• Published 15th Oct 2012
  • 1,844 Views, 33 Comments

Without a Trace - Kelvin Shadewing

A changeling assassin fights for his survival.

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Chapter 10

Chapter 10

"So this is where your kind goes for education?" Trace asked, looking at the tiny school house before him.

Pipsqueak's mother had already said goodbye to her only foal and was trotting away back home.

"Yeah," Pip answered, "It's not so bad, really. Most ponies don't talk to me here, though." He looked down sadly for a moment, then perked up. "But now that you're here, things'll be different. Right?"

"I'm sure they will," Trace replied, "Best get inside now. Wouldn't want you to be tardy."

"Oh, Miss Cheerilee won't mind if I'm a moment late," Pip answered.

Trace grabbed his muzzle and turned the foal's head so they were making eye contact. Pip couldn't really see Trace, but could still feel the stare. "Tardiness is inexcusable. Get going."

Pip looked surprised at Trace's sternness, but nodded and obeyed.

That child needs to learn discipline, Trace thought to himself as he followed Pipsqueak inside.

The bell rang a moment later, and all the other foals filed in. Pipsqueak took his seat at the back of the class. The other foals joined and took their places around the room.

A magenta earth pony with a teal mane and flowered cutie mark entered and stood behind the larger desk in front. "Good morning, my little ponies!" she sang to her students.

"Good morning, Miss Cheerilee," the class said in unison.

"I'd like for everypony to take out their homework assignments from last night so we can go over them," Cheerilee said as she pulled her chalk board over and began writing a numbered sequence across it, "Now then, who would like to share what they found for number one?"

"Hey, Trace?" Pipsqueak whispered, "Do you know if this is right?" He pointed with his hoof to the first question.

4 * 6 = 26

Trace blinked. "You're kidding, right? That's entirely wrong."

"I forgot my sixes table again," Pipsqueak replied.

"Pipsqueak!" Cheerilee called, "Who are you whispering too? I hope you aren't trying to cheat."

Pip looked up, guilt plastered all over his face. "Uh, I was just, uh--"

"Miss Cheerilee," came a snide female voice from the left, "Pipsqueak is sitting all by himself over there. The only pony he could be talking to is his imaginary friend." The voice belonged to a light blue earth pony with a silver tiara upon her head studded with rhinestones, and a matching image on her flank. Trace could easily tell what kind of stone they were; such useless rocks were often found in the empathite mines back home.

"Trace is not imaginary!" Pipsqueak snapped.

Trace gaped at Pipsqueak and then facehoofed. Idiot. He's going to get me killed one day.

"Then prove he's real," the tiara-clad filly said so condescendingly, it made Trace want to smack her.

"He is too real! He's just shy!" Pipsqueak shot back.

"Pip squeak has an imaginary friend!" The rich pony pointed and laughed at Pip.

"Diamond Tiara!" Cheerilee snapped, "I will not tolerate this behaviour! As punishment, you will be writing me an esay explaining the ways you pick on ponies and why each of them are wrong. Given your track record, I expect it to be a long one."

Trace smirked at the teacher. His respect for her went up ten points for her teaching methods. Giving an extra assignment as punishment seemed much more effective than the physical punishment he recieved back at the hive from his combat instructor. It added an extra lesson to the experience, and gave better instruction than a blow to the face and the simple shouting of the word "Again!" Changelings could learn a thing or two from this pony.

"It's not my fault he can't make real friends," Diamond Tiara protested.

"Not another word," Cheerilee sharply replied, "Your father and I will be having a talk about your constant misbehavior."

Diamond lowered her head. "Yes ma'am."

Trace leaned in close to Pip and whispered, "Technically, you could say it is her fault."

"How?" Pip whispered back.

"I'll tell you after school." Trace climbed the wall silently and sat high on the ceiling where he watched the class go by quietly.

After school was finished, Pip and Trace walked home together.

"What did you mean when you said it was Diamond Tiara's fault that I didn't have friends?" Pipsqueak asked.

"Think about it," said Trace, "She had the opportunity to show kindness to you instead of inflicting pain, yet she chose the latter. Any time someone chooses to do something, the outcome is their responsibility. She chose to deprive you of a potential friendship when you had none, and so it is her fault."

"Wow," Pip mused, "You must know a lot about friendship, Trace."

"Not really," Trace said, "But I understand consequences. This scenario simply factored in well. To be honest, you're the first person I've ever truly been friends with."

"What?" Pip cried, "But you sound like a grown up! How have you never had friends?"

Trace sighed. "It's difficult to put into words you'd understand. Basically... I was raised alone. I had teachers, training partners, but never time to make any sort of bond. But I've heard enough about others from my homeland who did make friends, so I knew that what I had wasn't normal." He took a slow breath before continuing. "My mother told me I was kept seperate from the others because I was special. She wanted me to be the best of the best. But then..."

"But then what?" the colt asked curiously.

Trace snorted in disgust. "Nevermind what came next. It's nothing you need to be concerned about."

Pip hmm'd and walked quietly for a moment. "Hey, do you want to go to Sugarcube Corner and get a treat?"

"A treat?" Trace asked.

"Yeah, I got some of my allowance left. This way!" Pip waved excitedly and ran off down the street.

Trace watched him run for a moment. "Hold on... what's a treat?" He fluttered his wings silently and flew off after the little pony.

"Just a little more, almost there..." Twilight Sparkle stuck her tongue out to the side as she focused on the flask she was ever so slowly tilting into another one. She had to take great care to get the measurement just right.

The door burst open, and Pinkie Pie jumped in. "Twilight!"

"Gah!" Twilight jumped back as the mixture exploded in her face. "Pinkie! Look what you made me do!"

The pink mare grabbed her unicorn friend's head. "Stop worrying about your exploding cool aid, Twilight! This is serious business! My Pinkie Sense has been itching all day! There's somepony new in town and I can't find them!"

Twilight deadpanned. "You interrupted my work for that? Just go ask around town."

"Uh, duh! I already did that!" Pinkie rolled her eyes, "Nopony has seen anypony new!"

Twilight pulled away from her. "Well then, either your sense was wrong, or they're invisible. Now can I please get back to--"

Pinkie cut her off with her signature gasp. "Twilight, you're a genius! The new pony is probably hiding!"

Twilight scowled. "Pinkie, I was being sarc--"

"Thanks, Twilight!" Pinkie disappeared with a puff of smoke.

Twilight stared at where she was and blinked. "Huh. Oh well, back to work."

Author's Note:

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