased what he had written already and began writing again with his hoof. There wasn't much detail to describe, so he was done fairly quickly and he let Applejack read what he had wrote. "Oh. So, you had an accident awhile back and it caused you to lose your voice. Is that right?" Moonwind nodded, glad that she understood. Few people, or ponies, actually understood how hard it was for him to interact with people. "Well, if you can't talk, then how do you communicate with people?" Applebloom asked. Moonwind quickly wrote down, I write and I whistle. "You whistle? Ah've never heard someone whistle to communicate," Applebloom said. Moonwind silently chuckled. He whistled a few short notes. He saw understanding dawn on Applejack, but Applebloom still looked confused. However, before he could continue, Applejack said, "Well, while you're around, would you like to check out Ponyville?" Moonwind thought about it. Even in his mind, he started calling himself Moonwind. He liked it better than David. He nodded at Applejack. "Well, alright then. If you'll follow me, we can head on in." Applejack began walking down the road and Moonwind followed. Wherever he was, he was enjoying it. He just hoped that if it was a dream, that it didn't end quite yet. > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Moonwind was following Applejack, but he had to keep blowing his mane out of his eyes. He had had the same problem in his world since he liked to keep his hair long. However, it was much harder to keep it out of his hair since it insisted upon falling straight back down into his eyes. He was actually finding it amusing. He could also tell it was annoying Applejack, but she was trying her best to keep from telling him so. He smiled at thought and attempted to get the hair to finally stay put. He succeeded. He smiled, but before he could do anything else, some rammed straight into him and sent him sprawling. He looked up to see a pink pony bouncing around Applejack and talking too quickly for him to follow. Before he could stand back up the pink pony was right near him bouncing and talking, it seemed almost without pause. "Ohmygosh. A new pony, here in Ponyville. So that must mean he's new and maybe visiting someone, so we should throw him a party!" Moonwind backed up a bit from the speed at which the pink pony was talking. He looked to Applejack for help, but she was just standing there smiling. He took a couple more steps back from the pink pony, but she seemed to follow him. "Aw, don't be shy. Don't want to disappoint the readers, do we?" Readers, what readers? Moonwind thought to himself as the pink pony continued bouncing around him. He looked back towards Applejack and found she was laughing. He didn't know why she was laughing, but he did know he could use some help. "So, come on then, what's your name? That way I can tell all the ponies at the party who you are!" "Hold on Pinkie Pie before you go any farther. I want to finish showing Moonwind here the rest of Ponyville and the ponies there. So, maybe hold off on the party?" Applejack asked the pink mare, Pinkie Pie. Moonwind let out a small sigh as Pinkie Pie bounced away to do whatever it is she did. He glanced at Applejack and could still see the hint of a smile on her face as she looked back at him. To top everything else off, the piece of mane he had finally got out of his eyes had fallen back down into his face. He blew upwards, but like before, it didn't stick. Applejack laughed and continued leading him on, introducing him to ponies as they went. All the ponies he met were friendly and shook his hoof gladly. He was kind of surprised, considering he was new here. It seemed, to him, that very few ponies were actually mean. Most of them were very nice. He quite liked that. In his world, very few people were actually friendly towards another unless they were actual friends. It was quite refreshing for him. Before long, Moonwind found himself noticing that they were heading towards what looked to be a tree that had been converted into some kind of building. He couldn't quite make out what kind of building it was supposed to be, but he was impressed by the design. He had also noticed that there were several ponies that seemed to have horns. He met one, a mint green pony with a lyre it seemed as her cutie mark, or so Applejack had told Moonwind when he had inquired about them. After the pony, Lyra, had left, he tapped Applejack and wrote on the road, Was that a unicorn? Applejack nodded after she had read the message. "What, don't you have any where yer from?" Moonwind shook his head. Well, of course not, he thought to himself. Where I'm from, unicorns and pegasi are myths. I really don't think this is a dream anymore. Its way to real to be one. He saw Applejack give him a quizzical look. He shrugged in return, but he could tell she wasn't entirely satisfied. Still they continued along, but it seemed that Applejack was in more of a hurry. Before long, they were in front of the large tree structure. Applejack opened the door and went on in. Moonwind hesitated a moment, but seeing as he only had two options, he followed Applejack inside. > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Moonwind backed out the door, even though he was curious about the building, which looked to be a library of sorts. The reason he was backing out the door was because of the enraged fairy standing on his muzzle. Normally, he wouldn’t have been afraid, but the look on her face said otherwise. “You really did it this time, didn’t you?” A voice in Moonwind’s mind stated. Hey, I didn’t mean to come here Tori. It was an accident that I even found myself here, he responded. Tori gave a sigh. “Yes, I know David. I was just worried. I couldn’t find you right away and I was someplace strange. It was just a little frightening for me.” Moonwind sighed. I’m sorry about that. I hadn’t really quite expected something like that to happen. I’m surprised too Tori that I happened to wind up in this place. Plus, things could’ve been worse. And I have wings. Moonwind had moved away from the library and was sitting on a bench as he showed Tori his wings. He still wanted to fly, but until he was sure that he wasn’t needed, he was going to keep his hooves on the ground. Tori giggled slightly as Moonwind folded his wings once more. “I must say, that’s pretty cool David. However, I’m not as impressed with the name you took here. It sounds more like a name a girl would take.” Quiet you. I thought it was really creative when I came up with it, he replied. Plus, it seems to fit with what I’ve been given. “Yeah, yeah. At least you’re not some sort of ugly color. I really quite like the color, though why your mane is black I don’t know, but it seems to go with the white, which almost seems kind of gray,” Tori said as she flew around Moonwind. “The thing on your flank, that music note, what does it mean?” From what Applejack told me, it’s called a cutie mark. They show what your special talent is depending upon what you do, Moonwind replied. I’m guessing mine means I can sing really good. Ironic, isn’t it? Tori didn’t answer. She knew that Moonwind didn’t enjoy being reminded of his inability to talk. She felt bad for him, but there wasn’t much she could do. Moonwind was the only one able to see her, so his inability to talk served him well so people wouldn’t think he was crazy. She sighed as she landed on top of Moonwind’s head. She had always enjoyed sitting on his head, especially since it annoyed him. Moonwind tried looking up to where Tori had landed, but he already knew. He hated it when she landed right on his head. He couldn’t quite see her, even when he crossed his eyes. He sighed and looked up into the sky. It was a nice day, he had to admit. He still wondered how the weather worked here when he happened to spot a group of pegasus ponies moving a cloud. Hey Tori, do you see what I’m seeing? “Yeah. It almost looks as if they’re moving the cloud. Do they actually control the weather like that?” That’s what I was thinking. Makes you wonder what else they can do here. Obviously from what I’ve seen so far, unicorns control magic and now it seems that pegasus ponies control and maintain the weather. They must not have a ton of problems with bad weather if they can do that, he said as he stood back up. He continued watching the group as they continued to move the clouds, but he soon found himself distracted by a cyan pony lying on a cloud not far off from him. I wonder what that one is doing. “You got me. It looks like she’s sleeping.” How can you tell it’s a she? I can’t tell from here. “Well, I can tell because the one up there has the some kind of features as Applejack. They don’t look the same, but the features of that cyan pony up there say that it’s a female up there.” Moonwind looked again, then he looked back at the library. Well, shall I go see what she’s doing up there then? He asked with a mischievous smile. “Normally, I’m the mischievous one. Has it rubbed off on you?” Maybe. So, your answer? Tori giggled again before saying, “Let’s go say hi then.” Moonwind smiled again as he unfolded his wings and took off. He had noticed a darker cloud nearby and decided that he would make good use of it. > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author's note: There is a bit of banter here, and me breaking the fourth wall. Anyways, Italics in this story mean Moonwind and Tori talking, but they can't be heard by the other ponies. So, yeah. Just letting you know. Rainbow Dash was doing what she usually did in a day. Stunts, weather control, and plenty of nap time, the occasional prank. However, she hadn’t been expecting her day to become interesting, or to be woken up by a pony dumping a raincloud on her head. The last bit of the water was evaporating when Rainbow heard someone laughing. She liked a good prank, which this one had been, but she didn’t exactly enjoy being woken up like that. She took off and landed on the cloud which had been pushed into place above her and soon found the prankster. Moonwind didn’t notice that the cyan pony had jumped on the cloud he had just jumped on her head. He was too busy laughing after seeing the shock on her face after he had jumped on the cloud to make it rain. He also failed to notice that he was actually laughing, instead of being silent. “David? David! Hey, that pony you just pranked is on the cloud with us. You really need to stop laughing,” Tori said as she bonked Moonwind on the head. Ow. That hurt. “Good. Did you hear me earlier?” Yes. I heard you. I couldn’t stop laughing cause of that look on her face. It was so funny, he replied as he rubbed his head. “Yeah, well, I don’t think she liked it as much as you did.” Moonwind decided to look at the cyan pony he had pranked and a funny feeling went through him as he did. He didn’t know why, but the pony before him looked quite beautiful in his eyes. He cleared his throat a couple of time, trying to hide the blush that had crept up his face. Tori was laughing as she noticed the emotions going through Moonwind’s head. Hey! Don’t laugh. I think she looks very….umm…..nice. “You’re thinking more than that.” Quiet you, Moonwind replied before he looked back at the cyan pony, whose face looked ever more confused. Moonwind cleared his throat before saying, “Yeah, sorry about that. You just looked like you were doing nothing and I had noticed that there were some of other pegasus ponies working on the clouds and you were doing nothing. So, I thought I should give you a little wake up call.” Rainbow Dash smiled at Moonwind. “Oh, don’t worry about it. I like a good prank, and yours was pretty good. My name’s Rainbow Dash, the fastest flyer in Equestria.” “Ego much? And we have found out the name of the place we are in it seems.” The town is called Ponyville. I think she’s talking about the country, Moonwind replied. “My name’s Moonwind. I’m new around here, as you can tell.” “Moonwind?” Rainbow Dash said with a smirk on her face. Moonwind was about to answer when Rainbow began laughing uncontrollably. Moonwind was confused as to why she was laughing. “She’s laughing at your name, you dunce.” If I could, I would put a piece of tape on you and see what happens. “You wouldn’t do that!” How do you know? Tori shut her mouth, deciding that there was something interesting with her hand. Moonwind smiled before looking back at Rainbow Dash. Rainbow had gotten control of herself once more. “So, your name is Moonwind? Are you sure or is it something else?” “Nope, I just I call myself Moonwind cause I like the way it sounds. Here’s your sign,” he replied as he planted a smile on his face. Rainbow giggled at Moonwind’s attempt at a joke. “Yeah, well, how long are you gonna be around?” “I don’t know. I’ll probably stick around for awhile. Might get a job, if I can find one that is.” “That is so cheesy.” Yeah, and so are you……………Wait. Did I just speak? “I…..I think you did.” “Uhhhhhhh, could you excuse me for a moment Rainbow Dash?” “Ok. I gotta meet up with my friends anyways,” Rainbow Dash replied. “One of them doesn’t happen to be named Applejack?” “Yeah. Did you meet her?” “Yes, yes I did. Now, I guess I’ll talk to you later,” Moonwind said before taking off. “Well, that went well, I think. You are the most awkward talker in the world.” Blame the writer. Tori giggled as Moonwind continued flying higher up. “So, what are you gonna do now that you can talk? And also, how? I thought that accident left you mute forever.” I thought so too. The only reason I can think of is that some things don’t transfer over when you change dimensions or so. I don’t know. And for what I’m doing, I’m doing what I have always loved to do. “Sing?” Yes. It’s been so long since I’ve sang, but that won’t stop me from doing it. “Yes. I know David. I’ve always wanted to hear you sing. Now it seems I get the chance.” Moonwind chuckled. He had always enjoyed singing and from what he had been told, he had inherited his father’s singing voice. He couldn’t stop the bird’s singing, but he could make people come to a standstill when he had sung. Moonwind had been able to do it as well, tenor matching his dad’s low baritone. That’s the only thing I missed when that accident happened. I missed singing. Now, I can do it once more. Unbeknownst to Moonwind and the other ponies of Ponyville, another pony watched them as they went about their lives. He had been plotting his revenge against Equestria for many years, ever since Princess Celestia banished him from his home in Canterlot. “Master, we are almost ready,” a gravelly voice said behind the dark blue pony. “We only need a few more things and then you can exact your revenge.” “Easy. I do not wish to reveal it quite yet. We will wait till the time is ripe. We do not need to take Celestia right away,” the stallion said. “We could always use another to persuade her. Perhaps, her sister, Luna, will work to draw out Celestia from her royal castle.” “Yes master. If we take the younger one, we may have a better chance of success, especially since she’s younger than her sister and less powerful,” the voice replied as it stepped into the light. “For a wolf, you are smarter than most. However, do you doubt my ability to get rid of the royal highnesses?” “No master. I do not doubt you. I am only agreeing that taking the younger of the two may have a greater effect on the older one.” “In this, you are correct. We must only wait. Then, the ponies of Equestria will finally understand their peril. Finally, they will cower before me, Chronicle! Master of magic and soon, to be master of Equestria!” The wolf bowed to Chronicle. “Yes master. And soon, they will fear you and wolves.” Chronicle chuckled. “Yes, yes they will.”