• Published 15th Oct 2012
  • 1,844 Views, 33 Comments

Without a Trace - Kelvin Shadewing

A changeling assassin fights for his survival.

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Chapter 4

Chapter 4

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN DEAD?!" Princess Celestia roared, shaking the entire castle.

Before her servant could recover, much less answer her, she teleported to the royal guest room and looked around. It was entirely empty, and the window was still open. Celestia's eyes widened and her mouth fell ajar as she saw outside.

There, in the garden, lay the body of Lord Brimstone. His muzzle was at the edge of the fish pool with his tongue hanging out.

A unicorn doctor climbed out of the dragon's maw. "It appears Lord Brimstone was thirsty last night. Or he wanted fish. I found this in his throat." She levitated an asphyxiated puffer fish that had been carefully dislodged from the dragon's throat. "I'm sorry, your highness."

Celestia took the dead fish and grimly looked from it to Brimstone. "Didn't he know these fish were toxic?"

The doctor shook her head. "No way of knowing now, your highness."

The princess closed her eyes solemnly. "Then it seems I must bear this awful news to the dragon king. I can only hope he does not blame us for this accident."

"An accident?!" Chrysalis stared at her master executioner in baffled horror. "How did... how did you manage that?"

"Simple," said Trace, "I lured him out into the garden at night when he was drowsy and whispered into his ear, making him believe he was dreaming. The fool went to the edge of the water and stuck his face in for a drink." The changeling chuckled darkly. "All I had to do was push a poisonous fish into his mouth, and he did the rest himself. Even Celestia believed it."

Chrysalis froze and stared at Trace. This wasn't supposed to happen. Has Celestia not stepped up her guard since my attack? Trace was supposed to come back a failure. Supposed to learn humility. But now... She closed her eyes and lowered her head.

Trace frowned. "Mistress? You're frightened. Why? One less dragon means our family will be that much safer, right?"

Chrysalis paused, and then smilled at her littke assassin. "But of course. You did marvelously."

Trace smiled proudly. "Thank you, your excellency."

The queen waved a hoof. "I have no further need of you now. Go, have fun with your brothers and sisters."

Trace's smile faded. "Mistress?"

Chrysalis raised an eyebrow. "Did you not hear me? Must I beam it into your brain? Go and play!"

Trace jumped back. Never before had Chrysalis been so forceful with him before. He nodded and then flew away into the tunnels.

He was confused. What was fun, other than ending the life of an enemy? Trace knew nothing of recreation, only training and fighting. Spies and gatherers were taught to play to blend in with outsiders, but the only thing Trace knew how to blend into was the environment. What did she intend for him to do?

To kill was fun, or the closest idea Trace had to it. But the hive mother would never wish harm upon her children; it was against the nature of the swarm. Maybe she meant for him to patrol and make sure no enemies found the hive, and if they did, they weren't to be allowed to tell anyone.

Yes, that sounded right. Standing on high and keeping lookout would put his mind at ease until either his queen summomed him again, or he could bring up the courage to ask why she was suddenly so frightened.

Trace pushed past his siblings and made his way to the surface. On the edge of the mesa, he sat and stared out into the vast nothingness that surrounded his home.

Out here, it was silent. There were no other chsngelings buzzing all around, only the small few going in and out now and then. The crisp, warm night air was still and gentle, like the love his queen showed him as a hatchling when she first taught him to use his unique gifts.

He reflected on his training, his nearly flawless records. Nearly. Perhaps that was why the queen seemed frightened: she thought he would fail and she would lose him. Perhaps she feared he would be captured and reveal the location of their home. Never. Trace loved her; he would never betray her like that. If it ever came to such torture, he would rather kill himself.

Perhaps I can prove myself to her, he thought, Show her I won't fail. I can't fail! I'm the best, she told me herself. Why would she doubt me?

His thoughts were cut short when he felt the prickling sensation of someone watching him. Not unusual that the guards would check on each other, but this one was different. He sensed malevolence and ill intent. Someone wanted to kill him.

Chrysalis summoned her right wing of her honor guard. "Commander Likeness, enter."

The elite changeling, a breed above the soldiers, stepped forward to her queen and bowed. "Why is the bidding of my esteemed queen?"

"Trace has become craftier than I foresaw," Chrysalis began, "The last mission I sent him on, he was meant to fail. He kills without mercy, just as I trained him, but he knows nothing else. I may have been short-sighted in his training. I fear... I have created a monster."

Likeness silently watched her queen, not speaking until asked a question.

"My soldiers have killed before, but only out of necessity," the queen continued, "Trace, on the other hoof... enjoys it. Disturbingly so." She shifted her eyes towards her guard. "What say you?"

"He has done well to protect us," Likeness said, "What reason have we to doubt his loyalty? And if he were disloyal, could you not simply enter his mind and confirm it?"

Chrysalis looked away. "It is not his loyalty I doubt, rather, his rational. Suppose he ever felt... shorted. There is no telling how he would react. He's a powder keg waiting for a spark to set him off."

"What would you have the dark wings do, your majesty?" Likeness asked.

"I have no choice." She shot her honor guard a cold look. "I want you to end him."

Author's Note:

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