• Published 17th Oct 2012
  • 1,876 Views, 43 Comments

The revenge of Gilda! - Tangerine Blast

Gilda is back! But is she here to apoligize like she said? Or did something else bring her back?

  • ...

Oh, No!

The mane six (Not including Pinkie) had organized a meeting to discuss there friends strange behavior at Twilight's library. Pinkie had been upsetting other ponies around ponyville. Knocking over stands, ruining projects and such. Strangely, AJ and Fluttershy were the only ones of her close friends that she had visited.

"It was just so rude of her." Applejack was saying. "I need those apples to live on, she can't just go around eat'n them."

"And it took me so long to gather the bunnies." Fluttershy added softly.

"And after everything she did she always said that Gilda did it?" Twilight asked, even though she already knew the answer.

"That's right." Applejack said "Pinkie kept insisting that it was Gilda's fault even though Gilda wasn't any were near my orchard."

"Pinkie did mention something about Gilda." Fluttershy said. "But I was to concerned on getting the bunnies to really hear her."

Twilight sighed, this had been the story all the time. Pinkie would do something rude and then claim that Gilda made her do it, even though the griffon was no were to be seen.

"Me and Gilda were napping on clouds all afternoon." Rainbow piped up.

"Wow Rainbow." Applejack clicked her tongue in disappointingly. "Your friend from when you were a filly comes to visit again after you had a fight and all you do is nap."

"Hey! That's just what we like to do to relax." Rainbow defended herself.

"Can we get back on topic please?" Twilight asked. "I thought Pinkie didn't blame Gilda for being rude anymore."

"She doesn't." Rainbow insisted. "I mean come on! Pinkie threw her a party for crying out loud."

"Then why is she trying to blame Gilda for her upsetting everyone?" Twilight countered.

"If her goal IS to frame Gilda she's doing an absolutely horrible job at it." Rarity commented."Doing mean things and then saying someone else made her do it is not very convincing. Pinkie can be scatter brained sometimes but she certainty is not stupid."

"You're right Rarity," Twilight agreed, "but I don't see how Gilda could be making Pinkie do anything. How can someone make somepony eat something?"

"Well, Pinkie did say that Gilda ate my apples, not her." Applejack admitted. "But Pinkie had an apple in her mouth, I don't see how that ain't enough evidence."

"I for one believe Pinkie."

The five ponies turned to face the voice, Spike was standing there, apparently listening to there conversation.

"This is Pinkie Pie we're talking about." The little dragon continued. "She wouldn't do anything that she knowingly will hurt someone and, like Rarity said, she isn't stupid." Spike then walked off, having spoke his mind.

The ponies sat there in silence, contemplating this thought before Rainbow muttered, "Well, I'll talk to Gilda about it."

The other ponies nodded, "And we'll keep a watch on Pinkie." Twilight said. They then closed the meeting, each going home to think about their pink partying friend.


"Hey Gilda!" Dash called when she spotted the familiar griffin sitting on a cloud relaxing.

"Sup Dash." Gilda greeted.

"Can I talk to you about something?" Dash asked.

"Sure, what do you want to talk about?"

"Pinkie, you see......" Dash told Gilda everything Pinkie did and said. Gilda stiffened up for some parts, but by the end was looking calm and cool. Rainbow guessed the stiffness was because she was shocked that Pinkie would blame her. "So do you know anything about it?" Dash finished.

"Nope." Gilda replied, she thought for a moment before continuing. "I don't know what to tell you Dash, your pink friend and I never really saw eye to eye. Maybe she's just hoping to give me a bad name."

"Maybe," Dash said uncertainly "It just doesn't seem like something Pinkie would do. Actually nothing she's been doing lately seems like something she would do."

"Listen Dash, don't sweat it. I'm sure she has a good reason for doing everything." Gilda chuckled "at least that's the case for every level headed pony and griffon. Who knows? Maybe Pinkie's delusional."


"Ya, like she's seeing things or something."

"Pinkie can act crazy sometimes." Dash admitted. "No pony ever knows what she's talking about."

"Right, you can just wait until she gets over whatever she needs to get over." Gilda said happily "In the mean time you've got me for company. I might not be as hyper but I think I'm cool enough."

"Ya, you sure are Gild." Rainbow replied, "But still, I just can't shake the feeling that something is off."

"Just chill Dash, come on let's do something to get your mind of it. Bet you can't circle Ponyville twice and come back here before I do."

Rainbow narrowed her eyes, "You really think you can beat the best flyer in all of Equestria?"

"Never no till we try."

"Oh, it is SO on!"


Pinkie was in her bedroom, sulking. She didn't usually sulk but Gilda had gotten her so frustrated. The griffon kept hauling her off and making it seem like she, Pinkie, was doing really mean things. The worst part was, no one believed that Gilda made Pinkie do it. Why would the party loving pony ever do something mean and harmful? Sure she played a few pranks now and then, but they were always harmless.

Stupid Gilda Pinkie thought, now because of her everyone thought Pinkie was some crazy maniac. Wait was that rhetorical? Or is the word redundant? Pinkie thought about that for a while and other random things until she heard a knock on her door.

"Pinkie?" Came the voice of Mrs. Cake, "We have to go make a special delivery. If the twins wake up please look after them."

"OK. Mrs. Cake, I will!" Pinkie called back, when she heard the hoof steps get softer she went back to sulking. The Cakes still trusted her, that was good. Pinkie Pie would hate it if she lost the Cakes trust.

There was a sudden knocking at the window. Ether Pinkie hadn't heard it or she chose to ignored it, she was pretty deep in sulking right now. The knocking continued but Pinkie Pie didn't get up. She just sat on her bed, staring at the wall. It wasn't until the window swung open did the pink earth pony leaped to her feet.

She started looking for a place to hid, anyplace. Pinkie new what was coming, and did not want to do it again. She couldn't find anywhere good to hid though and so just she backed up into the wall as towering figure approached her and a menacing voice said "Hey dweeb, ready for more?"